Browse Items (19 total)
- Tags: Harold L. Moody
A Second Lake Apopka Fish Kill
Officials Think Fish Kills May Spread
Letter from Andy Ireland to Harold L. Moody (June 17, 1981)
Letter from Harold L. Moody to Lawrence E. Jerome (March 13, 1972)
Tags: aeromonas liquefaciens; agricultural pollution; banks; Bickerstaff; blue gills; citrus processing plants; DDE; DDT; dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; ecosystems; fertilizers; fish kills; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; FWS; gamefish; gizzard shads; Harold L. Moody; Henry Swanson; Horel; Lake Apopka; lake restoration; Lawrence E. Jerome; littoral; muck farming; muck farms; Ocklawaha River; pesticides; PHS; pondweeds; Potamogeton; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; River Fishery Project; seining; sewage treatment plants; sewage wastes; sports fishing; St. Johns River; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S. Public Health Service; UG; University of Georgia; USFWS; Vallisineria; vertical water level; water hyacinths; Winter Garden; Woods; Zellwood; Zellwood Drainage District
Letter from John W. Woods to Harold L. Moody (June 23, 1967)
Letter from Harold L. Moody to J. W. Woods (June 6, 1967)
Letter from Harold L. Moody to J. W. Woods (April 24, 1967)
Letter from Harold L. Moody to James B. Lackey (July 22,1966)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; conservation; fish; fish kill; fishing; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Harold Ashley; Harold L. Moody; J. W. Bickerstaff; James B. Lackey; John W. Woods; Lake Apopka; lakes; pesticide; pollution; River Fishery Project Leader; sewage; sewage treatment; spraying; waste; waste treatment; water; water conservation; water quality; Winter Garden
Letter from James B. Lackey to Harold L. Moody (July 28, 1966)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; algae; aquatic plants; blue green algae; botulinus poisoning; ciliate; conservation; dioxygen; fertilizer; fish kill; green algae; Harold L. Moody; industrial waste; James B. Lackey; Lake Apopka; lakes; Microcystis aeruginosa; Morgan; oxygen; plants; pollution; sewage; sewage treatment; waste; water; water conservation; water quality; zooflagellate
Letter from O. E. Frye, Jr. to Claude Collins (April 25, 1966)
Letter from Harold L. Moody to John W. Woods (October 21, 1965)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; algae; aquatic plants; catninetail; cattail; Charles Harris; common water nymph; conservation; corn dog grass; eelgrass; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; George Norel; great bulrush; guppy grass; Harold L. Moody; Hog Island; Illinois pondweed; John W. Woods; Lake Apopka; lakes; light; light penetration; Mark Anthony; najas grass; Najas guadalupensis; O. E. Frye; pickerelweed; plants; pollution; pondweed; Pontederia cordata; Potamogeton illinoensis; punk; rain; Schoenoplectus Tabernaemontana; Scirpus validus; softstem bulrush; southern naiad; southern waternymph; submergent plant; Tallahassee; tape grass; Typha; V. americana; Vallisneria americana; vegetation; water; water conservation; water quality; water-celery; wild celery; Winter Garden; Woodland Street
Conference on Lake Apopka Fish Kills, June 12, 1963
Tags: A. D. Aldrich; Angebilt Hotel; bass; biologist; biology; blue-green algae; bluegill; Board of Conservation; C. W. Sheffield; catfish; Cecil Farris Bryant; citrus; Clayton Phillippy; Columnaris; Corps of Engineers; crappie; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; disease; Don Rider; Don Schieswold; Donald McAllister; fertilizer; fish kils; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; Florida Water Resources Commission; gizzard shad; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; J. W. Bickerstaff; J. W. Springstead; Joe E. Burgess; K. K. Hofstetler; lake; Lake Apopka; Lyngbya contorta; Melosira; Micocystis; nitrogen; Nitzschia; Oakland; Oocystis; Orange County Sportsman's Association; Orlando, Winter Garden; oxygen; oxygen supersaturation; pesticide; phosphate; plankton; R. A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center; Rosco Hamilton; Russell Fielding; S. W. Surber; Scenedesmus; shellcracker; smallmouth bass; speckled bullhead; spray; The Orlando Evening Star; trout; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S. Public Health Service; water quality; Whittaker; William Woods
