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- Tags: International Battle of the Bands
Tropics Win International Prize
Tags: Battle of the Bands; Black-Jacket Woman; Chicago, Illinois; classic rock; Columbia Records; contest; Dryer, Mel; For A Long time; I'm a Man, Misirloo; International Battle of the Bands; Ludwig Drum Company; McCormick Place; music; musician; Newman, Carole; Pendergrass, Buddy; Pendergrass, Hardin; pop rock; R&B; rhythm and blues; rock; rock band; rock music; Shea, Bobby; Shea, Robert "Bobby"; Souza, Charles "Charlie"; Souza, Charlie; St. Petersburg; Tampa; Tampa Bay; Teenage World's Fair; The Bitchin' Red Band; The Mamas and the Papas; The Tampa Times; The Tropics; Trice, Nancy; Turner, Eric; WLS Radio
International Battle of the Bands Official Certificate
Tags: Battle of the Bands; certificate; Chicago, Illinois; classic rock; Columbia Records; Dryer, Mel; International Battle of the Bands; McCormick Place; music; musician; Pendergrass, Buddy; Pendergrass, Hardin; pop rock; R&B; rhythm and blues; rock; rock band; rock music; Shea, Bobby; Shea, Robert "Bobby"; Souza, Charles "Charlie"; Souza, Charlie; Tampa; Tampa Bay; The Bitchin' Red Band; The Tampa Times; The Tropics; Turner, Eric
World Teenage Show 1966 Top Champions
Tags: Battle of the Bands; blue-eyed soul; Chicago, Illinois; classic rock; Columbia Records; Dryer, Mel; International Battle of the Bands; McCormick Place; music; musician; Pendergrass, Buddy; Pendergrass, Hardin; pop rock; R&B; rhythm and blues; rock; rock band; rock music; Shea, Bobby; Shea, Robert "Bobby"; soul; soul music; Souza, Charles "Charlie"; Souza, Charlie; Tampa; Tampa Bay; The Bitchin' Red Band; The Rascals; The Tropics; The Young Rascals; Turner, Eric