Browse Items (3 total)

A letter from William Beardall to Henry Shelton Sanford (1823-1891), dated August 4, 1883. In the letter, Beardall responded to inquiries from Sanford as well as provided updates on relevant matters. Beardall indicated to Sanford the cost of…

Letter from E. R. Trafford per William Beardall to Henry Shelton Sanford (1823-1891), dated February 6, 1884. In the letter, Trafford requested Sanford's signature for two enclosed deeds. The first deed was for Helen M. Randall, who bought several…

A letter from E. R. Trafford to Henry Shelton Sanford (1823-1891), dated February 10, 1883. The letter concerned the fate of one of Sanford's former employees, a Swedish immigrant who was arrested, presumably for theft, but never charged because of a…
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