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- Tags: Florida state representative
Headstone for Aaron David Jernigan at Lake Hill Cemetery
Tags: Camden County, Georgia; cattle; cattle industry; cemetery; Cook, Thomas; Deas, Martha Patsey; Florida House of Representatives; Florida Legislature; Florida Mounted Militia; Florida state representative; grave; gravestone; headstone; Hogan, Mary Ann; Jernigan; Jernigan, Aaron; Jernigan, Aaron David; Jernigan, Andrew Jackson; Jernigan, Martha; Jernigan, Martha Patsey Deas; Jernigan, Mary Ann Hogan; Jernigan, Thomas; Lake Conway; Lake Hill Cemetery; Lake Holden; milita; Old Winter Garden Road; orange county; orlando; representative; settler; state representative; Tallahassee; tombstone; Tyler, Martha Jernigan
Visit of President Lyndon B. Johnson to Orlando, Florida Program
Tags: Allen, Johnny; Allen, Linton; Alligoof, Bob; Anderson, Martin; Baker, Joe; Baker, John A.; band; Barber, Dixie; Barbour, Don; Bell, Rose; Bishop, Robert J. Central Florida Coordinator; Bloch, Sonny; Brechner, Joe; budget commissioner; candidates; Capeheart, William; Carr, Robert S.; Carter, Betty; Cathedral Church of St. Luke; Central Boulevard; Cheery Plaza Hotel; Clerk of Circuit Court; Clerk of Criminal Court; Colonial Drive; Colonial Plaza; Congress; Constable; Cooper, Jimmy; Cooper, Richard; county commissioner; county delegation; county solicitor; Davis, Cliff; Democratic candidate; Democratic Party; Democrats; Dial, William; Evans, Don; Florida 11th Congressional District; Florida state representative; Florida state senator; Freeman, Cliff; Gay, Clarence; Gieger, Will; Goad, Don; Gray, Francis C.; Heweitt, O. P., Jr.; high school; high school ban; Hollard, Spessard L.; Hooper, M. M.; Horrell, James; Inman, Jack; Jacobs, John; Johnson for President Committee; Johnson, Beth; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; Keezel, Jimmy; Keezel, Mildred; Kennedy, John M.; Kennedy, Ted; Land, Henry; Limpus, Charles; mayor; McCoy Terminal; McMahon, Alice; Middleton, Frances; Newell, Arthur W.; Orange Avenue; orange county; Orange County Commissioner; Orange County Democratic Executive Committee; Orange County Solicitor; orchestra; orlando; Perkins, Paul; president; school board; senator; sheriff; Smathers, George; Sonny Bloch Orchestra; Starr, David; Supervisor of Registration; Sutton, John A.; tax collector; Thigpen, Kenneth; Turnbull, William S.; Willey, G. T.; Wills, Mel; Wise, William; Wood, Earl