The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 18, September 4, 1926


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The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 18, September 4, 1926

Alternative Title

The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 18


Maitland (Fla.)


The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by The Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as the paving of streets, a Chamber of Commerce social event, clean-up efforts, the beautification of the town hall, electric light service, several property improvement resolutions, the re-opening of several banks, the housing arrangements of local residents, and a local events calendar. Also featured is a special section detailing the property assessments and improvement resolutions of many properties in Maitland, as well as several advertisements for local businesses.


Original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 18, September 4, 1926: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.


The Maitland News Company

Date Created

ca. 1926-09-04

Date Copyrighted


Date Issued


Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original 8-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 18, September 4, 1926.

Is Part Of

Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




1.67 MB


8-page newspaper edition






Maitland, Florida
Daytona Beach, Florida
Clermont, Florida

Accrual Method



History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher


Originally published by The Maitland News Company.

Rights Holder

Copyright to this resource is held by the Maitland Realty Company and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.


Settle, John

Digital Collection

External Reference

Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.


Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
Volume I
One hundred and fifty people at tended the evening meeting of the Chamber of Commerce at the school. house last Friday evening. Invita. tions were extended to everyone and many who are not members turned out. The meeting opened with a short business meeting at which there was a report from the booklet committee, recommending an eight-page letter with pictures of the town and a copy of the airplane map as well as a small amount of descriptive matter, an explanation of the proposed plan of having a booth on the highway next win. ter where oranges can begiven away, and an appeal for a wholehearted response to the mayors Clean-up Week proclamation.
After the business meeting vocal selections were given by Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. A. B. Rowland, Miss Eleanor Upmeyer and Mr. K. N. McPherson, accompanied by Mrs. McPherson. Mrs. Henry S. Thompson exhibited the trained parrot which she has this summer which talked and sang to the audience. Ice cream and cake and punch were served during the evening, and there was dancing after the other entertainment was over.
The hall was beautifully decorated with fall flowers and ferns. The entertainment was under the direction of a committee with Mrs. C. N. Beecher as chairman, Miss Upmeyer being in charge of the musical program.
As the notes which the Town of Maitland gave four years ago to raise money for paving the road around the east side of Lily Lake and the dou. ble road along Maitland Avenue through the center of town are due in 1927, the town has written to the note owners asking if they will take 25% of the value of the notes and renew them for the balance. It was reported at the last council meeting that these appeals had been met in a most generous manner and that all who had been heard from up to date had agreed to this arrangement.
I, E. A. Upmeyer, by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the Town of Lake Maitland, Florida, do hereby proclaim:
The Week of Sept. 6th to 12th to be

Property owners and residents are requested to observe this proclamation and arrange, during the week above mentioned, to cut and remove all weeds from fence lines and yards, to repair fences and buildings, to clear out all rubbish, and to otherwise improve the appearance of their property.
Rubbish deposited in piles at the curb line will be removed by the town truck.
The cooperation of all citizens is urged in order that we may maintain our pride in Maitland as a delightful and attractive town to live in and that we may present it in its best form to the host of tourists and winter visitors.
Signed E. A. UPMEYER. Mayor.
Attest: E. T. OWEN, Town Clerk
Work has been commenced on the grounds in front of the new munici. pal building. The ground has been cleared of weeds and a grass drive planted in front of the engine house. The Bermuda which is being used for this purpose makes a very firm drive so that it will be a help in getting the engine out quickly as well as an im provement to the looks of the grounds. It will not be possible to plant a come plete lawn this year but the ground is being prepared to plant Italian rye as soon as the weather is cool enough.
A row of poinsettia has been plant. cd along the north side of the lot and a hedge of hibiscus along the south side and the front. This work is being done under the direction of Mr. J. G. Friedland, chairman of the street commission.
The old jail building has also been torn down and the blocks will be used to build a pump house on the well lot. Where the jail stood a movable
September 21 has been set as the day on which bids will be received on a 95,000.00 program for paving, curb, gutter, storm sewers and side. walks. This includes all streets which have been advertised, that is, the first section of Greenwood Gardens, a number of streets in the south end of town and the gaps which have been left in the business district Inter Street, and Packwood from Independence to Vanderpool.
A further special assessment of 7, 000.00 for sidewalks was authorized at the meeting August 26. This will be for sidewalks on the east side of Independence Land, on Packwood from Inter Street to Central Avenue, on the west side of Maitland Avenue from the sidewalk in front of the post office building to that around Lily Lake, and on other downtown streets.
The Council directed the town at torney to draw up an ordinance requiring that all dry toilets within a reasonable distance from the water mains shall be removed. As this might cause a hardship on certain land own. ers, arrangements will be made by which those who cannot afford to fit nance such an undertaking at present may receive help from the town, which will finance them on an easy payment plan.
The town will make all connections on a standard price or unit basis and will supervise the installation up to the meter.
The matter of taking out liability insurance for the members of the fire department was discussed but no action was taken.
Arrangements were made to clean up the town property during Clean up week, and beautification plans were discussed. It is the plan of the Council to plant a small nursery by the shore of Lily Lake where plants can be raised for town planting. This will be a good place for a nursery and will not be objectionable pending the time when a real plan of beau. tification can be worked out there.
hose rack will be erected on which the fire hose can be spread to dry.