Inspection of Fish Kills at Lake Apopka, Florida
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; Argulus; bacteria; bass; Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife; C. W. Sheffield; catfish; copepod; Crop Reporting Service; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; disease; DOI; Eastern Fish Disease Laboratory; Eddie Cromwell; farm; farming; fish; fish kill; fishing; Florida Game and Fresh Water Commission; FWS; gizzard shad; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Lake Apopka; muck farm; Oliver Cope; Orange County Board of Health; parasite; pathogen; pesticide; pollution; protozoan; research; Scyphidia; speckled bullhead; spotted bullhead; spray; Thomas L. Wellborn, Jr.; threadfin shad; trematode; Trichodina; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; USDA; water; water conservation; water quality
Lake Apopka, Florida Fish Kill Report by Eugene W. Surber
Tags: A. D. Aldrich; agricultural pollution; agriculture; algae; algal poisoning; Aquatic Biology Section; Bacillus columnaris; bacteria; bass; black crappie; bluegill; bullhead; catfish; Chic Archer; Cincinnati, Ohio; corn; crappie; crop; Cytophaga columnaris; Dactylogyrus; DDT; detritus; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; Duda; Eugene W. Surber; farming; fish; fish kill; fishing; flatworm; Flavobacterium columnare; Flexibacter columnaris; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; game fish; gill; gizzard shad; Graham; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Joe E. Burgess; lake; Lake Apopka; Lake Harris; MacDonald Flying Field; Montverde Fish Camp; Oakland; oxygen; parasite; parathion; pesticide; phytoplankton; plankton; planktonic algae; pollution; research; Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center; Russell Fielding; Scyphidia; speckled bullhead; spray; supersaturation; toxaphene; Trichodina; Turk; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; water; water conservation; water quality; Winter Garden; Zellwood; Zellwood Drainage and Water Control District
Letter from Harold L. Moody to O. E. Frye, Jr. (June 11, 1962)
Tags: agricultural pollution; Apopka Moose Head Lodge; Bill Fulford; Bill Turk; Board of Commissioners; Bob Sherman; chamber of commerce; chemical; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; diethyl parathion; dissolved oxygen; Don McAllister; fish camp; fish kill; fishing; fishing lodge; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Folidol; freshwater fishing; frog; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Jeb Stuart; Joe Jacobs; John A. Sutton; Lake Apopka; Lake County Board of Commissioners; M. W. Hammond; O. E. Frye Jr.; Orange County Board of Commissioners; oxygen; parathion; parathion-ethyl; pesticide; pollution; snake; sportsfishing; Tom Denmark; turtle; W. R. Peavy, Jr.; water quality; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce
The Tallahassee News Release, June 1962
Tags: agricultural pollution; bass; Bob Peavy; citrus; citrus industry; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; diethyl parathion; fish kill; fishing; fishing lodge; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; Folidol; gizzard; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Lake Apopka; lake whitefish; parathion; parathion-ethyl; pesticide; pollution; press release; sewage; Talahassee; The Tallahassee News; threadfin shad; waste; water quality; Winter Haven
Letter from Harold L. Moody to James "Jim" P. Clugston (December 17, 1962)
Tags: 14th Terrace; Apopka; bass; Beauclair Canal; City of Winter Garden; fish; fishing; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Fourteenth Terrace; Harold L. Moody; Hulsh; hyacinth; James "Jim" P. Clugston P.; Lake Apopka; largemouth bass; muck farm; sewage; sewage treatment; sewage treatment plant; St. Johns River Project; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Geological Survey; water; water quality; Water Resources Division; Winter Garden; Woodland Street; Woods
Lake Apopka Chemical-Physical Data, August and September 1956
Letter from James "Jim" P. Clugston to Harold L. Moody (October 18,1961)
Tags: 14th Terrace; Colocasia esculenta; Elephant-ear; Erdman West; Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Fort Lauderdale; Fourteenth Terrace; Harold L. Moody; introduced organism; James "Jim" P. Clugston; Jim Clugston; Lake Apopka; Leesburg; Orontium acquaticum; plant; Taro