U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1880
Dublin Core
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1880
Alternative Title
Census, 1880
Census--United States
Orange County (Fla.)
Marion County (Fla.)
Brevard County (Fla.)
Volusia County (Fla.)
Population--United States
The Tenth United States Census records for Brevard County (including present-day St. Lucie County), Marion County, Orange County (including present-day Seminole County and parts of present-day Lake County, Osceola County, and Volusia County), and Volusia County (including present-day Flagler County), Florida, for 1880. The census divides the population by gender, race ("white", "colored", and "Indian"), and native-born vs. foreign-born. Those born outside of Florida are then divided by state or country of origin. The census also collected information on agriculture and on manufacturing.
The newest act authorizing the Census of 1880 provided for supervision of enumeration by "supervisors of the census," selected exclusively for the collection of census data. All supervisors, as well as the superintendent, were to appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. Census enumerators were required to personally visit each household and family within his subdivision. The new census act also allowed for the collection of data related to the condition and operation of railroad corporations, incorporated express companies, and telegraph companies, as well as data related to the condition and operation of life, fire, and marine insurance companies. Corporations who refused to provide the census with "true and complete" answers were subject to fines. In addition, the census superintendent was required to collect and publish data on the population, industries and resources of the District of Alaska. Finally, the 1880 Census consisted of five schedules: Population, Mortality, Agriculture, Social Statistics, and Manufacturing.
The newest act authorizing the Census of 1880 provided for supervision of enumeration by "supervisors of the census," selected exclusively for the collection of census data. All supervisors, as well as the superintendent, were to appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. Census enumerators were required to personally visit each household and family within his subdivision. The new census act also allowed for the collection of data related to the condition and operation of railroad corporations, incorporated express companies, and telegraph companies, as well as data related to the condition and operation of life, fire, and marine insurance companies. Corporations who refused to provide the census with "true and complete" answers were subject to fines. In addition, the census superintendent was required to collect and publish data on the population, industries and resources of the District of Alaska. Finally, the 1880 Census consisted of five schedules: Population, Mortality, Agriculture, Social Statistics, and Manufacturing.
Original census data collected by the U.S. Census Office, 1880.
Date Created
ca. 1880-06-01
Gibson, Ella
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original census data collected by the U.S. Census Office, 1880.
Is Part Of
U.S. Census Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
589 KB
1 table
Brevard County, Florida
Orange County, Florida
Marion County, Florida
Volusia County, Florida
Accrual Method
Item Creation
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Originally collected by the U.S. Census Office and published by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
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Cepero, Laura
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
"1880 Overview." U.S. Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/overview/1880.html.
United States. Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1975. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/histstats-colonial-1970.pdf.
United States, and Carroll D. Wright. The History and Growth of the United States Census. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1900. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/wright-hunt.pdf.
U.S. Census of 1880
Brevard County* Marion County Orange County** Volusia County***
Population Total 1,478 13,046 6,618 3,294
Males 819 6,580 3,863 1,796
Females 659 6,466 2,755 1,498
Population by Race White 1,379 4,471 5,595 2,756
Colored 84 8,305 1,023 538
Indian 15 0 0 0
Native-Born Population Total 1,421 12,958 6,315 3,167
Native-Born Population by State of Origin Alabama 38 337 164 31
Georgia 242 949 1,331 461
Massachusetts 9 27 95 58