The Maitland News
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND News Company.
ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager
Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising RATEs on Application
The Maitland News notes with in terest, that the Clean-up Week idea is being generally followed at this time all through this section of Florida. Clermont has come in first, her cleanup week being over now and having been carried through in an efficient and organized manner. Orlando has appointed a twoweek period, the first two weeks in September. Doubtless other communities will follow this lead if they have not already taken steps in that direction.
It behooves Maitland to show that she can not only inaugurate but carry through the work of this week in such a manner that we can show the same results that Clermont has achieved and that Orlando will doubtless attain to. This can be done if we all help. Our town authorities will do all they can, but they have not the same resources either in men or funds that the larger cities have, and it is only by the aid of individual effort that we can achieve.
There is considerable confusion in the minds of most of us as to the reg ulations and practices of the utility companies, and consequently misun derstandings arise and people feel that they are not being given a fair deal This is a natural result of the fact that we are more or less at the mercy of these companies and when we do not understand their rulings we are suspicious of their motives. This at titude of mind can be changed only by a complete knowledge of the methods of the companies which we find in the case of the Florida Public Service Company, they are ready to present to us, as the following letter shows. This company is also endeavo oring to get in close touch with Maitland by delegating local people to look after their interests, having appointed
J. H. Bennett as local agent, and the Bank of Maitland as a pay station.
August 25, 1926.
Anna B. Treat, Editor, Maitland News, Maitland, Florida.
Dear Madam: We are glad to give you the information requested in your letter of August 14th as to our methods of handling the electric light busio ness in this territory and appreciate your cooperation in passing this in formation on to the people in and around Maitland.
In applying for service the prospective customer should make application for connection either through notific cation of the Orlando office by phone or mail or through Mr. J. H. Bennett of the Maitland Electric Company. Before service is connected a deposit of an estimated twomonths bill is required. This deposit has no connec: tion with the meter itself, which is furnished free by the Company, but is required as a guarantee of payment of bills. The requiring of a deposit is the general practice of utility come panies throughout the United States inasmuch as it is not possible to bill a customer for electric service until after he has had 30 days use of it plus the time required to make up the bill and deliver it to him. This requires about six weeks, which together with the 15 days allowed for payment of bill, allows the customer to get two monthsservice before he has made any payment. The Company pays interest on all of the customers money during the time that it is held as a deposit.
Meters are read once a month and bills sent out allowing ten days from the date of the bill in which to pay. Bills may be paid either at the Bank of Winter Park, the Bank of Maitland or at the Orlando office at 100 E. Central Avenue. The owner of a building or house is not liable for the bills of the tenant unless he specifically contracts for the service under his own name. When a customer leaves, he should notify this Company either through Mr. Bennett or to the Orlan. do office direct of his desire for dis. connection. The meter will be read, service discontinued, and his deposit returned with interest after the final
bill has been paid.
As stated above, bills are due and payable within ten days from the date of bill. If the account has not been received in this office at the expira. tion of that time, a second notice is sent out notifying the customer of the
Sunday, 10:00 a. mSunday school, Methodist church:45 a. m, Sunday school, Presbyterian church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :00 p. m, services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :00 p. m, services, Presbyterian church. Tuesday, :00 p. mMunicipal office
zoning commission. :30 p. m., Fire Drill. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. mLibrary
open. :00 p., Prayer Meeting, Methodist church. Second Thursday, 12:15, white way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. m., Council meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBay Scouts. Saturday, :00-6:00 p., Library open.
past due account with the request that it be paid within the following 5 days. If the account is not paid within the following 5 days, or 15 days after the date of bill, service is discontinued. Service is then reinstated after the count has been paid in full. Thanking you for your cooperation in this matter and assuring you of our desire to serve and take care of the needs of your community, we are, Yours very truly, Florida Public Service Co, N. . Coit, Gen. Mgr.

