Browse Items (4 total)
- Tags: Reisz, Autumn
Oral History of Algerine Miller
Are You Sanford Proud?
Oral History of Trish Thompson
Tags: 11th Street; 1st Street; 501(c)(3); Bagg, Elmer; Baggs; Bram Towers; Broadway; Celery Ball; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Central Florida; Central Florida Community Arts; Clarke, Alicia; Colquitt, Georgia; community theater; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; David Maus Toyota; Disney; Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center; Dreamers and Schemers; Eleventh Street; First Street; fourth wall; Generations; Grandma Moses; Grease; Great Gatsby; Holocaust and Interfaith Council; Hopper Academy; Humanities Council; I-4; Interstate-4; John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts; Kalayla; Knight, Margot H.; Made - Not Bought; Maus, David; Mayfair Country Club; Mercedes-Benz; Mica, John L.; Miller, Mark; Mr. Baggs; oral history; Orlando, Florida; Princess Theater; race relations; Reisz, Autumn; Remade - Not Bought; Rib Ranch; RICHES Mosaic Interface; RICHES of Central Florida; Roman-Toro, Freddie; Sanford; Sanford Museum; Sanford Welcome Center; Seminole Cultural Arts Council; Serenity Towers; Sleeping Beauty; Spam-A-Lot; Swamp Gravy; Swamp Gravy Institute; Talks From the Stalks; Taylor, Jeanine; The Holocaust; The Princess Players; The Sanford Herald; The Villages; theater; theater manager; Thompson, Trish; Tony Award; Touch and Go; Uncle Dieter; United Art of Central Florida; Wicked
Oral History of David C. Grace
Tags: 7th Street; A Land Remembered; aloe; American Beauty berry bush; antique rose; archaeology; beans; Beech Aircraft; Beech, Walter; bobcat; Boy Scouts of America; butterfly garden; Central Florida Safety Council; Central Georgia; CenturyTel; CFO; Chief Financial Officer; coontie; corn; Cub Scout; docent; dunce cap; Eagle Scout; Edison, Thomas Alva; exhibit; Firestone; Florida Safety Council; Florida Telephone Corporation; Fort Myers; garden; gardener; Gates, Bob; gems; geology; Grace, David C.; herb; herb garden; Higgins House Bed and Breakfast; ilex vomitia; Indian Guides; Lake Harris; Master Gardener; minerals; missile command; missile maintenance officer; museum; Native American Exhibit: Life in an Ancient Timucuan Village; Native Americans; Okahumpka; oral history; Order of the Arrow; Orlando Area Historical Rose Society; Padgent, Walt; paleontology; pig farmer; Pioneer Exhibit: Before the Settlement of Sanford; rabbit; Reisz, Autumn; Robert Michael Gates; Romanesque revival architecture; rosarium; rose; rosemary; Sanford Grammar School; sassafras tree; Scotus, John Duns; Second Lieutenant; Seminole County Green Thumb; Seminole County Master Gardener Program; Seventh Street; shade garden; Sprint Corporation; squash; Student Museum and Center for Social Studies; subtropical garden; superstition; thyme; Turn of the Century Classroom: Lessons from 1902; U.S. Army; UCF Department of History; UK; United Telephone Company of Florida; University of Central Florida, UCF; University of Kansas; vegetable garden; veteran; Wichita Gem and Mineral Society; Wichita Gem and Mineral Society, Inc.; Wichita High School East; Wichita State University; Wichita, Kansas; wildlife habitat; Winter Park Telephone Company; WSU; Yalaha; yaupon holly