Browse Items (16 total)
- Tags: muck farms
Oral History of Sister Gail Grimes
Tags: A. Duda & Sons; African Americans; agricultural labor; agriculture; alligators; Ann Kendrick; Apopka; Apopka City Council; bass; bass fishing; Bonita Springs; boycotts; Cape Canaveral; carrot houses; carrots; Cesar Chavez; César Estrada Chávez; citrus; City of Apopka; Crealdé School of Art; discrimination; Dowdell v. City of Apopka; E & J Gallo Winery; farms; Farmworker Association of Florida; farmworkers; ferneries; fernery; Gail Grimes; gators; Germans; Haitians; Hispanics; Hope CommUnity Center; Immokalee; Jared Muha; juice plants; kale; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; laborers; Lake Apopka; Lake County; Latinas; Latinos; lettuce; lupus; Mexican Americans; Mexicans; muck farms; Museum of the Apopkans; nonprofits; nuns; nurseries; nursery; Office for Farmworker Ministry; orange county; orange groves; oranges; pesticide exposure; pesticides; Peter Schreyer; Pierson; Plymouth; Plymouth Citrus Products Cooperative, Inc.; Polk County; POW; POWs; Prisoner of War; Prisoners of War; race relations; racial conflict; racism; radish; radishes; religious sisters; Roman Catholic Church; Roman Catholicism; Roman Catholics; segregation; service learning; SLE; soldiers; Stomping Ground; systemic lupus erythematosus; The Last Harvest; turpentine; Vietnam War; wages; Walt Disney World Resort; William Donald Borders; Willis V. McCall; Willis Virgil McCall; Winter Garden; Winter Garden City Council; Winter Park; World War II; WWII
Map of Zellwood Drainage and Water Control District Unit No. 1 and Unit No. 2
Water Resources Restoration and Preservation Program Projects
Tags: aquifers; Bayou Chico; Bayou Texar; Big Hickory Pass; Cape Coral; citrus groves; DER; EIS; Environmental Impact Statement; Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; estuaries; estuary; FIT; Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; Florida Institute of Technology; Florida State University; FSU; Hawthorne Aquifer; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Restoration Project; Lake Carlton; lake drawdown; Lake Eola; Lake Jackson; Lake Lulu; Lake Washington; muck farms; Office of Lake Restoration; Pollution Recovery Trust Fund; Pond Creek; saltwater intrusion; Sanibel River; Water Resources Restoration and Preservation Program; wetlands; WRR&P
Lake Apopka: A Fact Sheet for Public Meetings
Tags: algae; Apopka-Beauclair Canal; citrus processing industry; DER; Eichhornia crassipes; eutrophication; FDPC; fish kills; Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; GFC; Hurricane of 1947; Jay Landers; Joseph W. Landers, Jr.; Lake Apopka; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; largemouth bass; Micropterus dolomieu; Micropterus salmoides; muck farms; Oklawaha River; Reubin Askew; Reubin O'Donovan Askew; smallmouth bass; St. Johns River; water hyacinth; West Orange Chamber of Commerce; Winter Garden
StreamLines, No. 2 (March 1977)
Tags: 208 Program; Bob Dillard; citrus groves; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; ECFRPC; Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; eutrophication; FDER; Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972; Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; John Bateman; John F. Hurlebaus; Lake Apopka; lake drawdown; Lake Eola; Lake Lawne; Lake Weston; muck farms; orlando; sewage treatments plants; sport fishing; water management
Interim Lake Apopka Report (August 1974)
Tags: 1947 Fort Lauderdale hurricane; agricultural pollution; algae; Allen E. Arthur; ameirus catus; ameirus nebulosus; Apopka-Beauclair Canal; boating; brown bullhead catfish; C. W. Sheffield; citrus processing industry; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; dissolved oxygen; eel; Environmental Endangered Lands Program; Ernest H. Cowen; eutrophication; fertilizers; fish kills; fishing; Florida Wildlife Magazine; Fred Harden; Gourd Neck Springs; Hurricane of 1947; Interagency Planning Committee on Environmental Endangered Lands; Jim Harrell; Joe Crumpton; John Bateman; Lake Apopka; Lake Carlton; lake drawdown; Matt Cross; muck farms; Neil Westbrook; nitrogen; Norman W. Hart, Jr.; Oklawaha River Basin; Oklawaha River Basin Restoration Council; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; pesticides; phosphates; sewage treatment plants; Southwest Florida Water Management District; Tom Sawicki; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; water hyacinth; water management; water quality; white catfish; Zellwood Drainage District
Lake Apopka: Operation Cleanup
Tags: A. Duda & Sons; agricultural pollution; algae; Billy Long; carrots; catfish; celery; Central Florida Agricultural Institute; citrus processing plants; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; E. T. York; eutrophication; Everglades; fertilizers; Fiske-Gay Associates, Inc; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; Frank Hooper; Henry Swanson; Hooper Brothers, Inc; Jim Fiske; John F. Darby; Lake Apopka; Larry R. Sinclair; Leon Miller; muck farms; parathion; peat soil; pesticides; Richard B. Forbes; Sanford Agricultural Research and Education Center; sewage disposal plants; Stanley Winn; sweet corn; UF; University of Florida; water hyacinth; William D. Long; Zellwood Drainage District
Proposed Interim Agricultural Pollution Abatement Plan
Tags: abatement; agricultural pollution; basins; Central Florida Agricultural Institute; contaminants; drainage; drainage pumps; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; eutrophication; fertilization; government regulations; Lake Apopka; marsh; marshes; muck farmers; muck farming; muck farms; research; water quality; Water Quality Management Plans
