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- Tags: Colquitt, Georgia
Oral History of Trish Thompson
Tags: 11th Street; 1st Street; 501(c)(3); Bagg, Elmer; Baggs; Bram Towers; Broadway; Celery Ball; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Central Florida; Central Florida Community Arts; Clarke, Alicia; Colquitt, Georgia; community theater; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; David Maus Toyota; Disney; Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center; Dreamers and Schemers; Eleventh Street; First Street; fourth wall; Generations; Grandma Moses; Grease; Great Gatsby; Holocaust and Interfaith Council; Hopper Academy; Humanities Council; I-4; Interstate-4; John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts; Kalayla; Knight, Margot H.; Made - Not Bought; Maus, David; Mayfair Country Club; Mercedes-Benz; Mica, John L.; Miller, Mark; Mr. Baggs; oral history; Orlando, Florida; Princess Theater; race relations; Reisz, Autumn; Remade - Not Bought; Rib Ranch; RICHES Mosaic Interface; RICHES of Central Florida; Roman-Toro, Freddie; Sanford; Sanford Museum; Sanford Welcome Center; Seminole Cultural Arts Council; Serenity Towers; Sleeping Beauty; Spam-A-Lot; Swamp Gravy; Swamp Gravy Institute; Talks From the Stalks; Taylor, Jeanine; The Holocaust; The Princess Players; The Sanford Herald; The Villages; theater; theater manager; Thompson, Trish; Tony Award; Touch and Go; Uncle Dieter; United Art of Central Florida; Wicked
Oral History of Peter Newman
Tags: 1st Street; A. Newton; African Americans; Barbara Farrell; Bram Towers; Celery Bowl; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Coconut Grove; Colquitt, Georgia; community theaters; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy; Crooms High School; doctors; Douglas Strenstrom; Downtown Orlando; Elmer Baggs; First Street; Florida Highway; folk plays; George H. Starke; George Michael Zimmerman; George Zimmerman; Harry T. Moore; Harry Tyson Moore; Henry Shelton Sanford; highwayman; highwaymen; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; Jeanine Taylor; Lake Monroe; Laura Donaldson; Luticia Lee; Mark Miller; Marlene Baggs; Mayfair Country Club; moonshine; NAACP; Nancy Ford; Nancy Harris; NAS Sanford; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Naval Air Station Sanford; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Perry Eschelberg; Peter Newman; physicians; playwrights; playwriting; Princess Theater; race relations; Rain Man; Remade - Not Bought; rolling pins; Sanford; SCC; segregation; Seminole Community College; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; Serenity Towers; SSC; Swamp Gravy: Georgia's Official Folk-Life Play; Tea and Tell; theaters; theatre; Time Magazine; Tommy Saunders; Touch and Go; Trayvon Benjamin Martin; Trayvon Martin; UCF; University of Central Florida; Walt Disney World; Will Saunders