U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1920


Dublin Core


U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1920

Alternative Title

Census, 1920


Census--United States
Orange County (Fla.)
Marion County (Fla.)
Brevard County (Fla.)
St. Lucie County (Fla.)
Seminole County (Fla.)
Volusia County (Fla.)
Flagler County (Fla.)
Lake County (Fla.)
Osceola County (Fla.)
Population--United States


The Fourteenth United States Census records for Brevard County, Flagler County, Lake County, Marion County, Orange County, Osceola County, Seminole County, and Volusia County, Florida for 1920. The census divides the population by gender, race ("white" and "black"), and native-born vs. foreign-born. Those who are foreign born are further divided by country of origin. The census then lists the population categorized by age, school attendance, race, and literacy. The census also collected information on agriculture and on manufacturing.

The Census of 1920 changed the date of Census Day from April 15th to January 1st, as requested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which argued that farmers' memories and harvest information would be more accurate on this day. The U.S. Census Bureau was also authorized to hire additional employees at its headquarters in Washington, D.C., and to create a special field force to collect census data. The legislation authorizing the 1920 Census also allowed for a census of manufacturing to be conducted in 1921, and for such a census to be repeated every two years thereafter, as opposed to the traditional five-year census cycle. Furthermore, a census of agriculture and livestock was to be conducted in 1925 and to be repeated every 10 years thereafter. In addition, penalties for those who refused to supply information or those who supplied false information were strengthened. As a result of these changes, the censuses of population, manufacturing, and agriculture and livestock became increasingly independent of one another.

The "usual place of abode," the location where residents regularly slept, instead of where they worked or were visiting, became the new basis for enumeration in the 1920 Census. Those with no permanent or regular residence were listed as residents of the location that they were enumerated at. Enumeration related to institutional inmates, and dependent, defective, and delinquent classes were also modified. Unlike the previous census, the 1920 Census did not have inquiries related to unemployment, to Union or Confederate Army or Navy service, to the number of children born, or to the length of time that a couple had been married. The Census of 1920, however, did include four additional questions: one regarding year of naturalization and three regarding native languages. Issues also arose as a result of changes in international boundaries following World War I, particularly for persons declaring birth or parental birth in Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, or Turkey. In response, enumerators were required to ask said persons for their province, state, or region of birth. Enumerators were not required to ask individuals how to spell their names, nor were respondents required to provide proof of various pieces of information. Race was determined by the enumerator's impressions.


Original census data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau, 1920.

Date Created

ca. 1920-01-01


Gibson, Ella

Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original census data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau, 1920.

Is Part Of

U.S. Census Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




1.39 MB


1 table






Brevard County, Florida
Flagler County, Florida
Lake County, Florida
Marion County, Florida
Orange County, Florida
Osceola County, Florida
Seminole County, Florida
Volusia County, Florida

Accrual Method

Item Creation


History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher


Originally collected by the U.S. Census Bureau and published by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

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Cepero, Laura

Digital Collection

External Reference

"1920 Overview." U.S. Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/overview/1920.html.
United States. Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1975. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/histstats-colonial-1970.pdf.
United States, and Carroll D. Wright. The History and Growth of the United States Census. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1920. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/wright-hunt.pdf.


