U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1900
Dublin Core
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1900
Alternative Title
Census, 1900
Census--United States
Orange County (Fla.)
Marion County (Fla.)
Brevard County (Fla.)
Volusia County (Fla.)
Lake County (Fla.)
Osceola County (Fla.)
Population--United States
The Twelfth United States Census records for Brevard County, Lake County, Marion County, Orange County (including present-day Seminole County), Osceola County, and Volusia County (including present-day Flagler County), Florida, for 1900. The census divides the population by gender, race ("white" and "black"), and native-born vs. foreign-born. Those who are foreign born are further divided by country of origin. The census then lists the illiterate population categorized by age, race, and gender. The census also collected information on agriculture and on manufacturing.
Congress limited the Census of 1900 to content related to population, mortality, agriculture, and manufacturing. Special census agents were authorized to collect statistics related to incidents of deafness, blindness, insanity, and juvenile delinquency; as well as data on religious bodies, utilities, mining, and transportation. The act authorizing the 1900 Census designated the enumeration of military personally to the U.S. Department of War and the U.S. Department of the Navy, while Indiana Territory was to be enumerated by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Annexed in 1898, Hawaii was included in the census for the first time. In 1902, the U.S. Census Office was officially established as a permanent organization within the U.S. Department of the Interior. The office became the U.S. Census Bureau in 1903 and was transferred to the Department of Commerce and Labor.
Congress limited the Census of 1900 to content related to population, mortality, agriculture, and manufacturing. Special census agents were authorized to collect statistics related to incidents of deafness, blindness, insanity, and juvenile delinquency; as well as data on religious bodies, utilities, mining, and transportation. The act authorizing the 1900 Census designated the enumeration of military personally to the U.S. Department of War and the U.S. Department of the Navy, while Indiana Territory was to be enumerated by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Annexed in 1898, Hawaii was included in the census for the first time. In 1902, the U.S. Census Office was officially established as a permanent organization within the U.S. Department of the Interior. The office became the U.S. Census Bureau in 1903 and was transferred to the Department of Commerce and Labor.
Original census data collected by the U.S. Census Office and the U.S. Census Bureau, 1900.
Date Created
ca. 1900-06-01
Gibson, Ella
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original census data collected by the U.S. Census Office and the U.S. Census Bureau, 1900.
Is Part Of
U.S. Census Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
787 KB
1 table
Brevard County, Florida
Lake County, Florida
Marion County, Florida
Orange County, Florida
Osceola County, Florida
Volusia County, Florida
Accrual Method
Item Creation
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Originally collected by the U.S. Census Office and the U.S. Census Bureau, and published by the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor.
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Cepero, Laura
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
"1900 Overview." U.S. Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/overview/1900.html.
United States. Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1975. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/histstats-colonial-1970.pdf.
