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- Tags: Mark Street
Cher-O-Key (December 7, 1928)
Tags: A Bit of Feminine Philosophy; Bethea, Sammie; Boggs, Robert; Brown, Charles; Bryan, Oscar; Bunch, bob; Chapman, Bob; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Christian, Retheal; Christmas; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Robert; DuBose, Eva Belle; Dunlap, Barney; FEA; Fiarey; Florida Education Association; Ford; Graham; Hammond; Henderson; Hoober, Herbert; Jones, Joe Browning; Journalism Club; King, Cannibal; King, Jimmy; Kline, Jack; Know Orlando Club; Lindbergh, charles; Ludwick; Maddox, Burnice; Mark Street; Mark Street Elementary; Mark Street School; Marriman, Richard; McCready, Helen; McCree, W. A.; McElroy, Merle; McKinnon, Carolyn; Meadows; Memorial High; Memorial High School; Memorial HS; Meyer; MHS; Minter, Clinton; Murphy; Murray, Lora; Not Quite Such a Goose; OJHS; Old Mother Hubbard; Orlando JHS; Orlando Junior High; Orlando Junior High School; Orlando Junior HS; Parent-Teacher Association; Parker, Catherine; Parrish, Mary; Pettay, Jean; Ponder, Ralph; Pratt, Helen; PTA; Rathburh, Martha Ruth; Rinehart, Charles; Rollins; Rollins College; Sigal, Myer; Sir Galahad; Student council; Sweat, O. J.; Tate; Thanksgiving; The Country Wedding; The Shepherd Boy; Topakian, Takoohy; Trimble; Tubbs, John; Tyler; Variety Club; Varner; Warren Park; West Central; West Central Elementary; West Central School; Wetherington, Ruth; Williams, Bod; Wright, Martha; Young, Donald