The Maitland Lumber Company is a permanent part of : this community, with a record á behind us and a purpose that each sale shall uphold our repu- tation in the future. --
That is why you can depend on us to stand back of our guarantee of complete satisfac- tion, and why we want to be of service to you in the matter of : community and home building.
Phone, Winter Park 399
(Illustrated House Plan Books. FREE)

The following article from the Manufacturers Record shows how a periodical of high standing in the business world sums up local banking conditions at the present time.
Announcement has been made in Daytona (Fla) papers of the reopening of the American Bank and Trust
NoTICE To property OWNERs. improveMENT RESOLUTION No. 18
Be it resolved by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland, in Orange County, Florida, that Maitland Avenue be improved be: ween Horatio Avenue and Lake Lily, that Pack: wood Avenue be improved between Inter Street and centrai Avenue, and that Independence Lane be improved between Horatio Avenue and PackAvenue, as hereinafter specifically designated: all at a total estimated cost of 6,969.50, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special assessments be levied un lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abounding and abutting upon such improvements in proportion to the front footage of the respective properties, all of which properties it is deemed be specially benefitted by said improvements: said improvements to consist of concrete sidewalks according to the following and distances: Avenue be: ginning 75 feet south of the south line of Horatio Även and running south 180, feet; also begin the north curb, line of Packwood Avenue and running north 305 feet; also beginning 30 fect of the south line of Packwood Avenue and running south approximately 280 also ning on the south line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad company right of way and running south the north line of Ventris Avenue: also beginÁing on the south line of Ventris Avenue and running southwardly along the west line of Maitand Avenue approximately. 513 feet to the north end of the présent sidewalk. 2nd, along the north side of Packwood Avenue from the west curb line of Inter Street west to the east curb line of Independence Lane; also from the west curb line of independence Lane to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad right of way, also from the west side of Maitland Avenue west approximately 564 to the east side of Central Avenue as extended north to the north line of Packwood ue. along the south side of Packwood Avenue from the west curb line of inter Street as extended south of Packwood Avenue west to a point 13% feet west of the east line of SpragueQuinns Addition; also beginning an proximately 80 feet, west of the west line Maitland Avenue and running south approximately , feet to the east line of Central Avenue. 4th, along the east side of Independence Lane from the south curb line of Horatio Avenue south .6 feet; also from a point 124.6 feet south of he south line of Horatio Avenue south to the north curb line of Packwood Avenue. - said improvements to be constructed according to plans and specifications which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are on file with the Town Clerk; said assessto be paid in cash within thirty days after said assessments shall have been equalized, proved and confirmed, optionally in ten equa Annual installments together with accrued interest a , on all deferred payments: unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalised, approved and confirmedthe first installment failing due one year from and after the date of such approval and confirmation. - be it further resolved that this resolution be published one time in The Maitland News, a news: paper of general circulation published in said Town Lal. Maitland, and that it be also published once a week for two successive weeks in the , Morning Sentinel, a newspaper of general olation published in Orange County, Florida. Adopted this August 26th, 1926. J. A. BROWN. Pres, of the Council.
Approved: E. A. UPMEYER.
Company on August 23, and it is further stated that the East Coast Bank and Trust Company, also of Daytona, will reopen during the first week in September. Dispatches from Daytona say that the closing of both these banks recently was brought about by oversupply of frozen assetsand not by any adverse local conditions. It is stated that these resumptions are on the plan of frozen depositsthat is being pursued in the case of other banks which are being reorganized and a still larger number of lately closed banks will similarly resume business.
The formal announcement of the American Bank and Trust Company of Daytona said that they would resume general banking and trust business and that it had temporarily closed its doors on June 2 in order to conserve the interests of its depositors and stockholders; also that since then the situation has been satisfactorily worked out as was anticipated, and the Hon. Ernest Amos, Comptroller of the State of Florida, has authorized the opening of the bank with arrange. ments being made for the issuing of certificates of deposit on the basis of the depositors agreement.
At an enthusiastic meeting of stockholders of the East Coast Bank and Trust Company on August 17 a new board of directors was elected to take charge of the institution when it reopens on Tuesday, September . It is stated that almost 100 per cent of the depositors have agreed to let their deposits remain frozenfor a period of six months. Outside capi. tal has been interested and the group of stockholders is increased. Over four-fifths of the 268 stockholders in the institution participated in the meeting.
The Bank of Osceola County at Kissimmee, Fla, has also reopened after being closed for five weeks, and the confidence in the situation was
immediately shown by the receipt of 100,000 in deposits in the first six hours of business. It is stated that when the bank closed it had 50,000 capital stock and 32,000 surplus, but the State Bank Examiner listed 27, 000 worth of paper in the surplus as questionable. Thereupon stockhold. ers assessed themselves for 25,000 for surplus, but since then the amount of questionable paper has been reduced to 15,000. Furthermore, they have increased the banks capital to 100,000 paid in, and a majority of the depositors have agreed to accept their deposits in installments for a pe. riod of 18 months.”
Mrs. R. A. Wheeler returned home Monday from the Florida Sanitarium.

