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- Tags: Thurston, Irene' Coffee, Marguerite
Sanford High School Annual Commencement Program, 1912
Tags: 9th Street; Alberti; Bachmann; Beethoven; Butt, Cecil; Carter, Tom; Chappell, Lucca; Chopin; Class Day; commencements; Crosby, Wallace; Custance, Arthur F. M.; Davis, Margaret; Deane, Tenney; Durand; education; Erminie; Frank, Florence; Gavotte; graduations; Grey, Bob; Higgins, Lillian; high schools; Hogan; Howard, W. E. C.; Inman, W. Clay; Irving Literary and Debating Societies; Jones, Hoskins; King, Earl; Landon, Dorothy; Landon, James, Sr.; Langley, J. D.; Leffler, Linda; Liszt; Litolff; Long, Harold; Lovell, Carrie; Lysberg-Rinaud; Mac Dowell; Mahoney, Clarence; Marshall, Leonard B.; McKim, Mary; McLaughlin, George; Munson, Fannie Stembridge; Nash, Harvey; Ninth Street; Palmetto Avenue; Perkins, N. J.; Purden, Essie; Ristow, Cecil; Rossini; Salter, Mary Turner; Sanford; Sanford High School; Sanford Public Schools; Schmidt; schools; Schubert; Smith, Wilson G.; Speaks, Oley; SPS; Starling, Clarissa; Stewart, Ruth; Stumon, Junnie; Tell, William; The Time of His Life; Thurston, Irene' Coffee, Marguerite; Tolar, Ernest; Uncle Tom; Verdi; Wagner, Maude Alice; Wagner, Richard; Ward, Madge; Wycombe, Peter