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- Tags: Stamatios Kannis
The Watermark, Vol. 12, No. 10, May 19-June 1, 2005
Tags: ACLU; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; ACT-UP Philadelphia; Adobe Realty; AIDS; AIDSWatch; Alliance for Marriage; ALSO Out Youth; American Civil Liberties Union; Amy Boyd; Amy Steinberg; Ann Hart Coulter; Barry Farmer; Bart T. Coyle; Beak to Beak; Bears of Central Florida; Benny Lacks; Betty Castor; Betty Marion White Ludden; Billy Bruce Wagener; bisexual; Bo Shuff; BOCF; Bowling in Boxers; Campaign to End AIDS; Candace Gingrich; Central Florida Black Pride; Charles Wysocki; Church of the Trinity MCC; Community Impact Spokane; Corene Fry; Eddie Sarfaty; Equality Florida; Equality Forum; Family Research Council; FGRA; Florida Gay Rodeo Association; Focus on the Family; Freedom Resort and Spa; gay; Gay Days; gay marriage; gay rights; genetics; Greg Hall; Gulf Coast Men's Chorus; Harry Flynn; HIV; homophobia; homosexuality; Howard Brush Dean III; HRC; human immunodeficiency virus; Human Rights Campaign; IGRA; International AIDS Candlelight Memorial; International Gay Rodeo Association; Irene "Beth" Stroud; Jack Nichols; James Dobson; James E. West; Jeanne White-Ginder; Jennifer Foster; Jim Merritt; John Dorr; John Forbes Kerry; John Himonetos; John Ruffier; Joseph Batallion; Joseph J. Cook; Joy MCC; Justin R. Cannon; Ken Hutcherson; Ken Martin; L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center; Lambda Legal; lesbians; Leslie Dawley; LGBTQ+; Lige Clark; Lorri L. Jean; Malcolm Lazin; Marcus Matthews; Mark Leno; marriage equality; Mary Anne Servian; Matt Daniels; Matt Foreman; Mel White; Michael Connelly; Michael Kitsos; Michael Wanzie; Michele Balan; Microsoft; Nathan Leopold; National Association of People with AIDS; National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; Orlando Family Reunion Picnic; Orlando Fringe Festival; Orlando Gay Chorus; Parrots with Pride; Penny Lancaster; Peter Malamoutsis; pheromones; Philip W. Johnston; queers; questioning; Rainbow Sash Alliance USA; Republicans; Rob McKenna; Robarts Arena; Romer v. Evans; Ryan Wayne White; Ryan White CARE Act; same-sex marriage; Sandra Witelson; Sarasota Pridefest; Scott Garstka; Scott Zirbes; Soulforce; Southwest Florida Business Guild; Southwest Florida Community AIDS Quilt; Spanish Bishops' Conference; Splash Bash; St. Mark United Church of Christ; St. Pete Pride Promenade; Stamatios Kannis; Steve Ballmer; Sunshine Invitational Tournament; Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; Terje Anderson; Terry Thomas; The Watermark; Theo Malamoutsis; Thomas Hall; Thomas Minnery; TIGLFF; Tom Higgins; transgender; TV Land; Unitarian Universalist Church; United Methodist Church; Walt Disney Company