Fresh Fish
We have them Tuesdays and Fridays
Also a complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries

Land Surveyors :
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida

General Repairing Vulcanizing
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get Our New Prices on GOODYEAR and VIKING TIRES. We have a Complete Stock
M. L. KYLE, Prop. Phone 1314-
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
Wrecking Car Service Washing

To All Property Owners Interested in the Following Special Improvement Assessments: - You are hereby notified that pursuant to Improvement Resolutions numbered 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland, in Orange County, Florida, on the 29th day of July, 1926, the following Preliminary Assessment Roll has been completed and filed with the Town Council, tentatively determining the proportion of the expense of the proposed improvements to be assessed against the respective lots and lands herein. after described, abutting upon and contiguous to said proposed improvements on Tangerine Place, Magnolia Road, Orange Place, Circle Drive and Horatio
Avenue, respectively, copy of which assessment roll is as follows:
PRELIMINARY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTIMPROVEMENT RESOLUTIONS No. 13, 14, 15, 16 AND 17 - TOWN OF LAKE MAITLAND, FLORIDA PAVING CIRCLE DRIVE IN WINTER PARK CIRCLE RESOLUTION N. 16 Owner Addition Lot Block Frontage amount Payment plan S. S. Simonds ............................................... Winter Park Circle ............................... 1 50 196.78 Cash in 30 days or annual installments at % -- -- -- 2. 50 196.78 - H. Babbidge ................................. -- 3. 50 196.78 -- -- -- 50 196.78 - K. N. McPherson -- - 50 196.78 -- --- -- 6 196.78 --- -- -- 50 196.78 -- -- -- 157.43 -- -- . 42 166.75 -- - 10. 166.75 - J. R. Osteen ................................................. -- -- 50 196.78 - -- -- -- 12 50 196.78 H. G. Townsend -- -- 13 50 196.78 -- -- -- 14 50 196.78 H. E. Cole ...................... -- 15 50 196.78 -- -- 16 50 196.78 - E. H. Adler ......................... - 17 50 196.78 - -- -- 18 50 196.78 - -- -- -- 19 50 196.78 - - D. G. Spain ............................................... -- -- 20 50 196.78 -- -- 21 -- -- -- 75 295.17 F. K. Thompson ........................................... -- 22 46 182.28 -- -- --- 23 46 182.28 - H. E. cole ............. -- -- 24 50 196.78 - --- -- 25 50 196.78 - C. C. Ruprecht ........................................... -- -- 150 591.37 - -- 56 150 591.37 - -- -- 147.27 579.98 - -- -- -- 32 50-55 Joe Beck ...... -- - 33 198.85 - - -- -- 198.85 L. M. Lucas ..................... - - 198.85 - Sarah J. Cox ............................... -- -- 198.85 - -- 37 50.55 198.85 -- Mrs. S. Simonds -- -- 38 - 39 50.55 -- -- -- 40 50.55 198.85 - E. . Horton .............................................. -- . H. Miner ............................................... -- -- 41 -- P. E. Welzel ..........- -- 42 50.20 198.85 -- - -- -- 43 50.20 - Mrs. S. Simonds -- - 44 150.60 598.45 - 10,356.83 - PAVING ORANGE PLACE RESOLUTION No. 15 C. E. Hasslinger Orangedale Park ..................................... 6 A. 160.95 665.29 Marg. Johnson -- -- 7 - 50 20.6.19 - Walter Cope ................................................... -- -- - Agnes Cobb --------------- -- - - . -- 50 204.79 - - -- - 50 193.61 - R. J. Sample -- - 193.61 - -- 12 -- 50 . - C. E. Hasslinger -- - 50 - -- . 193.61 3. - Upton Morgman ------------------------ -- -- 12 B 50 - 50 193.61 - -- -- -- 50 - 50 193. -- Agnes Cobb -- -- 50 - E. R. Wheeler ............................................. -- -- -- 50 193.61 - Clara wheeler ....................... - 6 50 204.84 R. A. Wheeler . -- -- 50 -- C. W. Cauthen .............................. -- . -- 50 M. Shader . -- - - 160.75 664.30 - TOTAL AMOUNT ......................................................................................................................"T- ,887.30 PAVING TANGERINE PLACE RESOLUTION No. 13 - E. C. and Magnolia Farms ....................................... - 188 -- 18 60 281.06 -- . --- - Ruth stone -- - 50 - E. C. and A. B. Treat . -- - 14 50 - - -- -- 13 50 . - Eliz. Moreman...................................................................................................................... -- 12 50 - Upton Moreman -- - 11 61.15 220.32 - 16 A. 50 179.59 - N. R. Draper ........................................ --- -- -- 17 -- 50 179.59 Emilie Larson ............................................... - 18 -- 50 179.59 - C. E. Hasslinger ........................................... -- -- - --- 50 179.59 - - 20 - 50 7 - - Emilie McCutchins ....................................... -- 21 -- 50 - L. S. Comack - 22 --- 50 191.00 - Unknown .................................... - -- 50 192.20 - R. F. Pickens ........................................ -- - 24 - 50 192.20 . F. Baxter - - - 159.35 ,533.79. PAVING MAGNOLIA ROAD RESOLUTION No. 14 T. M. Henkel Beg. on W line of NEW, of SEWA at 42.5 2,233.17 --
inter, brick and clay ras. E about 450 ft. to Maitland Branch. SW along same to Highway S to beg. 36-21-29.