Rural Clean-Up Failures: Deterioration of Lake Apopka Attributed to Introduction of 'Excessive Enrichments'
Tags: aeromonas liquefaciens; agricultural pollution; American alligators; bacteria; bacterium; citrus processing; common alligators; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Frank Hayes; gators; hyacinth control; Lake Apopka; Lake Beauclair; muck farming; muck farms; O. E. Frye, Jr.; Ocklawaha River; pesticides; sewage disposal; UG; University of Georgia School of Veterinary Medicine; water hyacinths; water management; water quality; wildlife die-offs; Wildlife Disease Study; wildlife diseases
Letter from Harold L. Moody to Lawrence E. Jerome (March 13, 1972)
Tags: aeromonas liquefaciens; agricultural pollution; banks; Bickerstaff; blue gills; citrus processing plants; DDE; DDT; dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; ecosystems; fertilizers; fish kills; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; FWS; gamefish; gizzard shads; Harold L. Moody; Henry Swanson; Horel; Lake Apopka; lake restoration; Lawrence E. Jerome; littoral; muck farming; muck farms; Ocklawaha River; pesticides; PHS; pondweeds; Potamogeton; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; River Fishery Project; seining; sewage treatment plants; sewage wastes; sports fishing; St. Johns River; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S. Public Health Service; UG; University of Georgia; USFWS; Vallisineria; vertical water level; water hyacinths; Winter Garden; Woods; Zellwood; Zellwood Drainage District
Even Shad are Dying Says Authority: Federal Evaluation Sought On Lake Apopka
Tags: agricultural pollution; Board of Lake County Commissioners; citrus processing industry; Clarence Carswell; D. Lackey; Eustis; farming; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Research Laboratory; Howard Young; insecticides; Lake Apopka; Lake County; muck farms; National Marine Water Quality Laboratories; peat farms; sewage treatment plants; water authority; water quality
Rotarians Hear Report on Four-Rivers Basin: Engineer Discusses Lake Apopka
Tags: agricultural pollution; citrus processing industry; civil engineering; Dale Twachtmann; dikes; engineers; Florida State Board of Health; Four Rivers Basin Project; FSBH; Gene Cappleman; Green Swamp; Lake Apopka; Moss Bluff Lock and Dam; muck farms; sewage treatment plants; Southwest Water Management District; water quality; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Rotary Club
Letter from Harold L. Moody to J. W. Woods (June 6, 1967)
Subjects to be Presented at Public Hearing on Local Water Pollution
Tags: agricultural pollution; Arthur W. Sinclair; citrus; citrus groves; farming; federal government; fish; Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; gar; Jimmie Sinclair; Lake Apopka; muck farms; orange county; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; public hearings; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; RFC; seining; state governments; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; water hyacinths; water pollution; water quality; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce; Zellwood Drainage District
Lake Apopka Studies for Summer, 1968
Tags: agricultural pollution; Apopka Beauclair Canal; aquatic plants; bottom drying; C. W. Sheffield; Chuck Meyer; Crown Point; Dale Whitmore; dredging; Duda; eutrophication; Ferndale; Fisherman's Paradise; flocculation; Florida Board of Health; Gourd Neck; Graham Goodwin; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Technical Committee; Lake Porter; Mick Sheffield; Mickey Sheffield; Mike Johnson; Mike Raim; muck farms; nutrient removal; Pine Hills; Pine Island Point; plankton; Ray Kaleel; sampling; Steve Hendrix; Tim Alexander; water quality; Winter Garden; Zellwood
Oral History of Garnett White
Tags: 10th Street; 7th Street; 9th Street; aluminum; American Cancer Society; automobiles; B.L. Perkins' Store; bass; bicycles; bikes; Bluitt Stevens; Bobbi Goff; Boy Scouts of America; butchers; Carl McWaters; cars; celery; Chase and Company; citrus; citrus groves; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; Downtown Sanford; Eagle Scouts; Ed White; Elizabeth Wigham; Elm Avenue; farmers; farming; First Federal Savings & Loan; Garnett White; Golden Rusty; golf caddies; Greater Sanford Regional Chamber of Commerce; Hall; Harriet; Harrington; high schools; Historical Society of Central Florida; icehouses; Jacobs; Jaycees; Joseph Morris; Joshua Coffin Chase; Judy White; Lake Monroe; Laurel Avenue; Linda McKnight Batman Oral History Project; Lyman High School; Mac Cleaver; metal drives; mites; Monroe; motor vehicles; muck; muck farms; Museum of Seminole County History; newspaper routes; newspapers; Ninth Street; oilers; Operation Deep Freeze; orlando; Oviedo High School; packing houses; paper boys; Paulette Casen; Paulette White; Pelham, Georgia; quartermasters; railroads; railways; Ransidey; real estate; real estate agents; real estate appraisal; real estate brokers; real estate licenses; recessions; Red Hill Groves; reefers; refrigeration; rubbers; rust mites; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Jaycees; Sanford Junior Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford-Seminole County Chamber of Commerce; Sanford-Seminole County Junior Chamber of Commerce; school lunches; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; Seventh Street; Southside Elementary; St. Augustine; Student Museum; Sydney Octavius Chase, Jr.; Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr.; Ted White; Tenth Street; The Florida Times-Union; The Sanford Herald; Triple S Groceteria; U.S. Navy; war effort; Winterville, Georgia; World War II; WWII