Browse Items (2 total)
- Tags: Memorial JHS
Airplane View of Business Section, Showing Part of Lake Eola Postcard
Tags: Angebilt Hotel; Cook, Thomas; Downtown; Downtown Orlando; First Church of Christ; First Church of Christ, Scientist; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Bandshell; Masonic Temple; Memorial JHS; Memorial Junior High; Memorial Junior High School; Metcalf Building; MJHS; Orange County Courthouse; Rosalind Club; State Bank Building
Cher-O-Key (March 8, 1929)
Tags: Bethea, Sammie; Blankner, Ed; Boggs, Robert; Brown; Carter, Temple; Central Florida Exhibition; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Lawson; Cox, Robert; Dye, Charles; Everett, Emory; Ferrell, Jack; General Sports Trophy; Graham; Harney, Margaret; Harrell, Sara; Henderson; Hi-Y; Hi-Y Club; Iseminger, Myrtle; Journalism Club; Kazarosian, Shan; Keith, Creola; Know Orlando Club; Lanter, Robert; Laverty, Beulah; Lebanon; Maynard, Dorothy; McElroy, Merle; McKinnon, Carolyn; Memorial Echo; Memorial JHS; Memorial Junior High School; Memorial Junior HS; Meyer; Minter, Clinton; Mitchell; MJHS; O’Berg, Gilbert; Ocala JHS; Ocala Junior High School; Ocala Junior HS; OJHS; ook, Thomas; Pettay, Jean; Platt, Donald; Powers, Ormund; Price, Harry; Russell, Margaret; Sangster, Hazel; Scruggs; Snider, Marvin; Tanner, Monnette; The Pennant; The Wishing Well; Thompson; UF; Union; University of Florida; Washington, George; Wayland; West Virginia; White, Gloria; Williams, Bob; Williams, Fred