F. W. Shepard ........................................... Beg. about 450 ft. E of line of NE 150 753.46 % of SE, at inter, of clay and brick rds. E 150 ft. to Maitland Branch. SW along same to pt. of beg. S to
E. H. Johnson ............................................... Beg. on clay . 1,000 ft. E of line 400 2,009.22- -- of NEof SE. 400 ft. to Maitland Branch. NE to pt. in L. Mait. land in ct. of branch. EGNE in Lake to pt. of Beg. S to Beg. 36-21-29. -
Eliz. McConnell ........................................... Beg. 1460 ft. of SE cor, of sect. 25.4 1,276.30 -- 300 ft. to Maitland Branch, NE along same to Lake NE to E line of Sec. S 922 ft. 36.21.29.
Sylvia Blackwood Coffins Subdivision ... 282.50 1,418.77 - 1,628.38 -- F. B. Conant ............................................... 65 370.75 -- -- -- 9 55 -- -- 8 55 .14.28 -- W. W. Long ............................................... 7 75 428.30 -- -- 6 70 393-98 -- J. H. Hill ....................................................... -- 5 70 373.95 inez G. Hill ................................................... -- . 70 373.95 -- J. H. Hill ................................................... -- -- 3. 150 801.85 -- ToTAL AMOUNT ............................ 12,690.64 PAVING HORATIO AVENUE RESOLUTION N. 17 Amer. Fruit Growers Assn. C 95 795.60 A. . Lindholm ........................................... -- B 23.40 - - -- 10 1.6 - H. Angell ............................... --- -- -- 216.04 - - -- 12 216.04 -- Amer. Fruit Growers Assn. -- 8 A. 25 Grimes --- Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Watson - . } - - 15 -- 24 333.31 -- - -- 16 -- 24 222.31 -- 17 17.39 160.95 - F. B. Conant ............................................... 18 -- 17.39 160.95 . H. C. Pearson ............................................. -- 185.90 1,745.78 -- - Pearsons Replat - -- 3. - -- -- - -- . 50.90 497.30 Mait. Comm. Sub. ............................... . B 23.40 227.26 Theo. Howell ............................................... Nolands Replat of Packwood Sub. ..... - -- 3. -- 25 35; -- -- -- . 25 235.13 . . Patterson ................................................... Nolands replat of ................................... 25 232.11 -- attero. Packwood Sub. ....................................... -- - C. C. Whittier ... -- --- -- Nettic C. Fraser -- -- - -- 12 25 215.63 Methodist Church ......................................... Packwood Subdivision ........................... - Mrs. R. L. Dickson (W 52 ft.) 10 A EV, 117.78 1,107.16 -- --- - 10 A. 50.44 5 14.74 Town of Maitland -- . 40 252.23 -- Atlantic Coast Line ..............................------ - --
- - -- (- - - :30 p. m. on the 13th that meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland will be held at the Town Hall at :30 p. day meeting complaints will be heard with reference to said special assessments, and said Assessment Roll, as corrected,
will be finally approved and confirmed. - Done and ordered this 24th day of August, 1926. - E. A. UPMEYER, Mayor,
Attest: E. T. Clerk J. A. BROWN, President of the Council.
NOTICE OF PA ASSESSMENTS - - ring Special Improvement Assessments: To numbered 10, 11 and 12, adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland, in orange County, Florida, on the 29th day of July, 1926, the following Preliminary Assessment Roll the Town Council, tentatively determining the proportion of the expense of the proposed improvements to be assessed gn thePeeve Sand erein after described, abutting upon and contiguous to said proposed improvements on Packwood Avenue, Inter Street, Marion way, East Robin Hood Drive, Gamewell avenue and Maitland Avenue, a copy of which assessment roll is as follows:
EKWOOD AVENUE RESOLUTION N. 10 PACK Addition Lot Block Frontage Amount Payment Plan Packwood Plat ....................................... 22 A East . 681.37 Cash in 30 days or annual F. B. Stone installments at % Coles Replat of 1 29.78 171.61 - t -- Block B Packwoo a. 2 25 14.4.13 --- -- 3 25 14.4.13 -- -- -- . 25 14.4.13 -- --- -- . 25 ------------------------ Packwood Plat ........................... 20 B 122 539.56 . : i of seen: 56 " - . Sprague Quinn - 3; -- --- 3. 25 170.56 -- v. Long 25 110.45 -- Mrs. Rob Richman ..................................... . . . - W. D. Huttig ........................................... - 3,926.11 -