New York 46 117 187 140
North Carolina 18 181 162 72
Pennsylvania 14 9 55 55
South Carolina 74 2,797 282 209
Tennessee 8 70 73 13
Virginia 5 101 133 23
Foreign-Born Population by Country of Origin Total 57 88 303 127
British America 5 13 44 20
Cuba 0 1 0 0
England and Wales 14 15 40 35
France 0 2 27 0
German Empire 13 14 38 11
Ireland 11 13 20 13
Scotland 6 3 7 11
Sweden and Norway 0 13 99 21
West Indies 2 1 2 9
Other Foreign Places 6 13 26 6
Brevard County* Marion County Orange County** Volusia County***
Farms by Ownership and Tenure Total 231 1,434 893 244
Owner-Operated 228 1,170 875 240
Rented for Fixed Money 3 142 8 1
Rented for Shares of Products 0 122 10 3
Farms by Acreage Less than 3 11 0 0 0
3-9 44 79 39 6
10-19 23 129 71 20
20-49 46 240 162 45
50-99 33 465 135 52
100-499 69 467 460 109
500-999 3 34 19 9
1000+ 2 20 7 3
Acres of Land in Farms Improved Land 1,956 52,888 19,024 6,108
Unimproved Land 20,070 163,650 123,241 36,316
Value of Farms Farmland, Fences, and Buildings $309,055 $1,294,066 $3,245,510 $745,910
Farming Machinery and Implements $6,823 $44,391 $30,512 $9,994
Livestock $204,051 $293,360 $174,228 $47,894
Cost of Buildings and Repairing Fences Total $3,442 $34,533 $11,890 $5,542
Bushels of Crops Produced Barley $0 $90 $0 $0
Indian Corn $6,186 186,917 26,727 12,672
Oats $100 $15,629 $1,412 $375
Rye $0 $21 $160 $10
Brevard County* Marion County Orange County** Volusia County***
Manufacturing Establishments Total 1 15 12 4
Average Males Aged 16+ Employed in Manufacturing Total 2 38 50 9
Value of Products in Manufacturing Total $1,800 $46,381 $62,000 $21,944
Capital Invested in Manufacturing Total $1,000 $66,200 $24,500 $15,100
Value of Raw Materials in Manufacturing Total $1,025 $27,900 $33,175 $12,100
Annual Wages Paid in Manufacturing Total $300 $7,582 $8,740 $2,050
"*Includes present-day St, Lucie County
**Includes present-day Seminole County and parts of present-day Lake and Osceola counties
***Includes present-day Flagler County"
Brevard County* Marion County Orange County** Volusia County***
Population Total 1,478 13,046 6,618 3,294
Males 819 6,580 3,863 1,796
Females 659 6,466 2,755 1,498
Population by Race White 1,379 4,471 5,595 2,756
Colored 84 8,305 1,023 538
Indian 15 0 0 0
Native-Born Population Total 1,421 12,958 6,315 3,167
Native-Born Population by State of Origin Alabama 38 337 164 31
Georgia 242 949 1,331 461
Massachusetts 9 27 95 58
New York 46 117 187 140
North Carolina 18 181 162 72
Pennsylvania 14 9 55 55
South Carolina 74 2,797 282 209
Tennessee 8 70 73 13
Virginia 5 101 133 23
Foreign-Born Population by Country of Origin Total 57 88 303 127
British America 5 13 44 20
Cuba 0 1 0 0
England and Wales 14 15 40 35
France 0 2 27 0
German Empire 13 14 38 11
Ireland 11 13 20 13
Scotland 6 3 7 11
Sweden and Norway 0 13 99 21
West Indies 2 1 2 9
Other Foreign Places 6 13 26 6
Brevard County* Marion County Orange County** Volusia County***
Farms by Ownership and Tenure Total 231 1,434 893 244
Owner-Operated 228 1,170 875 240
Rented for Fixed Money 3 142 8 1
Rented for Shares of Products 0 122 10 3
Farms by Acreage Less than 3 11 0 0 0
3-9 44 79 39 6
10-19 23 129 71 20
20-49 46 240 162 45
50-99 33 465 135 52
100-499 69 467 460 109
500-999 3 34 19 9
1000+ 2 20 7 3
Acres of Land in Farms Improved Land 1,956 52,888 19,024 6,108
Unimproved Land 20,070 163,650 123,241 36,316
Value of Farms Farmland, Fences, and Buildings $309,055 $1,294,066 $3,245,510 $745,910
Farming Machinery and Implements $6,823 $44,391 $30,512 $9,994
Livestock $204,051 $293,360 $174,228 $47,894
Cost of Buildings and Repairing Fences Total $3,442 $34,533 $11,890 $5,542
Bushels of Crops Produced Barley $0 $90 $0 $0
Indian Corn $6,186 186,917 26,727 12,672
Oats $100 $15,629 $1,412 $375
Rye $0 $21 $160 $10
Brevard County* Marion County Orange County** Volusia County***
Manufacturing Establishments Total 1 15 12 4
Average Males Aged 16+ Employed in Manufacturing Total 2 38 50 9
Value of Products in Manufacturing Total $1,800 $46,381 $62,000 $21,944
Capital Invested in Manufacturing Total $1,000 $66,200 $24,500 $15,100
Value of Raw Materials in Manufacturing Total $1,025 $27,900 $33,175 $12,100
Annual Wages Paid in Manufacturing Total $300 $7,582 $8,740 $2,050
"*Includes present-day St, Lucie County
**Includes present-day Seminole County and parts of present-day Lake and Osceola counties
***Includes present-day Flagler County"
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
1 table
U.S. Census Office, “U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1880,” RICHES, accessed February 12, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/3834.