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- Tags: historiography
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 49: An Interview with Paul Ortiz, Part 1
Tags: 1920 Election; African American; armed resistance; civil rights; convict labor; convict leasing; court; Cravero, Geoffrey; democracy; disenfranchisement; documentary; election; Election of 1920; emancipation; Emancipation Betrayed: The Hidden History of Black Organizing and White Violence in Florida from Reconstruction to the Bloody Election of 1920; Great Depression; Harding, Warren Gamaliel; historian; historiography; Jim Crow; labor; labor rights; labor strike; laborer; liberty bond; Lincoln, Abraham; lynching; migrant labor; migrant worker; New York Stock Exchange; oral history; organizing; Ortiz, Paul; phosphate; phosphate industry; podcast; race relation; racial violence; racism; Reconstruction; Republican; Republican Party; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Rockefeller, John Davison, Sr.; Samuel Proctor Oral History Program; segregation; sheriff; slave; slavery; State of Florida; strike; Thrift stamp; turpentine; turpentine industry; UF; University of Florida; violence; voter registration; voter registration movement; voting; voting rights; wages; Wells-Barnett, Ida Bell; Wells, Ida Bell; worker rights; World War I; WWI
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 54: 500 Years
Tags: 500th anniversary; African American; Age of Exploration; anniversary; archaeolgy; article; award; colonial; colonization; commemoration; de León, Juan Ponce; DeCoster, Jonathan; Deegan, Kathleen; documentary; editor; education; educator; European; exploration; explorer; FHQ; FHQ Podcast; FHS; Florida Historical Quarterly; Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast; Florida Historical Society; France; French; French Florida; Hampton Dunn Internet Award; historian; historical society; historiography; Hoffman, Paul E.; journal; journal article; journal editor; Journal Storage; JSTOR; Landers, Jane; Lester, Connie L.; McGraw, John; Murphree, Daniel S.; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Native American; palm; podcast; primary source; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; scholar; scholarly journal; settlement; settler; slave; slavery; special issue; teacher; UCF; UCF Department of History; University of Central Florida; University of Central Florida Department of History; West Florida Rebellion of 1810; women