Cher-O-Key (March 22, 1929)


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Cher-O-Key (March 22, 1929)

Alternative Title

Cher-O-Key (March 22, 1929)


Orlando (Fla.)


The Cher-O-Key, the bimonthly school newspaper published by the Journalism Club of Cherokee Junior High School, which was located at 550 South Eola Drive in Orlando, Florida when it opened in 1927. The Volume I, Number 8 edition was published on March 22, 1929 and cost one cent. Articles in the newspaper include amendments to the Student Council constitution, the upcoming performance of "Mother Carey's Chickens", student editorials, a calendar of events, exchanges with other schools' newspapers, club news, personal news from students and teachers, sports news, a humor section, and the school's girls' basketball victory over Memorial.


Original school newspaper by Robert Cox, ed.:The Cher-O-Key Vol. I No. 8. March 22, 1929. Private Collection of Thomas Cook.


Journalism Club of Cherokee Junior High School

Date Created

ca. 1929-03-22

Date Copyrighted


Date Issued



Cox, Robert
Powers, Ormund
Pettay, Jean
Sangster, Hazel
O’Berg, Gilbert
Cox, Lawson
McKinnon, Carolyn
Williams, Bob
Harney, Margaret
Everett, Emory
Boggs, Robert
Snider, Marvin
Dye, Charles
Williams, Fred
Laverty, Beulah
Cook, Thomas

Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original school newspaper by Robert Cox, ed.: The Cher-O-Key Vol. I No. 8. March 22, 1929.

Is Part Of

Private Collection of Thomas Cook.

Thomas Cook Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




1.43 MB


4 page school newspaper






Orlando, Florida

Spatial Coverage

28.535623, -81.369123
28.543764, -81.376388

Temporal Coverage


Accrual Method



History Teacher


Originally edited by Robert Cox and published by the Journalism Club of Cherokee Junior High School.

Rights Holder

Copyright to this resource is held by Cherokee School and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.

Contributing Project


Cook, Thomas

Digital Collection

Source Repository

Private Collection of Thomas Cook

External Reference

"Cherokee School." Orange County Public Schools.
Dickinson, Joy Wallace. A Guide to Historic Orlando. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2003.


The Cher-O-Key
Published Bi-Weekly by the journalism Club of Cherokee Junior High School.
Vol. I, No. 8 March 22, 1929 One Cent

The following changes in the Student Council Constitution as recommended by the advisors of Memorial
and Cherokee were passed Friday, March 15. These new regulations will be in effect next year
Article I I I
Secion[sic] 3
Paragraph (2)
The president shall de[sic] elected early in the third week of the first semester of each year, and early in the first week of the second, out of the student body at large, according to By-Law No. 9 (IX)
The time for election of Home Room representatives shall coincide with the time for election of the president.
Artical VIII
Section l
The following committees shall be added to the list of Standing committees;
Home Room Improvement committee.
The Committee on the Citizenship League shall hereafter read, “The Citizenship Committee.”
Article IX
Sections 8 and 9 shall be combined in one section and shall be read as follows:--
Section 8
The Citizen Committee snall[sic] have four members beside the chairman and faculty adviser.
The Citizenship League shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions as anounced[sic] in the Declaration of Principals[sic] of the Citizenship League, and for awarding each year the citizenship cup.
The Honor Society shall attend to all correspondence, records, examinations if any, and announcements relative to Principles of the National Honor Society.
By Laws
X. No student's name shall appear on the citizenship cup more than once.
XI. No student shall serve two consecutive semesters as Student council president but shall be eligible again after one smester[sic] has passed.

“Mother Carey's Chickens” a play in three acts, will be presented by the Expression Department of our school next Friday night, March 29. Florida Routh and Bob Williams take the leading roles. They are ably assisted by Betty Meyer, Jack Kline, Sammie Bethea and ten others.
Modern costumes are used. The setting is in New England. The plot concerns a perplexing problem which confronts the lovely heroine. We hope every student in school will be present next Friday night to help us solve this problem. A real delight, lasting for two hours, awaits us.

The Cher-O-Key
The basketball game between the girls of Cherokee and Memorial resulted in Cherokee, represented by 9-2 winning by a score of 19 to 8. This is the second victory by this same team this year.
The seventh grade girls who play nine square basketball had quite ra hard time to determine the winner. 7-3 finaly [sic] succeeded in defeated all other seventh grade teams.
8-3 was declared winner of the eighth grade. 8-2 and 8-6 came in second in this tournament.
In the ninth grade, it was quite difficult to determine the winner. Eliminative tournaments, however, resulted thus: 9-3 third place; 9.1 second; 9-2 first. 9-2 then defeated the winning eighth grade team, won the title of school champions, and repreeented[sic] the school against Memorial where they again met with victory.
9.4, 8-1 and 7-1 were the winning team in boy's basketball in the respective grades for the season.
The ninth grade contest was quite a spirited one. In the finals, nine four, six and three seemed almost equally matched. 9-3 was eliminated first, by receiving defeats from both 9-6 and 9-4. 9-6 then played 9.4, the latter winning. As 9-6 was ahead in the number of victories, they had to play 9-4 again but again were defeated.
9-4 then defeated the 8-1 team.
This victory meant that 9-4 boys were the school champions and that they were entitled to represent Cherokee against Memorial-
Drop a tear here for
Jack Kline
Whose spirit is with
The subline.
He thought he'd get through
Ere the train did.
It's true That Jack made it-------
But not quite in time.

