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Minutes of a monthly meeting of the Orlando Ministerial Association. The meeting was held on October 2, 1958, at the Y.M.C.A in Orlando, Florida. The first topic discussed was an election of permanent officers that would take place on October 20,…

Minutes of a monthly meeting of the Orlando Ministerial Association. The meeting was held on March 5, 1959, at the Y.M.C.A. in Orlando, Florida. Pat Pinkerton of the Orlando Sentinel was present to discuss an update on the newspaper's policy of…

Minutes of a monthly meeting of the Orlando Ministerial Association. The meeting was held on February 5, 1959, at the Y.M.C.A. in Orlando, Florida. Secretary John. C. Fuller announced that a special offer was available to clergymen for Time magazine…

Minutes of two monthly meetings of the Orlando Ministerial Association. The meetings were held on December 5, 1958, and January 19, 1959. The record of the December meeting was written by acting secretary J. E. Williams. It was conducted at the…

The Orlando Ministerial Association's minutes of a charter meeting on February 20, 1958. The meeting was held at Temple Israel in Winter Springs, Florida. The association was founded with the purpose of being "open to all clergymen of Orlando…
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