Browse Items (35 total)
- Tags: Rock, Adam
307-311 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; Al's Place Tavern; Barkett; Boteler-Jackson Company, Inc.; Boteler, Howard; Bradford, M. J.; C. C. Sheffield & Son Beer; C. C. Sheffield & Son Tavern; Cafe Tavern; Charlton, W. R.; confectioners; Dixie Gardens Corporation; Frazier, Jacob; Friendly Cafe; Georgetown; Harris, S. M.; I. E. Kersey & Son Meats; Jackson; Kersey, I. E.; real estate; Rock, Adam; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sheffield, C. C.; Style Shop Ready-to-wear; Tsacrios, James; Williams, Judge; Wilson, G. W.
308-310 South Sanford Avenue
518-526 South Sanford Avenue
410 South Sanford Avenue
205 South Sanford Avenue
519 South Sanford Avenue
Home of Dr. Edward D. Strickland
512-516 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; All Souls Catholic Church Sharing Center; Austin & Morris; barbershops; beauty shops; Broomfield, Segio; Brown, Anderson L.; Burnett, Will; cabinetmakers; carpenters; Chandler, Vail; Chute, Blanche; Coleman, Oscar; Coulter, A. J.; Dick's Appliance Service; Dunaway, W. E.; funeral directors; furniture; Gaines, W. H.; Georgetown; Gorondy, Shana; Gramling & Morris; Griffin, Mabel; Jack's Barber Shop; Jack's Dry Cleaners; jewelers; Jones, Fannie; Junk2Funk; Kellix, W. B.; King, Louise; Malloy, Milton; Mane Attraction Beauty Salon; Mane Attraction Hair Salon; morticians; Payne, Amos; Pitts, Frank; real estate; restaurants; Rock, Adam; salons; Samuels, James; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Strobart, Prince; Sweeney's Office Supply Warehouse; Telford, J. N.; Tyes, Daisy; undertakers; Vail Chandler Cabinet Market; Viola's Beauty Shop; Walker, W. M.; West Sanford Real Estate Company; White, John; Wood, Florine; World War Veterans Auxiliary Service Center
506-510 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; barbershops; Broomfield, Segio; Brown, Anderson L.; Burnett, Will; Chute, Blanche; Dick's Appliance Service; dry cleaners; dry cleaning; dry goods; Dunaway, W. E.; Georgetown; grocers; grocery stores; Jack's Dry Cleaners; Rock, Adam; Samuels, James; Sanford; Sanford Ave.; Sanford Avenue; Strobart, Prince; Sweeney; Sweeney's Office Supply; Sweeney's Office Supply Warehouse; Sweeney's Warehouse; Telford, J. N.; Walker, W. M.; Wood, Florine
505-507 South Sanford Avenue
501-503 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; billiards; cafes; Caldwell Furniture Company Inc.; Clayton, Ernest; furniture; Georgetown; grocers; grocery stores; Harrell, William H.; Hill, R. L.; Janette's Cafe; Neal, J. R.; pool; Rivers, Louis; Rock, Adam; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Avenue Pool Room; Sanford Cafe; Tayes, Rachel; Walker, W .M.; Williams, James A.
500-504 South Sanford Avenue
421 South Sanford Avenue
417-419 South Sanford Avenue
412-418 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; Ansley TV Service; barbers; barbershops; bars; Beverly's Hair Cutting Services; billiards; Burns, Robert; Cave Tavern; cobblers; dry cleaners; Everybody's Hardware; Felder, Gilmore; Gaynor, Leamon; Georgetown; hardware; Knights Bicycle Shop; laundromats; Metz Shoe Shop Repairs; Metz, William; Miracle House Healing Ministries, Inc.; Morris Cleaner & Dyer; Narvis, Morris; pool; restaurants; Rock, Adam; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Seminole Barber Shop; Staup, A. M.; Steen's Dry Cleaners; Sylvester Tavern; taverns; Turner, Randall; Williams, J. W.; Williams, Patricia; Williams, Thomas; Williamson & Son Barber Shop; Williamson, Preston
411-415 South Sanford Avenue
401-403 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; bakeries; bakery; barbers; Burnett, W. M.; Caldwell, L. W.; confectioners; department stores; Duhart, H. L.; Gaynor, Leamon; Georgetown; H & A Department Store; ice industry; Jacobson, Arthur; Jacobson, Herman; Jacobson, Rose E. Zauderer; Knight, Jack; real estate; restaurants; Rock, Adam; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Ice and Cold Storage; storage; Walker, C. M.; Zauderer, Rose E.
