Browse Items (9 total)
- Collection: Seminole County Centennial Celebration Collection
Sanford Museum
Built as a memorial to Henry Shelton Sanford, the museum houses his library and…
UCF Public History Center
Tags: 7th Street; PHC; Public History Center; Sanford Grammar; Sanford Grammar Elementary School; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High; Sanford High School; Sanford HS; Seventh St.; Seventh Street; SHS Westside Grammar Elementary School; Student Museum; UCF; UCF Department of History; UCF PHC; UCF Public History Center; University of Central Florida Department of History; Westside Grammar; Westside Grammar School
Museum of Seminole County History
Historic Sanford Welcome Center
Lake Mary Historical Museum
Rural Heritage Center
Goldsboro Historical Museum
Oviedo Historical Society
Oral History of Mart Tucker
Tags: 4-H; agriculture; animal husbandry; Arcadia Albritton; Betty Albritton; Boots Albritton; cattle; Cecil A. Tucker II; Christmas; Citrus Heights; commissaries; commissary; cow hunting; cows; dairy; food stamps; Fort Pierce; Ginderville Heights; Helen Albritton; high schools; Hoffman; Holopaw; Horstmeyer; Horstmeyer Farm and Garden; Jacob's Packing House; Little Lake Barton; Margaret Albritton; Marion County; Marion County Extension Office; Mart Albritton; Mart Tucker; McGregor; Miriam Albritton; Miriam Tucker; Museum of Seminole County History; Ocala; orange county; oranges; orlando; Orlando Highway; Osceola County; P. V. Wilson Lumber Company; Reid Hall; rifle clubs; Rosalia Drive; Saint cloud; Sally Albritton; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole County Extension Office; Seminole County Farm Bureau; SNAP; sports; St. Cloud; Stephanie Youngers; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; tick eradication; ticks; Tucker's Farm and Garden Center; typists; UF; University of Florida; World War II; WWII