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- Tags: Norman I. V. Corbitt
World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Military Personnel from Hendry, Hernando, Highlands, and Hillsborough Counties
Tags: Albert Arno; Albert E. Daniel; Alfonso Diaz; Alfred T. Christensen; Allan T. Bennett; Amos Tyree; Antonio Boan; Archie Kent; Arthur Batson; Arthur D. Abbot, Jr.; Barney Gordon; Bascon H. Ansley; Ben T. Crosby, Jr.; Benajah G. Burkitt; Byron R. Brugge; Carl E. Brinson; Carl E. Cros; Carlos J. Frey; Cecil R. Cooke; Celestrno L. Arniella; Charles J. Bradshaw; Charles J. Keatthley; Charles L. Giddens; Charles M. Cannon, Jr.; Charles M. Henderson; Charles R. Burns; Charles W. Burlin; Chester B. McKinzie; Cirilo Contreras, Jr.; Claud F. Fleming; Claude R. Hawkins; Clavin W. Cray; Clay W. Cook; Clifford R. Black; Curtis L. Childers; David B. Tuck; Dewey L. Pate; Dewitt C. Butler; Douglas S. Cox; Douglass W. Hardee; Doyle E. Rimes; Earl B. Croft; Earl P. Broaderick; Earley S. Allen; Edward A. Martin, Jr.; Edward B. Drompp; Edward M. Coleman; Ellis Morgan; Ellison Caldwell; Eloy Cohalla; Emilio E. Garcia; Emmett E. Ellis; Erle H. Fuller; Ernest B. Fortson; Eugene A. Fernandez; Everett Cause; Felix H. Coune; Frank Dean; Frank E. Wilkes; Frank M. Douglas; Frank M. Favia; Frank Paluch, Jr.; Fred E. Humphrey; Fred M. Bodden, Jr.; Frederick B. DiMaio; Frederick G. Tyson; Frederick L. Brend; Frederock J. Alderman; Garvis W. Evans; George B. Allen; George C. Cruise; George E. Fuller; George J. Aubert; George R. Duke; Glover Beazley, Jr.; Gordon L. Evans; Grant W. Caldwell; H. Willis H. Hawkins; Harry B. Boulware; Harry Barwick; Harry E. Driver; Harvey L. Kirk; Hendry County; Henry B. Fernandez; Henry G. Diaz; Hernando County; Hewell I. Goodson; Highlands County; Hillsborough County; Homer S. Howard; Howard E. Burdick; Howard E. Godwin; Howard O. Wray; J. W. Boatwright, Jr.; Jack D. anderson; Jack Davis; Jack R. Burns; James Daniels; James M. Connell; James W. Campbell; Jessie L. Peterson; Joe B. Lewis; Joe J. Lacko; Joe R. Caballero; John A. Hollinger; John B. Bennet; John D. Dudley; John E. Wilkes; John F. McGuire; John H. Boushall; John Lewis; John P. Butler; John Patterson, Jr.; John R. Cornell; John R. Maddox; John S. Brengle; John W. Collier; John W. Collins; Jose Gonzalez, Jr.; Joseph S. Driver, Jr.; Julian Brassart; Keith M. Chambers; Kendall K. Fish; Lacy A. Ginn; Lawrence N. Barnwell; Lon J. Byram; Louis Estevez; Louis Fueyo; Loy C. Hogan; Marcus N. Cribbs; Marion C. Fordham, Jr.; Mark D. Flynn; Marquis E. Davis; Marvin C. Baggett; Marvin L. Summerall; Melvin Giddes; Merlin A. Arnold; Nathaniel Fuse; Nelson L. Cusunano; Nelson R. Dickinson; Norman I. V. Corbitt; Odell B. Cook; Oscar B. Cray, Jr.; Pedro Castillo; Percival E. Gabel; Peter R. Garcia; Pharis E. Weekley; R. J. Binnicker, Jr.; R. L. Burnette; Ralph E. Bell; Ralph Smith; Ralph T. Rogers; Raymond L. Cay, Jr.; Reinaldo Ayala; Ricardo C. Anderson; Richard M. Davisdson; Robert O. Purvis; Robert V. Henry, Jr.; Rochester Boyd, Sr.; Roland F. Castillo; Rosario Ferlita; Roy C. Bailey; Roy E. Leonard; Sampson Jones; Samuel Boyd; Sandolio C. Alvarez; Sidney J. Cochran; Stephen Bryan, Jr.; Swinton W. Brannon; Theodore Cohen; Theodore, A. Rusnack; Thomas B. McGuire, Jr.; Timothy A. Flowers; Tolbert Thompson; Tommie MacCrimmon; Tommy R. Crawford; Tony Acre; Tony C. Emanuel; Vernon L. Arenas; Vernon R. Bethel; Vertis M. Belcher; veterans; Vicente A. Fernandez; Vincent J. Chillura; W. G. McClelland, Jr.; Ward Dabney; Willard Roberson; William F. Baughman; William F. Roberts; William H. Blake; William H. Collette; William V. Dryden; Woodrow W. Hathcock; World War II; WWII