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The classic and distinguished hat that was a part of the attire worn by both postmen and mail truck drivers. The iconic badge of the U.S. Post Office adorns the face of the hat to identify postmen as federal employees and also to signify the role…

This is a replica of a mail satchel cart used to transport multiple satchels of mail to ease the burden upon the mail carrier. The use of satchel carts is very situational and used in instances where the postal vehicle would be unable to reach a…

Palm crafts designed by pioneers in Geneva, Florida, between 1850 and 1920. The crafts pictured include a State Fair award-winning palm hat, a fan, an unfinished necktie, a turtle toy with head and tail that move, a utility basket, and a finger trap.…

A newspaper photograph about a homemade hat fashion show hosted by the Oviedo Woman's Club (OWC). Photographed in the front row, from left to right, are Janet Foley, Lynn Nemec, and Louise Martin. In the second row, from left to right, are Nancy…
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