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- Tags: Hughey, James P.
Grant's Tourist Guide of Orlando, Florida with Map
Tags: ACL; Alliance Hall; Amelia Street; American Legion; American Legion Post 19; American Railway Express; Aragon Hotel; arcade; Arcade Hotel; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Beeman, Harry L.; Bendelow, Tom; Brantly, George C.; Brigham & Hill; Brisco Motor Cars; Buchanan Brothers; Bumby, Joseph; Busy Bee; Castle Hall; Chero-Cola; Christian and Missionary Alliance; Church of St. Luke's Episcopal Cathedral; Church St.; Church Street; Concord Park Union Chapel; Dodge Brothers Motor Cars; Dudly, F. Drexel; Duke Hall; Duval St.; Duval Street; E. O. Painter Printing Co.; E. O. Painter Printing Company; Eagles Orlando Aerie No. 2047; Econlockhatchee Tribe No. 23; Elks Club; Elks Lodge 1079; Elman, Mischa; Empire Hotel; Eola Park; Eurkea Chapter No. 7; Evangelic Lutheran Church; Favorite Theater; First Baptist Church; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First Church of Christ, Scientist; First Methodist Church; First Methodist Church of Orlando; First Presbyterian Church; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; Fitzu, Anna; Florida Sanitarium; Gabriel, R. C.; Gardner, R. B.; Gowdy, E. G.; Grand Theater; Grant, Homer D.; Grant's Tourist Guide; Hoefler; Hotel Astor; Hotel Empire; Hotel Marion; Hotel Seneca; Hughey Bay; Hughey, James P.; Huntington Hotel; I. W. Phillips & Sons; Jefferson Court Apartments; Jefferson Garage; Jefferson St.; Jefferson Street; Keystone Hotel; Knights of Pythias; Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 9; Kodak; Kuhl Ave.; Kuhl Avenue; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; Lake Jessup, Orlando & Kissimmee River Railroad; Lake Tohopekaliga; Lucerne Cir.; Lucerne Circle; Lucerne Hotel; Lucerne Pharmacyl Seminole Encampment No. 14; Lund, S.; Masonic Hall; Melonville; Melrose Hotel; Middleton; Miller Tires; Mitchell's Wharf; Model Cafe; Modern Woodmen of America; New Grand Hotel; Oak St.; Oak Street; Ocean St.; Ocean Street; Odd Fellows; Odd Fellows' Hall; Olivet Commandery No. 4; Orange Ave.; Orange Avenue; Orange Belt Auto Line; Orange General Hospital; Orange St.; Orange Street; Orlando Board of Trade; Orlando Cafeteria and Restaurant; Orlando Council No. 5; Orlando Country Club; Orlando Hill; Orlando Lodge; Orlando Lodge No. 69; Orlando Motor Club; Orlando Stationery and Curio Store; Orlando Steam Laundry; Orlando Tourist club; Osceola Hotel; Paige Motor Cars; Palace Cafe and Ice Cream Parlor; Patriotic Order of Sons of America; Patriotic Order of Sons of America Washington Camp No. 13; Pentecostal Assembly; Phillips Theater; Pine St.; Pine Street; Pines Hotel; Postal Telegraph; Rebekah Lodge No. 12; Reeves, Orlando; Robinson, Samuel A.; Robinson, Y. O.; Robinson's Auto Service; Rosalind Avenue; Rosalind Woman's Club; Royal Neighbors of America; Royal Neighbors of America Orange Camp No. 7863; Royal Order of the Moose; Royal Order of the Moose No. 766; Royal Palms Hotel; San Juan Coffee House; San Juan de Ulloa Hotel; San Juan Hotel; Schoonover, N. H.; Seventh Day Adventist Church; Simmons; Sorosis club; South Atlantic Railroad; Speer, E. W.; Speer, James G.; Spring Music Festival; St. Charles Hotel; St. George's Hotel; St. James Catholic Church; Stabat Mater; Stokes; Sub-Tropical Mid-Winter Exposition; Summerline Hotel; synagogue; The Morning Sentinel; Tourist Club; Tremont Hotel; Trygverson, Elijah; Trygverson, Olaf; Turner & Turner; Turner's Cafeteria; Tuskavilla; Twentieth Century Club; Tyler, Martha; W. R. Link Tire Co.; W. R. Link Tire Company; Washington St.; Washington Street; Watkins Block; Western Union; Wichtendahl, H.; Woodmen of the World; Woodmen of the World Magnolia Camp No. 4; Woodmen's Circle; Woodmen's Circle Magnolia Grove No. 194; Worthington, john R.; Wyoming Hotel