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- Tags: Southwest Florida Water Management District
Interim Lake Apopka Report (August 1974)
Tags: 1947 Fort Lauderdale hurricane; agricultural pollution; algae; Allen E. Arthur; ameirus catus; ameirus nebulosus; Apopka-Beauclair Canal; boating; brown bullhead catfish; C. W. Sheffield; citrus processing industry; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; dissolved oxygen; eel; Environmental Endangered Lands Program; Ernest H. Cowen; eutrophication; fertilizers; fish kills; fishing; Florida Wildlife Magazine; Fred Harden; Gourd Neck Springs; Hurricane of 1947; Interagency Planning Committee on Environmental Endangered Lands; Jim Harrell; Joe Crumpton; John Bateman; Lake Apopka; Lake Carlton; lake drawdown; Matt Cross; muck farms; Neil Westbrook; nitrogen; Norman W. Hart, Jr.; Oklawaha River Basin; Oklawaha River Basin Restoration Council; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; pesticides; phosphates; sewage treatment plants; Southwest Florida Water Management District; Tom Sawicki; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; water hyacinth; water management; water quality; white catfish; Zellwood Drainage District
Agreement to Establish the Oklawaha River Basin Improvement Council
Tags: algae; Bill Chappell; Central Florida Agricultural Institute; citrus processing industry; Dean Maloney; Don Fuqua; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; eutrophication; Florida Citrus Mutual; Florida Department of Air and Water Pollution Control; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida Inter-Local Cooperation Act of 1969; Gourd Neck Springs; Lake Apopka; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; Lou Frey; Louis Frey, Jr.; Ocklawaha Basin; Oklawaha River Basin Improvement Council; sewage disposal plants; Southwest Florida Water Management District; St. Johns River; stormwater drainage; UF; University of Florida; water hyacinths; William V. Chappell, Jr.