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- Tags: Jen Foster
The Watermark, Vol. 12, No. 17, August 25-September 7, 2005
Tags: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Adele Siyufy; Aimee Mann; Alison Bechdel; Anthony Paull; anti-gay policy; Beth Adele Long; Billy Masters; bisexual; Bob Roehr; Brian Nutt; Bryan L. Middour; bullying; Buycott; Dave Wiethop; Daytona Beach; Debbie Oliver; Diane Wilde; domestic partnerships; Don Williams; Dragness of God and the Naked Holy Ghost; Edwin DeJesus; Evangelical Lutheran Church of American; Fall Arts Preview; gay; Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Descrimination; Gay Days Tampa; Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender; gay marriage; gay panic; gay-bashing; Georgia Jenkins; Greg Triggs; hate crimes; homosexuality; homosexuals; human immunodeficiency virus; Jayelle Wiggins; Jen Foster; Jim Crescitelli; Jim Verraros; Jimmie Rice; John Granstrand; John Walldorf; Jonathan Sexauer; Karen S. Murray-Parker; Ken Kundis; Kevin Thornton; Kieth Barber; King of Peace MCC; Kirk Hartlage; Larry Hermann; Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender; lesbians; LGBTQ+; Lisa Buck; Lorraine Brock; Maitland Art Center; Margaret Nolan; Mark Dickerson; Michigan Women's Music Festival; Misty Smeltzer; Nancy Wilson; Neil G. Giuliano; orlando; Pride; Q Television; queers; questioning; Rex Maniscalco; Rick Claggett; Rivendell Media, Inc.; same-sex; Sarasota; Sarasota Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; sexual harassment; Spacecoast; St. Petersburg; Steve Allen; Steve Blanchard; Steve Davis; Suncoast Theatre; Tampa; The Ladies of Eola Heights; The Watermark; Tom Dyer; Tom Eckert; Tom Murray; trans; transgender; Travis Moore; Trina Gregory; Victor Leiner; Virgil; Wanzie and Company