U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1890
Dublin Core
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1890
Alternative Title
Census, 1890
Census--United States
Orange County (Fla.)
Marion County (Fla.)
Brevard County (Fla.)
Volusia County (Fla.)
Lake County (Fla.)
Osceola County (Fla.)
Population--United States
The Eleventh United States Census records for Brevard County, Lake County, Marion County, Orange County (including present-day Seminole County), Osceola County, and Volusia County (including present-day Flagler County), Florida, for 1890. The census divides the population by gender, race ("white," "black," "Chinese," and "civilized Indian"), and native-born vs. foreign-born. Those who are foreign born are further divided by country of origin. The census then lists the number of teachers and students by county, further dividing teachers and students by gender and race ("white" and "colored"). The census also collected information on agriculture and on manufacturing.
The Census of 1890 was authorized by an act modeled after the 1880 enumeration and signed into law on March 1, 1889. The 1890 Census was supervised by 175 employees and enumerators were required to collect all information by personally visiting each household. The 1890 Census included essentially the same inquiries from the 1880 Census, with some notable additions, such as questions about home and farm ownership and indebtedness; and the names, units, length of service, and residences of former Union soldiers and sailors, as well as the names of the widows of those who were no longer alive. Racial categorization was expanded to include "Japanese," along with "Chinese," "Negro," "mulatto," "quadroon," "octoroon," and "White." Herman Hollerith (1860-1929), a former employee of the U.S. Census Office, invented the electric tabulating system, which was widely used in the 1890 Census, allowing data to be processed faster and more efficiently. On October 3, 1893, Congress passed a law that transferred census-related work to the direction of the commissioner of labor. Congress passed another act on March 2, 1895, effectively abolishing the U.S. Census Office and transferring the remaining responsibilities to the Office of the Secretary of the Interior.
The Census of 1890 was authorized by an act modeled after the 1880 enumeration and signed into law on March 1, 1889. The 1890 Census was supervised by 175 employees and enumerators were required to collect all information by personally visiting each household. The 1890 Census included essentially the same inquiries from the 1880 Census, with some notable additions, such as questions about home and farm ownership and indebtedness; and the names, units, length of service, and residences of former Union soldiers and sailors, as well as the names of the widows of those who were no longer alive. Racial categorization was expanded to include "Japanese," along with "Chinese," "Negro," "mulatto," "quadroon," "octoroon," and "White." Herman Hollerith (1860-1929), a former employee of the U.S. Census Office, invented the electric tabulating system, which was widely used in the 1890 Census, allowing data to be processed faster and more efficiently. On October 3, 1893, Congress passed a law that transferred census-related work to the direction of the commissioner of labor. Congress passed another act on March 2, 1895, effectively abolishing the U.S. Census Office and transferring the remaining responsibilities to the Office of the Secretary of the Interior.
Original census data collected by the U.S. Census Office and the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1890.
Date Created
ca. 1890-06-01
Gibson, Ella
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original census data collected by the U.S. Census Office and the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1890.
Is Part Of
U.S. Census Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
930 KB
1 table
Brevard County, Florida
Lake County, Florida
Marion County, Florida
Orange County, Florida
Osceola County, Florida
Volusia County, Florida
Accrual Method
Item Creation
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Originally collected by the U.S. Census Office and the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, and published by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
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Cepero, Laura
Digital Collection
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External Reference
"1890 Overview." U.S. Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/overview/1890.html.
United States. Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1975. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/histstats-colonial-1970.pdf.
United States, and Carroll D. Wright. The History and Growth of the United States Census. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1900. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/wright-hunt.pdf.
