Browse Items (3 total)
- Tags: Suzanne Hatcher
Glitter on the Highway, June 24 & 25, 2006
Tags: A Chloris; After the Glitter; Amy Vezino; Annie Russell Theater; Constant Craving; Dancing Queen; Disney Dazzle; Eliezer Sierra; GALA Choruses; GLBT; Glitter on the Highway; God Bless America; I Ain't Afraid; I Am What I Am; James Bass; Lawrence K. Altman; Let Me Be the Music; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Man Wanted; Michael McKee; Never Ever; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Paint by Numbers; Simple Song; Somewhere (from West Side Story); Suzanne Hatcher; The Music of Elton John; The None But the Lonely Heart; We Can Be Kind; When I Fall In Love; Who Gave You Permission; Zion's Walls
Don't Touch That Dial, April 8 & 9, 2006
Tags: Andrew Sisters Medley; Battle Hymn of the Republic; Choral Cavalcade of Big Band Favorites; Christy Reynolds; Come Dance with Me; Cowboy Medley; Don't Touch that Dial; Elizer Sierra; GALA Choruses; Gershwin Medley; GLBT; James Bass; John & Rita Lowndes Shakespeare Center; Johnny One Note; Kevin Harrington; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Loch Haven Park; Margeson Theater; Michael McKee; Nearness of You; Route 66; Secret Love; Sentimental: Stouthearted Men; Summertime; Suzanne Hatcher; The Music of Duke Ellington; There's No Business Like Show Business; Why Do Fools Fall in Love?; You Tell Me Your Dream; You'll Never Walk Alone
A Credit Card Christmas, December 10 & 11, 2005
Tags: A Credit Card Christmas; A' Soalin'; Annie Russell Theater; Ave Maria; Beati Mortui; Brian Singleton; Brian Truitt; Brothers, Sing On; Christmas Flourish; Christmas Shopping Spree; Do You Hear What I Hear; Elezier Sierra; GALA Choruses; GLBT; Go Tell It On the Mountain; In This Very Room; James Bass; Just in Time for Christmas; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Michael McKee; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Rollins College; Suzanne Hatcher; The Truth About Christmas; Tomorrow Shall Be My Shopping Day; Toys for Tots; We've Got Good News to Tell!; You (Holiday Version)