The basketball game between the girls of Cherokee and Memoral[sic] resnlted[sic] in Cherokee, represented by 9-2, winning by a score of 19 to 8. This is the second victory by this same team this year. They were also volleyball champions at Cherokee and in the Chero-Memo basketball game.
The line-up of Cherokee girls was as follows:
Forward Evedna Murrah
Forward Mildred Wade
Guard Virginia Bogenrief
Guard Irene Caldwell
Running Center Helen Arendt
Jumping Center Barbara Parker

Cherokee boys seem to have a hard time defeating the Memorial team, and Memorial girls seem to have a hard time defeating the Cherokee team.
The basketball game played last Friday between the boys of the two sbhools[sic] resulted in Memorial winning, a score of 23 to 17. The score was as follows.
Memo Chero
1st quarter 8 6
1st half 14 11
3rd quarter 15 16
4th quarter 23 17

Editor-in-chief Robert Cox
Associate Editor Ormund Powers
News Editors Jean Pettay
Society Editor Gilbert O’berg
Literary Editor Lawson Cox
Feature Editor Carolyn McKinnon
Sport Editors Bob Williams
Margaret Harney
Joke Editor Emory Everett
Exchange Editor Robert Boggs
Circulation Managers Charles Dye
Fred Williams
Typist Beulah Laverty
Faculty Sponsor Miss Henderson
Several weeks ago we published an appeal to the students of Cherokee in regards to the increased tendency to misuse our building. We hoped that certain evidences of carlessness[sic], in the form of pencil markind[sic] on the walls, eraser dust on the building, scratching on the desks, etc., would decrease; but they seem to re-ppeare[sic] as steadily as removed.
We are fortunate to possess one of the most modern and up-to-date buildings in the state of Florida but we soon will not be able to make this boast if the present rate of vandalism continues. Since we have such a modern building, visitors from all sections of the country are constantly stopping to inspect it and we do not want them to carry away an unfavorable impression of Cherokee.
Each of us as a student Cherokee has a definite feeling of pride wheu[sic] we compare this building with others of the city and state. Let us keep this pride intact for ourselves aud[sic] for future stndents of Cherokee by preserving the equitment[sic] place at our disposal.
Calender[sic] Of Events
March 27: Auditorum[sic] program, 8-5
March 29: Play, “Mother Carey's Chickens, Cherokee auditorum[sic], 8 p.m.
A Gentle Reminder
Mr. Thompson has asked that it be announced that when the school year comes to a close, grade cards will be withheld from all pupils who have not met with all tardy obligations. These pupils will be required to take entrance examinations next fall in all major subjects. Other points must also be met, if report cards are received classes must be kept up to date, shop and home economic bills must be paid, library books must be returned, all obligations must be met.

We ara[sic] pleased to acknowledge receiving an issue of the “Red and Black” published by the Hilsborough[sic] High School of Tampa. This paper is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association.
Two interesting exchanges are the “Pioneer” and the “Wilson Broadcast. er. "The Broadcaster" is published by the Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, Tampa, Florida.
"The Pioneer” comes from Denver High at Albany, New York. The make-up of this paper is unusually attractive. We are glad to have such distant exchanges.
Well, Well, So They Are!
Taxicabs are like ball games, they are often called on account of the rain.
What the various clubs are doing:
The Girl Reserves Club has started making scrap books.
The Girl Reserves of Cherokee have challenged the Girl Reserves of Memorial to a basketball game.
The toymaking club is working on airplanes.
The Who's Who club is discussiug[sic] Herbert Hoover.
The Gift Making Club is making oil cloth pillows.
The expression club had a play recently, “The Gypsies Prophecy,” the cast of which was composed of Ruth Wolly, Ethel Sigal, Katherine Brewer, Bob Gilbert, Evelyn Kimball, and Luella Reynolds.
Student Council members are make inga study of the life of Edward Bok
The Student Council has ordered a blue and gold banner. The background is blue, bearing in letters of gold “Cherokee Junior high School.” The banner will adorn the student council room and will be used in auditorium when occasion arises.
A new class in Library instruction under Mrs. Meyer has been organized which meets during club period on Friday. Membership of this class consists of students who entered school since November and therefore were prevented from taking the course the first semester, credit for this course applies to the English grade.
Where Time Flies–A. J. Tobin of Clymer Auto Co. spent 30 days last week at the Ford plant.—Ex.

Ethel Sigal and Ruth Wolly motored to Mountain Lake last Sunday.
Have you noticed how attractive the flowers have been looking on the stage? Yulee Way arranges these each week just before auditorium period.
The Cher-O-Key believes it can claim something unque[sic] in having a boy fro[sic] society editor.
The editors would like to correct an error which occurred in the last issue. The limerick contest was won by Thelma Jones 7-5, rather than from 7-2, as was published.
Miss Van Nest's section, 7-5, are 70 percent subscribers to the Cher-O-Key. We appreciate their support and wish other sections would try to rival their mark.
Myer Sigal sees that the auditorium is properly ventilated every Wednesday.
Miss Ford, Miss Brown and Miss Henderson spent last Saterday[sic] at Mountian[sic] Lake.
Students! do[sic] you realize that there is less than one third of the school year left—only ten weeks in which to make good?
Many a race has been won during the last lap. These last few weeks witime[sic] for many of us. Now is the time to bring the poor grades up to aveaage[sic] —not in summer school.
Let's get to work! Surely we can make this a record year for Cherokee
Use a Bathtub
Never break your bread or roll in your soup.-Ex.

Document Item Type Metadata

Original Format

4 page school newspaper


“Cher-O-Key (March 22, 1929),” RICHES, accessed January 30, 2025,