U.S. Census of 1890
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Population Total 3,401 8,034 20,796 12,584 3,133 8,467
Males 1,934 4,342 10,861 6,793 1,724 4,478
Females 1,467 3,692 9,935 5,791 1,409 3,989
White Population Total 2,836 6,190 9,310 3,039 2,657 6,004
Males 1,583 3,334 5,013 4,871 1,418 3,141
Females 1,253 2,856 4,297 4,168 1,239 2,863
Black Population Total 541 1,844 11,485 3,536 476 2,462
Chinese Population Total 1 0 1 9 0 0
Civilized Indian Population Total 23 0 0 0 0 1
Native-Born Population Total 3,109 7,558 20,199 11,540 3,005 7,924
Males 1,739 4,039 10,483 6,152 1,629 4,177
Females 1,370 3,519 9,716 5,388 1,373 3,747
Foreign-Born Population Total 292 476 597 1,044 131 543
Males 195 303 378 641 95 301
Females 97 173 219 403 36 242
Foreign-Born Population by Country of Origin Norway and Denmark 14 4 9 10 6 7
Canada and Newfoundland 58 77 71 76 13 62
Cuba and the West Indies 3 6 44 10 1 7
England 100 228 133 370 62 146
France 0 3 21 21 4 2
Germany 47 38 88 158 11 92
Ireland 30 18 38 44 20 47
Italy 2 0 89 42 1 6
Scotland 14 36 33 60 5 45
South America 1 6 10 2 1 0
Spain 1 1 4 0 0 0
Sweden 11 14 16 170 1 84
Other Countries 11 45 41 81 6 45
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Teachers Total 48 70 135 93 25 72
White Teachers Total 41 57 87 74 24 57
Males 10 26 31 25 11 22
Females 31 31 56 49 13 35
Colored Teachers Total 5 13 48 19 1 15
Males 3 8 22 10 1 9
Females 2 5 26 9 0 6
Students Total 687 2,237 5,085 2,615 829 2,069
White Students Total 599 1,801 2,286 1,865 785 1,509
Males 286 875 1,198 901 400 807
Females 313 926 1,088 964 385 702
Colored Students Total 88 436 2,799 750 44 560
Males 54 238 1,333 372 26 273
Females 34 198 1,466 378 18 287
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Farms by Acreage Total 156 1,361 2,165 2,099 77 1,127
Less than 10 15 191 107 547 4 263
10-19 19 260 192 458 4 281
20-49 42 346 600 568 35 308
50-99 37 222 669 251 19 124
100-499 38 311 564 257 12 135
500-999 3 17 18 8 2 10
1000+ 2 14 15 10 1 6
Owner-Operated Farms by Acreage Total 156 1,311 1,945 2,075 71 1,123
Less than 10 15 188 91 544 1 262
10-19 19 244 146 450 4 280
20-49 42 326 524 561 32 308
50-99 37 217 623 247 19 123
100-499 38 305 530 255 12 134
500-999 3 17 17 8 2 10
1000+ 2 14 14 10 1 6
Cash Rental Tenant Farms by Acreage Total 0 24 146 12 2 2
Less than 10 0 3 9 2 0 0
10-19 0 9 40 6 0 1
20-49 0 10 52 3 2 0
50-99 0 1 28 0 0 0
100-499 0 1 16 1 0 1
500-999 0 0 1 0 0 0
1000+ 0 0 0 0 0 0
Share Crop Farms by Acreage Total 0 26 74 12 4 2
Less than 10 0 0 7 1 3 1
10-19 0 7 6 2 0 0
20-49 0 10 24 4 1 0
50-99 0 4 18 4 0 1
100-499 0 5 18 1 0 0
500-999 0 0 0 0 0 0
1000+ 0 0 1 0 0 0
Acres of Land on Farms Improved Land 2,311 22,219 65,315 24,561 1,803 16,185
Unimproved Land 15,544 101,317 144,702 82,711 4,963 48,402
Present Cash Value of Farming Implements and Machinery Total $4,170 $60,060 $92,940 $82,070 $2,910 $42,010
Value of Livestock Total $36,360 $153,910 $487,460 $214,490 $47,930 $231,640
Bushels of Agricultural Products Produced Total N/A $27,500 $217,941 $12,702 $4,192 $10,611