U.S. Census of 1920
Brevard County Flagler County Lake County Marion County Orange County Osceola County Seminole County Volusia County
Population Total 8,505 2,442 12,744 23,968 19,890 7,195 10,986 23,374
Males 4,483 1,439 6,612 12,048 10,042 3,662 5,695 11,663
Females 4,022 1,003 6,132 11,920 9,848 3,563 5,291 11,711
White Population Total 6,006 1,481 8,927 11,080 14,423 6,072 5,933 15,159
Males 3,139 833 4,590 5,599 7,22 3,054 3,095 7,435
Females 2,867 648 4,337 5,481 7,201 3,018 2,838 7,724
Black Population Total 2,483 958 3,817 12,887 5,464 1,122 5,044 8,199
Males 1,335 605 2,022 6,448 2,817 578 2,594 4,216
Females 1,148 353 1,795 6,439 2,647 544 2,450 3,983
Native-Born Population Total 5,615 1,317 8,486 10,698 13,609 5,771 5,559 14,070
Males 29,919 730 4,353 5,397 6,786 2,884 2,879 6,897
Females 2,696 587 4,133 5,301 6,823 2,887 2,680 7,173
Foreign-Born Population Total 391 164 441 382 814 301 374 1,089
Males 220 103 237 202 436 170 216 538
Females 171 61 204 180 378 131 158 551
Under Age 7 1,213 347 1,744 3,725 2,485 836 1,532 2,766
Aged 7-13 1,139 347 1,834 4,118 2,589 908 1,628 3,059
Aged 14-15 300 92 484 1,098 653 240 416 786
Aged 16-17 283 91 472 1,037 681 215 368 739
Aged 18-20 434 129 635 1,261 1,039 341 592 1,264
Aged 21-44 3,053 945 4,340 7,501 7,011 1,987 4,282 8,349
Aged 45+ 2,083 491 3,235 5,228 5,432 2,668 2,168 6,411
Foreign-Born Population by Country of Origin Canada 52 23 76 63 130 74 53 228
Austria 13 7 5 4 11 11 5 25
Cuba 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 6
Denmark 13 3 7 4 15 3 3 14
England 74 34 111 86 157 64 51 247
France 7 2 8 14 12 3 12 24
Germany 75 22 51 61 166 66 61 139
Greece 5 2 0 8 3 0 3 14
Holland and the Netherlands 15 3 2 5 13 3 0 9
Born in Hungary 6 1 1 6 10 5 29 9
Ireland 15 4 17 14 37 17 19 57
Italy 11 0 10 20 17 4 22 16
Norway 10 3 6 5 4 4 2 18
Poland 5 35 6 3 13 1 0 19
Romania 2 0 0 0 11 0 8 0
Russia 5 0 2 6 45 5 6 25
Scotland 11 8 24 22 26 9 17 63
Spain 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 1
Sweden 14 3 50 15 61 11 44 93
Switzerland 5 0 6 7 7 12 8 13
Syria 0 0 0 25 8 0 4 6
West Indies 9 0 0 3 5 0 0 11
Other Countries 44 14 59 11 61 9 24 58

Brevard County Flagler County Lake County Marion County Orange County Osceola County Seminole County Volusia County
Population Attending School Total 1,499 393 2,191 5,297 3,523 1,268 2,212 3,969
Ages 7-13 1,025 294 1,481 3,635 2,391 831 1,520 2,708
Ages 14-15 266 61 380 916 587 216 376 665
Ages 16-17 148 29 227 560 375 137 208 384
Ages 18-20 60 9 103 186 170 84 108 212
Population Not Attending School Total 657 266 1,234 2,217 1,439 436 792 1,879
Ages 7-13 114 53 353 483 198 77 108 351
Ages 14-15 34 31 104 182 66 24 40 121
Ages 16-17 135 62 245 477 306 78 160 355
Ages 18-20 374 120 532 1,075 869 257 484 1,052
Illiterate Population, Aged 10+ Total 236 319 759 1,685 743 256 713 1,241
White 57 29 91 143 123 68 73 74
Black 179 290 668 1,541 620 188 640 1,167
Other 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Literate Population, Aged 10+ Total 6,555 1,633 9,428 16,823 15,535 5,700 8,091 18,134
White 4,770 1,136 7,089 8,549 11,739 4,993 4,671 12,572
Black 1,776 495 2,339 8,274 3,793 706 3,339 5,549
Other 9 2 0 0 3 1 9 13
Population, Aged 21+ Total 5,136 1,436 7,575 12,729 12,443 4,655 6,450 14,760
Illiterate Population, Aged 21+ Total 211 249 602 1,449 685 233 625 1,157
Males 126 160 334 718 386 122 333 672
Females 85 89 268 731 299 111 292 485
Literate Population, Aged 21+ Total 4,925 1,187 6,973 11,280 11,758 4,422 5,825 13,603
Males 2,675 755 3,603 5,865 5,945 2,256 3,138 6,714
Females 2,250 432 3,370 5,415 5,813 2,166 2,687 6,889