United States, and Carroll D. Wright. The History and Growth of the United States Census. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1900. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/wright-hunt.pdf.
U.S. Census of 1900
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Population Total 5,158 7,467 24,403 11,374 3,44 10,003
Males 2,842 3,959 12,918 5,767 1,783 5,153
Females 2,316 3,508 11,485 5,607 1,611 4,850
White Population Total 4,003 4,829 9,356 7,347 3,013 6,538
Males 2,188 2,474 4,927 3,698 1,547 3,323
Females 1,815 2,355 4,429 3,649 1,466 3,215
Black Population Total 1,074 2,636 15,047 4,027 431 3,464
Males 613 1,484 7,991 2,069 236 1,829
Females 461 1,152 7,056 1,958 195 1,635
Native-Born Population Total 4,796 7,220 24,058 10,769 3,369 9,538
Males 2,608 3,816 12,704 5,432 1,732 4,904
Females 2,188 3,404 11,354 5,337 1,637 4,634
Foreign-Born Population Total 362 247 345 605 75 465
Males 234 143 214 335 51 249
Females 128 104 131 270 24 216
Foreign-Born Population by Country of Origin English Canada 31 43 44 42 3 68
Cuba 1 1 23 0 0 0
Denmark 57 4 4 3 2 1
England 96 112 84 184 38 131
France 3 4 18 11 1 4
Germany 58 31 57 117 6 96
Ireland 30 8 13 31 8 30
Italy 4 0 22 14 4 0
Norway 15 1 1 3 0 2
Russia 3 3 5 4 0 1
Scotland 18 22 13 31 7 15
Spain 0 0 2 0 1 0
West Indies 13 0 18 2 0 11
Other Countries 17 8 33 48 5 34
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Illiterate Population, Aged 10+ Total 265 765 3,937 993 315 899
White 50 132 180 257 183 149
Colored 206 633 3,757 736 132 750
Black 149 631 9,757 736 132 750
Males, Aged 21+ Illiterate 109 354 1,797 377 119 386
Literate 1,590 1,833 4,955 2,808 714 2,441
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Farms by Acreage Total 615 848 2,520 1,218 354 430
1-2 19 24 15 51 99 3
3-9 104 64 216 180 21 41
10-19 140 115 403 202 21 60
20-49 166 245 784 359 111 140
50-99 80 177 556 204 50 69
100-174 65 127 322 145 20 65
175-259 20 52 117 36 9 21
260-499 13 28 76 31 8 16
500-999 5 11 22 7 7 5
1,000+ 3 5 9 3 8 10
Farm Owners Full Owners 479 576 1,824 779 312 362
Part-Owners 11 116 228 79 7 22
Owners and Tenants of Farms Total 2 1 19 2 0 0
Farm Managers Total 99 102 85 279 1 32
Tenants Cash Tenants 12 40 228 58 26 10
Share Tenants 12 13 136 21 8 4
White Farmers Total 579 784 1,246 1,132 351 39
Farm Owners 458 542 894 732 309 338
Part-Owners of Farms 7 106 98 69 7 19
Owners and Tenants of Farms 2 0 12 2 0 0
Farm Managers 89 91 78 271 1 31
Cash Tenants 11 33 103 40 26 7
Share Tenants 12 12 60 18 8 4
Colored Farmers Total 36 64 1,274 86 3 31
Farm Owners 21 34 930 47 3 24
Part-Owners of Farms 4 10 130 10 0 3
Owners and Tenants of Farms 0 1 6 0 0 0
Farm Managers 10 11 7 8 0 1
Cash Tenants 1 7 125 18 0 3
Share Tenants 0 1 76 3 0 0
Acres Land on Farms Improved Land 2,311 22,219 65,315 24,561 1,803 16,185
Unimproved Land 15,544 101,317 144,702 82,711 4,963 48,402
Present Cash Value of Farming Implements and Machinery Total $4,170 $60,060 $92,940 $82,070 $2,910 $42,010
Value of Livestock Total $36,360 $153,910 $487,460 $214,490 $47,930 $231,640
Bushels of Agricultural Products Produced Total N/A $27,811 $217,941 $12,702 $4,192 $10,611
Indian Corn N/A $26,338 $166,481 11,870 $4,192 $10,611
Oats N/A $1,381 $41,820 $832 $0 $0
Rye N/A $84 $9,640 $0 $0 $0
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Manufacturing Establishments Total 17 47 97 57 11 51
Capital Invested in Manufacturing Total $124,209 $331,703 $1,300,901 $726,223 $38,755 $390,364
Capital Invested in Plant Land of Manufacturing Establishments Plant Land $5,500 134,482 $596,203 $168,731 $16,700 $120,457
Building of Manufacturing Establishments $22,050 $27,507 $85,330 $79,582 $1,310 $32,627
Machinery, Tools, and Equipment $67,357 $72,542 $321,929 $276,081 $7,995 $138,120
Cash and Sundries $29,302 $97,172 $297,439 $201,829 $12,750 $99,160
"*Includes present-day St, Lucie County
**Includes present-day Seminole County
***Includes present-day Flagler County
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Population Total 5,158 7,467 24,403 11,374 3,44 10,003