Indian Corn N/A $26,338 $166,481 $11,870 $4,192 $10,611
Oats N/A $1,381 $41,820 $832 $0 $0
Rye N/A $84 $9,640 $0 $0 $0
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Manufacturing Establishments Total 8 22 28 42 2 26
Manufacturing Employees Total 18 134 336 365 N/A 123
Officers, Firm Members, and Clerks Total 5 13 32 34 N/A 14
Males, Aged 16+ 5 13 30 34 N/A 13
Females, Aged 16+ 0 1 2 0 N/A 1
Skilled and Unskilled Works Total 13 119 301 330 N/A 109
Males, Aged 16+ 12 117 269 317 N/A 102
Females, Aged 16+ 0 1 29 8 N/A 2
Children 1 1 3 5 N/A 5
Piece Workers Total 0 2 3 1 N/A 0
Annual Wages Paid in Manufacturing Establishments Total $9,018 $35,913 $156,642 $186,830 N/A $45,722
Wages Paid to Officers, Firm Members, and Clerks Total $2,438 $8,804 $24,290 $24,487 N/A $2,438
Males $2,438 $7,604 $22,590 $24,487 N/A $8,540
Females N/A $1,200 $1,700 N/A N/A $500
Wages Paid Skilled and Unskilled Works Total $6,580 $26,029 $131,152 $162,215 N/A $36,682
Males $6,430 $25,677 $120,062 $158,975 N/A $35,810
Females N/A $208 $10,240 $2,440 N/A $364
Children $150 $144 $850 $800 N/A $508
Wages Paid Piece Workers Total N/A $1,080 $1,200 $128 N/A N/A
Value of Products in Manufacturing Total $18,148 $92,390 $360,140 $613,354 N/A $190,516
"*Includes present-day St, Lucie County
**Includes present-day Seminole County
***Includes present-day Flagler County"
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Population Total 3,401 8,034 20,796 12,584 3,133 8,467
Males 1,934 4,342 10,861 6,793 1,724 4,478
Females 1,467 3,692 9,935 5,791 1,409 3,989
White Population Total 2,836 6,190 9,310 3,039 2,657 6,004
Males 1,583 3,334 5,013 4,871 1,418 3,141
Females 1,253 2,856 4,297 4,168 1,239 2,863
Black Population Total 541 1,844 11,485 3,536 476 2,462
Chinese Population Total 1 0 1 9 0 0
Civilized Indian Population Total 23 0 0 0 0 1
Native-Born Population Total 3,109 7,558 20,199 11,540 3,005 7,924
Males 1,739 4,039 10,483 6,152 1,629 4,177
Females 1,370 3,519 9,716 5,388 1,373 3,747
Foreign-Born Population Total 292 476 597 1,044 131 543
Males 195 303 378 641 95 301
Females 97 173 219 403 36 242
Foreign-Born Population by Country of Origin Norway and Denmark 14 4 9 10 6 7
Canada and Newfoundland 58 77 71 76 13 62
Cuba and the West Indies 3 6 44 10 1 7
England 100 228 133 370 62 146
France 0 3 21 21 4 2
Germany 47 38 88 158 11 92
Ireland 30 18 38 44 20 47
Italy 2 0 89 42 1 6
Scotland 14 36 33 60 5 45
South America 1 6 10 2 1 0
Spain 1 1 4 0 0 0
Sweden 11 14 16 170 1 84
Other Countries 11 45 41 81 6 45
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Teachers Total 48 70 135 93 25 72
White Teachers Total 41 57 87 74 24 57
Males 10 26 31 25 11 22
Females 31 31 56 49 13 35
Colored Teachers Total 5 13 48 19 1 15
Males 3 8 22 10 1 9
Females 2 5 26 9 0 6
Students Total 687 2,237 5,085 2,615 829 2,069
White Students Total 599 1,801 2,286 1,865 785 1,509
Males 286 875 1,198 901 400 807
Females 313 926 1,088 964 385 702
Colored Students Total 88 436 2,799 750 44 560
