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- Tags: Manned Flight Awareness
A Hallmark for Space
Thousands of Hallmarks - One Successful Mission
Tags: Apollo Project; Daytona Beach; GE; General Electric; General Electric Space Division; George C. Marshall Space Flight Center; hallmark of excellence; Houston, Texas; Huntsville, Alabama; inspections; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Manned Flight Awareness; Marshall Space Flight Center; Merritt Island; MFA; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Space Center Houston; Space Division; space exploration; space programs; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
Engineering Hallmark in Honor of Apollo 17
Tags: Apollo 17; Apollo Project; astronauts; Cernan, Gene; Eugene Andrew Cernan; Eugene Cernan; GE; Gene Cernan; General Electric Company; hallmark of excellence; Harrison Hagan Schmitt; Harrison Schmitt; inspections; Jack Schmitt; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Manned Flight Awareness; MFA; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Ron Evans; Ronald Ellwin Evans, Jr.; Ronald Evans; space exploration; space programs
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Applying His Engineering Hallmark
Tags: Apollo 17; Apollo Project; Fowler, Cal; Fowler, Calvin "Cal" D.; GE; General Electric Company; hallmark; hallmark of excellence; inspection; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Manned Flight Awareness; MFA; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; space; space exploration; space program