Browse Items (10 total)

Henry S. Sanford with and his wife, Gertrude Dupuy Sanford, and daughter, Gertrude Sanford, at Belfair Grove in 1891. In 1870, Henry Shelton Sanford purchased 23 square acres of land known as the Sanford Grant. The acreage included an experiment…

Young trees at Belair Grove in 1897. In 1870, Henry Shelton Sanford purchased 12,547.15 square acres of land known as the Sanford Grant. The acreage included an experiment station called Belair Grove, located just three miles southwest of the city…

Belair Grove in 1897. In 1870, Henry Shelton Sanford purchased 12,547.15 square acres of land known as the Sanford Grant. The acreage included an experiment station called Belair Grove, located just three miles southwest of the city named after…

Belair Grove after the Great Freeze of 1885-1886. Henry Sanford made his last trip to Belair Grove during the winter of 1890-1891. Most of Sanford's visit was spent in Charles Armory's vacation home because of his poor health. This photograph and…

Gertrude Dupuy Sanford, the wife of Henry Shelton Sanford, at Belair Grove in 1891. The royal palm in the photograph survived the Freeze of 1886, but died in the Freeze of 1894-1895.

Henry Sanford made his last trip to Belair Grove during the…

Gertrude Sanford, the daughter of Henry Shelton Sanford, at Belair Grove in 1891. Henry Sanford made his last trip to Belair Grove during the winter of 1890-1891. Most of Sanford's visit was spent in Charles Armory's vacation home because of his poor…

Original orange seedling planted by Henry Sanford at Belair Grove. In 1870, Henry Shelton Sanford purchased 23 square acres of land known as the Sanford Grant. The acreage included an experiment station called Belair located just three miles…

Randall Chase, son of Sydney Chase, examining a camellia bush at Belair Grove. In 1870, Henry Shelton Sanford purchased 23 square acres of land known as the Sanford Grant. The acreage included an experiment station called Belair located just three…

Belair Grove after the Freeze of 1894-1895.In 1870, Henry Shelton Sanford purchased 12,547.15 square acres of land known as the Sanford Grant. The acreage included an experiment station called Belair Grove, located just three miles southwest of the…

The Belair home of Henry Sanford and family sometime before 1925. In 1870, Henry Shelton Sanford purchased 23 square acres of land known as the Sanford Grant. The acreage included an experiment station called Belair located just three miles southwest…
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