Males 54 238 1,333 372 26 273
Females 34 198 1,466 378 18 287
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Farms by Acreage Total 156 1,361 2,165 2,099 77 1,127
Less than 10 15 191 107 547 4 263
10-19 19 260 192 458 4 281
20-49 42 346 600 568 35 308
50-99 37 222 669 251 19 124
100-499 38 311 564 257 12 135
500-999 3 17 18 8 2 10
1000+ 2 14 15 10 1 6
Owner-Operated Farms by Acreage Total 156 1,311 1,945 2,075 71 1,123
Less than 10 15 188 91 544 1 262
10-19 19 244 146 450 4 280
20-49 42 326 524 561 32 308
50-99 37 217 623 247 19 123
100-499 38 305 530 255 12 134
500-999 3 17 17 8 2 10
1000+ 2 14 14 10 1 6
Cash Rental Tenant Farms by Acreage Total 0 24 146 12 2 2
Less than 10 0 3 9 2 0 0
10-19 0 9 40 6 0 1
20-49 0 10 52 3 2 0
50-99 0 1 28 0 0 0
100-499 0 1 16 1 0 1
500-999 0 0 1 0 0 0
1000+ 0 0 0 0 0 0
Share Crop Farms by Acreage Total 0 26 74 12 4 2
Less than 10 0 0 7 1 3 1
10-19 0 7 6 2 0 0
20-49 0 10 24 4 1 0
50-99 0 4 18 4 0 1
100-499 0 5 18 1 0 0
500-999 0 0 0 0 0 0
1000+ 0 0 1 0 0 0
Acres of Land on Farms Improved Land 2,311 22,219 65,315 24,561 1,803 16,185
Unimproved Land 15,544 101,317 144,702 82,711 4,963 48,402
Present Cash Value of Farming Implements and Machinery Total $4,170 $60,060 $92,940 $82,070 $2,910 $42,010
Value of Livestock Total $36,360 $153,910 $487,460 $214,490 $47,930 $231,640
Bushels of Agricultural Products Produced Total N/A $27,500 $217,941 $12,702 $4,192 $10,611
Indian Corn N/A $26,338 $166,481 $11,870 $4,192 $10,611
Oats N/A $1,381 $41,820 $832 $0 $0
Rye N/A $84 $9,640 $0 $0 $0
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Manufacturing Establishments Total 8 22 28 42 2 26
Manufacturing Employees Total 18 134 336 365 N/A 123
Officers, Firm Members, and Clerks Total 5 13 32 34 N/A 14
Males, Aged 16+ 5 13 30 34 N/A 13
Females, Aged 16+ 0 1 2 0 N/A 1
Skilled and Unskilled Works Total 13 119 301 330 N/A 109
Males, Aged 16+ 12 117 269 317 N/A 102
Females, Aged 16+ 0 1 29 8 N/A 2
Children 1 1 3 5 N/A 5
Piece Workers Total 0 2 3 1 N/A 0
Annual Wages Paid in Manufacturing Establishments Total $9,018 $35,913 $156,642 $186,830 N/A $45,722
Wages Paid to Officers, Firm Members, and Clerks Total $2,438 $8,804 $24,290 $24,487 N/A $2,438
Males $2,438 $7,604 $22,590 $24,487 N/A $8,540
Females N/A $1,200 $1,700 N/A N/A $500
Wages Paid Skilled and Unskilled Works Total $6,580 $26,029 $131,152 $162,215 N/A $36,682
Males $6,430 $25,677 $120,062 $158,975 N/A $35,810
Females N/A $208 $10,240 $2,440 N/A $364
Children $150 $144 $850 $800 N/A $508
Wages Paid Piece Workers Total N/A $1,080 $1,200 $128 N/A N/A
Value of Products in Manufacturing Total $18,148 $92,390 $360,140 $613,354 N/A $190,516
"*Includes present-day St, Lucie County
**Includes present-day Seminole County
***Includes present-day Flagler County"
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
1 table
U.S. Census Office and Office of the Secretary of the Interior, “U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1890,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/3835.