Browse Items (3 total)
- Tags: Joy to the World
Sing… Be Merry, December 13, 1992
Tags: A Season for Lovers; AIDS Outreach Fund; Behold Man; Bob Smedley; Charles Callahan; Choral Fanfare for Christmas; Christmas Comes Anew; GALA Choruses; Glory Hallelu!; God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen; Hark! The Herald Angels Sing; Hush! Somebody's Callin' My Name; Jingle Bells; Joy to the World; Just Say Brass; Kenion A. "Ken" Thompson; Now is the Time of Christmas; O Come All Ye Faithful; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Rejoice and Sing Noel; Rise Up Shepherd and Follow; Silent Night, Holy Night; Sing a Song of Merry Christmas; Sleigh Ride; The Christmas Song; The Lord is My Light; We Three Kings of Brubeck Are; Welcome! Sing, Be Merry!; Winter Wonderland
Sump'n for Christmas, December 16, 17, & 18, 1994
Tags: Angels We Have Heard on High; Blow Ye the Trumpet; Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind; Charles Callahan; Christmas Flourish; Ecce jam Noctis; Frostiana; GALA Choruses; Gloria; Hallelujah, Amen; It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year; Joy to the World; Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee; Kenion A. "Ken" Thompson, II; Knowles Memorial Chapel; Let Their Celestial Concerts All Unite; Nuttin' For Christmas; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Paul R. Ericson Memorial Fund; Rollins College; Silent Night; Sound an Alarm; Suellen Fagin-Allen; Sump'n for Christmas; Sweet Little Jesus Boy; Thelma Elizabeth Speight; When I Fall In Love
Happy Gays Are Here Again, May 13 & 14, 2017
Tags: A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square; All for the Best; Always Look at the Bright Side of Life; Begin the Beguine; Debbie Drobney; Dwight Shropshire; Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit; Everybody Rejoice; Finale B; GLBT; Happy; Happy Gays Are Here Again; Harold Wright; How Can I Keep from Singing; I Lived; I Sing Because I'm Happy; James A. Rode; Joy to the World; Jump; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Lift Up Your Voice; Menage; My Spirit Sang All Day; Nothin' But Treble; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; OUTLOUD!; Richard Lamberty; Some Nights; Spectrum; Sue Glerum; Talia Raymond; The Plaza Theater; Things That Never Die; Viva La Diva