PAVING INTER STREET RESOLUTION N. 11 - F. b. Stone ......................... Packwood Plat ....................................... 22 A. 85 425.59 - -- 2E - 62. .10.04 - Town of Maitland ....................................... -- -- 3E -- .10.04 -- Maitland Realty Co. ..................................... .. -- -- 62. .10.04 -- D. L. Moore Est. ..................................... -- - 5E -- 62. .10.04 - . E. Simmons ........................................... -- -- .10.04 -- A. . Lindholm (S. 30 ft) ................... - -- -- 62. .10.04 Mrs. C. Ingram (N. 32 ft.) - -- - -- .10.04 -- S. B. Hill (N. 22 ft.) - - S. B. Hill --------------------------------------. - - 10 J. W. McLamb ..................................... 52.60 264.27 -- -- -- - 13 62. .10.04 -- .. .. 14 .10.04 - - 15 -- 62. .10.04 . - 16 -- 62. .10.04 - - - 17 .10.04 - 18 -- .10.04 -- . J. McConnell - - 19 -- 62. .10.04 - Coles Replat of Lot 21 -- Block B Packwood Plat ,720.29 PAVING GSIDEWALKS MARION WAY RESOLUTION No. 12 2. 100 582.07 -- -- -- -- 40 -- 60 .48.62 - -- -- -- -- 39 -- 60 349.38 -- -- -- -- -- 75 -- -- -- -- -- 37 142 928.73. -- -- -- . 120 - -- -- -- 24 -- 70 484.42 -- -- -- -- 23 114 795.13 - -- -- -- Reserve area 143 1,007.73 - -- -- Section 2 Unsub-Divided ,809.57 --- PAVING GSIDEWALKS EAST ROBIN HOOD DRIVE RESOLUTION No. 12 Greenwood Gardens ............................... 23 . 126 697.05 --- -- -- -- 22 60 -- -- -- 21 -- 60 -- -- -- -- - 60 -- -- -- -- -- 19 -- 60 -- -- -- 18 -- 60 33 1.75 -- -- -- -- 17 - 60 33 1.75 -- -- -- -- 16 60 33 1.75 --- - -- -- 15 -- 60 --- -- - - - 14 -- 60 - -- -- -- 13 80 -- -- -- - -- 12 - -- -- -- -- -- 21 2. 61.1 38.76 -- -- - -- - 20 -- -- -- - -- 19 - 482.35 - -- -- -- 18 -- 74 409,86 - -- -- -- Park 93 517.27 -- -- -- Reserve 1196 ,621.96 - 13,940.96 - PAVING GSIDEWALKS GAMEWELL AVENUE RESOLUTION . 12 . 100 .40.24 - -- - -- -- -- 2. 60 - -- 3. 60 -- -- - -- 60 -- -- 60 - -- -- -- 6 60 -- -- - . 60 -- -- -- -- . 60 .24.81 - -- -- - 9 70 377.83 -- -- - 10 87 469.53 - -- -- 11 -- 106 572.28 -- -- -- - -- 12 170.84 922.50 -- - -- 2. 18.9 101.64 - -- - 22 -- 75 404.35 - -- -- -- - 70 - -- -- - - 24 - 70 377.83 -- -- -- - 25 -- 60 .24.81 -- - -- 26 - 60 -- -- - 27 -- 60 - -- -- 28 60 - -- -- - 29 -- 60 - -- -- - -- 30 -- 60 .24.81 -- -- - -- - 60 -- - -- 32 - - - -- - -- -- 60 -- -- -- -- -- -- 60 -- -- - -- 35 - 58.2 313.76 -- -- -- - - -- 75 - -- -- 37 122.94 663.97 -- 11,047.88
you are further notified that a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland will be held at the Town Hall at :30 p. m. on the 15th day of September, A. D. 1926, at which meeting complaints will be heard with reference to said special assessments, and said Assessment , as corrected
will be finally approved and confirmed.
Done and ordered this 24th day of August, 1926. E. A. UPMEYER, Mayor,
Attest: E. T. Owen, Clerk. I. A. BROWN, President of the council.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Horner, who have been occupying the Wilcox home on Central Avenue, have be gun construction on a six room bun:
galow to be built in Sunset Ridge just off Maitland Avenue. This is the most pretentious house which has been erected in that part of town and will help to build up the district on the MaitlandWinter Park line as it should be built up.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Haldeman entertained at a card party Saturday evening, in honor of their guest, Miss Geneva Bailey, Miss Bailey, who has been in Maitland for several weeks, left Wednesday for Montverde, where she will attend school the coming year.

