512-516 South Sanford Avenue


Dublin Core


512-516 South Sanford Avenue

Alternative Title

512-516 S. Sanford Avenue


Sanford (Fla.)
African Americans--Florida
Georgetown (Sanford, Fla.)


The building located at 512-516 South Sanford Avenue in Georgetown, an historic African-American neighborhood in Sanford, Florida. The earliest known residents of Suite 512 were three African-American businesses in 1924: jeweler A. J. Coulter, West Sanford Real Estate Company, and undertakers Austin & Morris. Coulter previously resided at 318 S. Sanford Ave. in 1917. In 1926, Culter remained in Suite 512 and James Samuels moved to Suite 512 1/2 from Suite 508. African-American businessman W. H. Gaines housed his restaurant here in 1947 and Vail Chandler Cabinet Market was located here in 1952. In 1952, Viola's Beauty Shop, an African-America-run business, and Amos Payne, a black resident, were listed at 512 1/2 South Sanford Avenue. Sweeney's Office Supply Warehouse was listed at Suites 506-512 in 1965. In 1975, the All Souls Catholic Church Sharing Center, a used merchandise store, was located at Suite 512. All Souls Catholic Church is a Catholic church founded by Father McFaul in 1882 and located at 800 South Oak Avenue. As of January 2014, this suite was being occupied by Mane Attraction Hair Salon.

The first known residents of 514 S. Sanford Ave. were two African Americans: W. B. Kellix in 1917 and Milton Malloy in 1924. In 1926, West Sanford Real Estate Co. moved from Suite 512 to 514. Three other black residents were listed at this address: Fannie Jones and Oscar Coleman in 1947 and Mabel Griffin in 1952. Originally located at 506 S. Sanford Ave., black-owned business Jack's Barber Shop relocated to this location by 1965. Another African-American resident, Daisy Tyes, lived in Suite 514 1/2 from approximately 1947 to 1965. Tyes was born on February 2, 1897, and passed away on April 1, 1985.

In 1926, Suite 516 was being occupied by Gramling & Morris, two African-American undertakers, and Suite 516 1/2 was being occupied by a black resident named Frank Pitts. In 1947, the lot was housing another black organization, World War Veterans Auxiliary Service Center. By 1952, an African-American woman, Louise King, was residing at this location, but it was listed as vacant in 1965. At the time that this photograph was taken in January 2012, this suite was being occupied by Junk2Funk, a mid-century modern furniture and accessories store owned by John White, a graphic designer, and Shana Gorondy, a senior business analyst for the American Automobile Association (AAA). In August 2012, Junk2Funk was featured on Picked Off, a reality television series on The History Channel.


Rock, Adam


Original color digital image by Adam Rock, January 23, 2012.

Date Created


Is Part Of

Sanford Avenue Collection, Georgetown Collection, Sanford Collection, Seminole County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




382 MB
382 MB


2 color digital images




Still Image


Georgetown, Sanford, Florida

Accrual Method

Item Creation


History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher


Originally created by Adam Rock and published by RICHES of Central Florida.

Contributing Project


Cepero, Laura
Rock, Adam

Digital Collection

Source Repository

External Reference

Flewellyn, Valada S. African Americans of Sanford. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Pathways to History - Historic Georgetown." City of Sanford. http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.aspx?page=483.
Sanford, Florida City Directory, 1917-1918. Jacksonville, FL: R.L. Polk & Co., 1917.
Sanford, Florida City Directory, 1924. Sanford, Florida: R.L. Polk & Company, 1924.
Sanford, Florida City Directory, 1926. Sanford, Florida: R.L. Polk & Company, 1926.
Sanford, Florida City Directory, 1947. Sanford, Florida: R.L. Polk & Company, 1947.
Sanford, Florida City Directory, 1952. Sanford, Florida: R.L. Polk & Company, 1952.
Sanford, Florida City Directory, 1965. Sanford, Florida: R.L. Polk & Company, 1965.
Sanford, Florida City Directory, 1975. Sanford, Florida: R.L. Polk & Company, 1975.
"Anderson L. Brown, 78, 1001 Cypress Ave., Sanford, died..." The Orlando Sentinel, May 14, 1985. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1985-05-14/news/0300080247_1_grandchildren-sanford-beacon.
"History." All Souls Catholic Church. http://www.allsoulssanford.org/history.
"Daisy Tyes." Death-Record. http://www.death-record.com/l/123999639/Daisy-Tyes.
"ABOUT US." Junk2Funk. http://www.junk2funk.biz/home.
Boedeker, Hal. "'Picked Off' enters its Central Florida phase." The Orlando Sentinel, July 31, 2012. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-07-31/entertainment/os-picked-off-enters-orlando-phase-20120731_1_graphic-designer-american-pickers-reality-tv-production.



Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

2 color digital images


Rock, Adam, “512-516 South Sanford Avenue,” RICHES, accessed March 9, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/3699.