Brevard County Flagler County Lake County Marion County Orange County Osceola County Seminole County Volusia County
Number of Farms by Race Ownership Total 672 187 876 2,215 10,093 304 573 998
White-Owned 628 179 826 1,143 1,013 292 510 899
Black-Owned and Other Non-White-Owned 110 8 50 1,072 80 12 63 99
Farms by Acreage Less than 3 15 0 14 5 7 8 19 31
3-9 110 8 65 153 180 34 138 241
10-19 116 37 135 323 234 64 134 219
20-49 169 86 297 770 309 96 139 282
50-99 80 31 160 448 181 47 63 119
100-174 130 21 114 255 100 20 50 54
175-259 22 1 34 110 30 6 14 27
260-499 19 1 40 96 34 7 3 15
500-999 4 1 10 34 7 13 3 3
1,000+ 7 1 7 21 11 9 10 7
Owner-Operated Farms Total 587 152 733 1,802 988 274 463 803
Owners Owning Entire Farm Total 574 139 707 1,458 927 263 418 798
Owners Hiring Additional Land Total 13 13 26 344 61 11 45 5
Farms by Tenure Total 7 25 69 382 41 9 63 48
Share Tenants 2 2 24 123 12 2 11 7
Share-Cash Tenants 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1
Share-Cropper Tenants 0 0 21 116 7 3 8 11
Stand-In Renters 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cash Tenants 4 20 24 113 16 2 38 26
Tenants, Tenure Not Specified 1 3 0 29 6 2 4 3
Farm Ownership and Management by Race White 551 148 703 971 914 263 409 726
Black/Non-White 36 4 30 831 74 11 54 77
Tenant Farmers by Race White 7 22 54 143 36 9 56 40
Black/Non-White 0 3 15 239 5 0 7 8
Acres of Land in Farms Improved Land 10,945 4,070 32,917 105,471 70,572 6,304 11,795 18,258
Unimproved Land 47,625 6,547 55,422 119,577 171,871 60,614 53,671 51,365
Acres of Land in Farms by Ownership, Tenure, and Management Total 58,570 10,617 88,339 225,048 242,443 66,918 65,466 69,623
Operated by Owners 50,963 7,289 64,190 182,244 114,688 56,622 50,272 44,706
Operated by Tenants 451 741 6,390 18,093 1,414 191 11,752 1,836
Operated by Managers 7,156 2,587 17,759 24,711 126,341 10,105 3,442 23,081
Value of All Farm Property Total 8,351,940 1,103,571 10,148,325 9,490,125 16,322,344 3,349,955 7,202,407 7,677,096
Land $6,179,710 743,250 7,544,815 5,771,755 12,329,463 2,084,905 4,982,110 4,733,950
Buildings $1,628,265 166,750 1,607,360 1,618,814 2,569,440 485,100 1,265,235 1,742,930
Farming Implements and Machinery $263,303 65,083 512,813 462,004 663,834 121,052 429,834 272,770
Livestock $280,662 128,488 483,337 1,637,552 760,433 658,898 525,228 927,448
Value of All Crops Total 1,459,327 390,476 1,731,903 23,156,002 3,254,302 518,552 3,231,896 1,312,882
Cereal 6,012 10,390 75,515 663,888 90,784 29,382 50,085 78,907
Other Grains and Seeds 1,869 327 10,580 205,601 2,409 7,636 2,287 3,695
Hay and Forage 18,347 20,300 77,736 146,957 96,155 20,536 24,449 34,967
Vegetables 112,003 344,267 374,821 657,611 608,884 88,695 2,559,886 307,790
Fruits and Nuts 1,319,907 7,688 1,148,708 473,202 2,448,047 367,217 586,161 $865,762
All Other Crops 1,189 7,504 44,543 168,343 8,023 5,086 9,028 $21,761

Manufacturing Establishments Total 32 16 34 53 51 15 25 63
Average Number of Wage Earners in Manufacturing Total 343 212 517 1,173 521 186 560 1,218
Manufacturing Costs Total 520,298 240,385 790,364 1,764,111 1,491,813 288,603 1,533,377 2,152,679
Wages 313,365 146,611 468,808 770,684 410,203 146,663 600,842 981,679
Rents and Taxes 30,919 6,412 10,913 70,415 38,732 12,034 64,289 62,799
Materials 176,014 87,362 340,643 923,012 1,042,876 129,099 868,246 1,108,836
Value of Products of Manufacturing Establishments Total 735,535 330,664 1,343,070 2,568,991 1,938,183 459,099 1,799,142 3,020,521
Primary Horsepower in Manufacturing Establishments, Rated Capacity of Engines, Motors, etc. Total 1,519 575 1,739 2,523 1,519 260 1,541 2,616

Document Item Type Metadata

Original Format

1 table


U.S. Census Bureau, “U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1920,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/3838.