Males 2,842 3,959 12,918 5,767 1,783 5,153
Females 2,316 3,508 11,485 5,607 1,611 4,850
White Population Total 4,003 4,829 9,356 7,347 3,013 6,538
Males 2,188 2,474 4,927 3,698 1,547 3,323
Females 1,815 2,355 4,429 3,649 1,466 3,215
Black Population Total 1,074 2,636 15,047 4,027 431 3,464
Males 613 1,484 7,991 2,069 236 1,829
Females 461 1,152 7,056 1,958 195 1,635
Native-Born Population Total 4,796 7,220 24,058 10,769 3,369 9,538
Males 2,608 3,816 12,704 5,432 1,732 4,904
Females 2,188 3,404 11,354 5,337 1,637 4,634
Foreign-Born Population Total 362 247 345 605 75 465
Males 234 143 214 335 51 249
Females 128 104 131 270 24 216
Foreign-Born Population by Country of Origin English Canada 31 43 44 42 3 68
Cuba 1 1 23 0 0 0
Denmark 57 4 4 3 2 1
England 96 112 84 184 38 131
France 3 4 18 11 1 4
Germany 58 31 57 117 6 96
Ireland 30 8 13 31 8 30
Italy 4 0 22 14 4 0
Norway 15 1 1 3 0 2
Russia 3 3 5 4 0 1
Scotland 18 22 13 31 7 15
Spain 0 0 2 0 1 0
West Indies 13 0 18 2 0 11
Other Countries 17 8 33 48 5 34
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Illiterate Population, Aged 10+ Total 265 765 3,937 993 315 899
White 50 132 180 257 183 149
Colored 206 633 3,757 736 132 750
Black 149 631 9,757 736 132 750
Males, Aged 21+ Illiterate 109 354 1,797 377 119 386
Literate 1,590 1,833 4,955 2,808 714 2,441
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Farms by Acreage Total 615 848 2,520 1,218 354 430
1-2 19 24 15 51 99 3
3-9 104 64 216 180 21 41
10-19 140 115 403 202 21 60
20-49 166 245 784 359 111 140
50-99 80 177 556 204 50 69
100-174 65 127 322 145 20 65
175-259 20 52 117 36 9 21
260-499 13 28 76 31 8 16
500-999 5 11 22 7 7 5
1,000+ 3 5 9 3 8 10
Farm Owners Full Owners 479 576 1,824 779 312 362
Part-Owners 11 116 228 79 7 22
Owners and Tenants of Farms Total 2 1 19 2 0 0
Farm Managers Total 99 102 85 279 1 32
Tenants Cash Tenants 12 40 228 58 26 10
Share Tenants 12 13 136 21 8 4
White Farmers Total 579 784 1,246 1,132 351 39
Farm Owners 458 542 894 732 309 338
Part-Owners of Farms 7 106 98 69 7 19
Owners and Tenants of Farms 2 0 12 2 0 0
Farm Managers 89 91 78 271 1 31
Cash Tenants 11 33 103 40 26 7
Share Tenants 12 12 60 18 8 4
Colored Farmers Total 36 64 1,274 86 3 31
Farm Owners 21 34 930 47 3 24
Part-Owners of Farms 4 10 130 10 0 3
Owners and Tenants of Farms 0 1 6 0 0 0
Farm Managers 10 11 7 8 0 1
Cash Tenants 1 7 125 18 0 3
Share Tenants 0 1 76 3 0 0
Acres Land on Farms Improved Land 2,311 22,219 65,315 24,561 1,803 16,185
Unimproved Land 15,544 101,317 144,702 82,711 4,963 48,402
Present Cash Value of Farming Implements and Machinery Total $4,170 $60,060 $92,940 $82,070 $2,910 $42,010
Value of Livestock Total $36,360 $153,910 $487,460 $214,490 $47,930 $231,640
Bushels of Agricultural Products Produced Total N/A $27,811 $217,941 $12,702 $4,192 $10,611
Indian Corn N/A $26,338 $166,481 11,870 $4,192 $10,611
Oats N/A $1,381 $41,820 $832 $0 $0
Rye N/A $84 $9,640 $0 $0 $0
Brevard County* Lake County Marion County Orange County** Osceola County Volusia County***
Manufacturing Establishments Total 17 47 97 57 11 51
Capital Invested in Manufacturing Total $124,209 $331,703 $1,300,901 $726,223 $38,755 $390,364
Capital Invested in Plant Land of Manufacturing Establishments Plant Land $5,500 134,482 $596,203 $168,731 $16,700 $120,457
Building of Manufacturing Establishments $22,050 $27,507 $85,330 $79,582 $1,310 $32,627
Machinery, Tools, and Equipment $67,357 $72,542 $321,929 $276,081 $7,995 $138,120
Cash and Sundries $29,302 $97,172 $297,439 $201,829 $12,750 $99,160
"*Includes present-day St, Lucie County
**Includes present-day Seminole County
***Includes present-day Flagler County
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
1 table
U.S. Census Office and U.S. Census Bureau, “U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1900,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/3836.