Browse Items (4 total)
- Tags: Hunter Ice & Fuel Co.
Hunter Ice & Fuel Company
Ice Plants and Houses in Sanford
Tags: 13th Street; 1st Street; Antiques and Dustibles; Crystal Ice; Crystal Ice Co.; Crystal Ice Company; First Presbyterian Church; First Presbyterian Church of Sanford; First St.; First Street; French Ave.; French Avenue; Hunter; Hunter Ice & Fuel; Hunter Ice & Fuel Co.; Hunter Ice & Fuel Company; New Ice; New Ice Co.; New Ice Company; Park Ave.; Park Avenue; Pebble Junction; Rand; Rand Yard; Rand Yard Ice House; Rand Yard Rd.; Rand Yard Road; Sanford Ave.; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Ice; Sanford Ice and Cold; Sanford Ice and Cold Storage; Sanford Ice and Water; Sanford Ice and Water Co.; Sanford Ice and Water Company; Sanford Ice Co.; Sanford Ice Company; Sanford Ice, Light, and Power; Sanford Public Service; Southern Utilities; Thirteenth St.; Thirteenth Street; Thomas; Thomas Ice; Thomas Ice Co.; Thomas Ice Company; Wet Spot
Ice House Controversy Melts Into Compliance
Tags: 13th Street; city commission; city hall; City of Sanford; Floridan, Dan; GC-2; General Commercial; Hendricks, Joe; Hunter Ice & Fuel; Hunter Ice & Fuel Co.; Hunter Ice & Fuel Company; ice factory; ice house; ice plant; McFarland, John; McFarland, Sherry; Sanford Herald; Thirteenth St.; Thirteenth Street; Yehl, Sherman