Mr. Chas. D. Horner, proprietor of the Maitland Plumbing Company, has received his license as master plumber, which entitles him to do all kinds of plumbing work anywhere in Florida. Maitland thus has a first class plumbing establishment to add to her list of industries.
Mayor E. A. Upmeyer and son, Er: nest, left Wednesday for a twoweeks trip to New York. They took the St. Johns river trip to Jacksonville, and from there took passage on the Semimole for New York. SUPPER AT PRESBYTERIAN
Members of the Presbyterian Church had a picnic supper in the church grounds Thursday evening. The church activities have kept up splendidly all through the summer. There were forty-four present at Sunday School last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Yates Watson have left for an extended visit in South Carolina.
Get Ready for the Town Water before the rush. Let me help : you plan your new bathroom.
Maitland Plumbing Co. C. D. HORNER
Until September 1st, all
Table, Floor and Boudoir --
will be soldata20 per cent reduction. Everything marked with a yellow tag at reduced prices.
| Maitland Hectric shop
J. H. Bennett, Prop.
Announcement has been made set. ting Oct. 18 next and Melbourne as the date and place for the next state meeting of the Beautification Society. The announcement was made through a spokesman for the chairman of the beautification committee of the state chamber of commerce, Karl Lehmann,
of Orlando.
Registration books for Precinct No. , will be open at the Town Hall, September 1 to October .
PHOTOGRAPHS The Better Kind”

Correct Printing
Hamilton hotel building Winter Park, Florida

Horse Feed, Corn Feed Meal, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Meal, Grits
Give us a trial and be convinced
The best is none too good
The City Store Telephone 1310-
in to us.
E. A. UPMEYER, Pres.
Another Special
On and after September 1st, 1926,
The Bank of Maitland
will receive payment for all electric light bills due the FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY.
Don't mail your check to Orlando. the BANK OF MAITLAND, with your bill, or mail it

A Local Bank for Local People J. A. BROWN, VPres. DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier
Either bring it to

The duplex apartment house which J. G. Friedland is erecting will be ready for occupancy early in September. These apartments are pleasantly located in an orange grove just off the central park and are most attrac: tive. They have five large rooms and bath and a large screened porch. All the rooms are airy and light. They are the ideal apartment for a subur. ban town, where it is not necessary to crowd as it is in the large cities.
barbecue painted
The barbecue stand has received a thorough painting both inside and out. This improves its appearance material. ly, and also makes it possible to keep the place clean and sanitary. A good start toward Clean-up Week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Winn and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Parker spent Sunday at New Smyrna.
M. L. Kyle spent the weekend in Tampa. His father returned with him and will be in Maitland all winter, assisting in the garage.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Chambers have moved into . H. Fostershouse in Sunset Ridge.
W. L. Strong has returned from a trip through Georgia and Alabama. He reports crop conditions splendid, the fields white with cotton, almost ready for picking. Mrs. Strong has stayed with relatives in Georgia.
Mr. Ted Stover, a former resident of Maitland, arrived here from South Carolina Wednesday with his bride to spend a few days with his brother, J. T. Stover. They left Friday for Tampa, where they will make their home.
Harold and Jack Haile are spend ing two weeks in their former home in South Carolina. They expect to return early next week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bryan have moved into . L. Stongs home on Jackson Street. Mr. Bryan will con tinue his barber shop at the regular place on Maitland Avenue until Sep. tember 15.
Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Benson and sons, who have been spending August in Maitland, left Monday to motor back to Chicago.
Miss Vivian Powers, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Milliman for several weeks, left last Tuesday for
New Orleans by boat. From there she will return to her home in Grand Haven, Michigan.
Captain and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, who are traveling through the west this summer, were last heard from at Seattle.
This comfortable two story house with ample grounds, situated in midst of a ten acre orange grove on the shore of Lake Maitland, adjoining the highway, has living room, kitchen, porches, three bed rooms, dressing room, sleeping porch, two baths and lavatory, garage. Furnished.
It is a beautiful place---combining all city conveniences and closein location with country freedom and spaciousness.
We are the sole agents for the owner, who instructs us to lease the home for the winter season at the very reasonable rental of 1,000.00.
A lease may also be arranged by the year at 125.00 per month.


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“The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 18, September 4, 1926,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025,