400-402 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: Anderson, J. I.; Ansley TV Service; Coleman, C. J.; Comick, S.; County Veterans Institute; deHeredia, G. E.; dry goods; E. Mable Saints Fruits; Exact Plumbing, Inc.; furniture; G. E. deHeredia Dry Goods; Georgetown; grocers; grocery stores; J. H. Tillis Meats; Jenkins Furniture Company New & Used; meats; plumbing; Rock, Adam; Saints, E. Mable; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Stumon, J. M.; Table Supply Stores Grocery; Tillis, J. H.; Wray, Harry; Young, Garfield
323-329 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: 3-in-1 Store; A. E. Dobbins Shoe Repair; African Americans; Bill Harvey's Home Service Company Radio Sales & Service; cobblers; Dobbins, A. E.; electricians; FMB; FMB 5-10 & 25c Store; Georgetown; grocers; grocery stores; Harvey, Bill; Hopkins Grocery & Market; Hopkins Shoe Shop; Johnson, K. S.; Leffler, C. H.; Lovett; Lovett's Grocery; Palm Leaf Broom Straw Company; Park & Shop; plumbers; Rock, Adam; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Supermarket; supermarkets; Three-In-One Store; Tip Top Super Market; Tip Top Supermarket
320-326 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; Battle, Mack; Beehive, Inc.; Benjamin, Samuel; Berson, Joseph; Broderick, W. S.; C & C Liquor Store; cafes; Cavoura, Dimitios; Ceresoli, Batista; Ceresoli, Carolina C.; Ceresoli, Martin Q.; Dave's Store; department stores; Diamond Glass Company, Inc.; Fine & Dandy Wig Shop; Friendly Cafe; Georgetown; glass; grocers; grocery stores; immigrants; Italians; Johnson, J. L.; Joseph Berson Ladies' Wear; Klicker, W. T.; liquor stores; McClaine, Elvy; meats; Mooney's Appliance Service; Narvis, Morris; Outlet - The Department Store; poultry; Rivers Brothers; Rock, Adam; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Feed Store; Sargeant, G. E.; Tom & Joe's Variety Store; W. T. Klicker Meats
319-323 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: 3-in-1 Store; African Americans; arcades; beauty shops; Brock, D. C.; Brown; Brown's Studio Photography; cobblers; dentists; Dixie Furniture Company; doctors; electricians; FMB; FMB 5-10 & 25c Store; furniture; garages; Georgetown; groceries; grocery stores; Jerry's Arcade; Johnson, K. S.; Johnson, R. S.; Melton; Melton Electric Company; Melton, J. J.; Metz Shoe Shop Repairs; Metz, William; Model Beauty Shop; photography studios; physicians; plumbers; Ringling, Julius; Rock, Adam; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Garage; Sanford Supermarket; Starke, George E.; Starke, George H.; supermarkets; tailors; Three-In-One Store
314-316 South Sanford Avenue
313-317 South Sanford Avenue
301-305 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; Afro- American Life Insurance Company; barbershops; bars; Bill Duskin's Department Store; Bonner, J. D.; Boteler Howard Company; Boteler, Howard; Boyd, Sami; Bray, Ernest; Campbell's Fish Market; Cherry, Lonnie; confectioners; dentists; department stores; doctors; Duskin, Bill; Ezekiel's Radio Sales & Service; Frazer, Robert; Georgetown; Graham, Catherine; grocery stores; Hamrick's Cash Grocer; Hawkins & Warren; Hawkins Brothers Meats; Hawkins, W. E.; insurance; Jones, Dora; Just-Rite Grocery; Kennington & Nesmith Meats; Knights Bicycle Shop; life insurance; meat; Papall, William; physicians; Rock, Adam; Royal Palm Barber Shop; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Siplin, Naaman; Sizemore, Ernest B.; Slappey, Eugene; Strickland, Edward D.; Tony, Julia; William, Judge; Williams, George; Wright, Luke
300-304 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; Austin, James; Bentley, Jerry; Bentley, Natherine; Braboy; Braboy & Sapp; Bracey, Scipio; E. Mable-Saint Drugs; Foster, A.; Frazer & Fulton Pool Room; Frazier, Isaiah F.; Fulton; Georgetown; Gramling, Albert; Grant's Clock Shop; Green, W. O.; J . H. Lee & Company; Jason's Martini Club; Knights of Pythias; Knights of Pythias Hall; Lee, J. H.; Loyd, Louis A.; Philips, A. E.; Prince, O. A.; Rock, Adam; Rosseter, William; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Jewelry & Luggage Company; Sapp; Saucer, J. M.; Strickland, Edward D.; Victory Beer Garden; Victory Tavern; Victory Taxi Company; Williamson, Preston
224 South Sanford Avenue
217-219 South Sanford Avenue
211-215 South Sanford Avenue
210-216 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; Baptiste, Ceresoli; Ceresoli, Carolina C.; churches; City Shoe Shop Repairs; Covington, Jesse; Georgetown; Goodwill Industries Bargain Store; grocers; grocery store; hardware; La Chic Styzle Inc.; Lu Harriett; Lu Harriett's Variety Store; Rock, Adam; salons; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Long Rifle Shoppe; Stanley-Rogers Hardware Company; The Used Clothes Thrift Store; Under the Sun Ministries; Winnowing Church
208 South Sanford Avenue
202-204 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; bars; clubs; Daniel, L. L.; Georgetown; hardware; Harvey, Rufus L.; hat shops; Kronen, Maurice; Maurice Kronen Millinery; Moon's Subs; restaurants; Rock, Adam; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford X-Cel Store Feeds; Southern Natural Gas Company; Stanley-Rogers Hardware Company; Vodopich Sales & Service Gas & Electric Appliances; West End Trading Company
123 South Sanford Avenue
104 South Sanford Avenue
Hopper Academy
Georgetown Historic Marker
Tags: 7th Avenue; Celery Avenue; Crooms Academy; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; Crooms, Joseph Nathaniel; Cypress Avenue; Georgetown; historic marker; McLester; National Register of Historic Places; Reed; Rock, Adam; Sanford Avenue; Seminole County Historic Marker; Seventh Avenue; Spears, Prince W.; St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church; Tuckertown; Tuskeegee