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- Tags: Emerson
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 3: Vol. 88, No. 2, Fall 2009
Tags: African Americans; Africans; American Indians; American South; Amerindians; Belinda Delzell; Conch Republic; Connie Lester; Delaney Learning Project; Emerson; Equal Rights Amendment; ERA; FHQ; Florida Frontier; Florida Historical Quarterly; George V. Minton; Hastings; Hastings Branch Library; Home Demonstration Movement; indigenous; journalism; journalists; Kevin Kokomoor; Key West; Kimberly Wilmot Voss; libraries; library; Lori Wilson; Nancy J. Levine; Native Americans; race relations; race riots; Robert Cassanello; Sandie A. Stratton; Seminoles; Sharon Cleland; slavery; slaves; St. Johns Library Advisory Board; T-1 lines; tea sets, tractors; William C. Barnett; women's rights
The Way We Were: Education News From 1952 Paper
Tags: Alan Buie; art education; Barbour; Benham; Benton; Betty Spears; Beverly Evans; Billy Robinson; Billy Tyre; C. C. Welsh; Campbell; Carol McNeill; Chester Cherry; Dale Goins; Dana Dankin; David Carlton; Dees; Dickie Roundtree; Dottie Hardy; Dottie Williams; E. T. Standifer; Easter; Easter eggs; Easter People; elementary schools; Emerson; Eugene Humphries; Eva Spears; Festival of States Parade; Giles; Grace Marie Stinecipher; grammar schools; Harrison Smith; Horner; Inez Prescott; James Partin; Jan Miller; Jeanette Pearson; Jimmy Cordell; Jimmy Moye; Joyce Green; Keith Abney; Kirchoff; Kirchoff Farm; L.C. Smith; Las Amigs Club; Loechelt; Lola Yates; Marble Tournament; May Day; Michael Moses; Nancy Richards; Nelda Taylor; Oviedo School; Parent-Teacher Association; Pat McClellan; Paul Mikler; Peggy Lundquist; Phillip Meek; Phyllis Woods; PTA; Richards; Robert Yates; Roger Dunn; Roundtree; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Seminole High School; spelling bees; St. John; St. Petersburg; Stewart; Stewart Gatchell; T. L. Lingo; Teague; The Sanford Builder; The Sanford Herald; Valerie Kirchoff; W. R. Meek; West Point Academy
The Florida State League All-Stars Ballot
Tags: 100th anniversary; Albritton; Alexander; All Stars; All-star game; bank; baseball; bat boy; Bradley; Brewer; Buck; Bunchl Walters; catcher; center fielder; Chapman; Chidress; Ciccone; Clark; Cole; Colone; Coombs; cross; Davis; Daytona; DeLand; Dillon; Donnelly; Drews; Dwyer; Eichler; Elliot; Emerson; Ferrazzi; first baseman; Florida State League; Frye; Gainesville; Gallagher; Ganzel; Geary; Geigerich; Gobel; Goolsby; Groat; Haefner; Hartley; Hartman; Hayes; Hazel; Helm; Heltzel; Herr; Holland; Hudson; Ivey; Jones; Judy; Kennedy; Kerr; Kinard; Kirkland; lake; Leach; Leesburg; left fielder; Leonhardt; Livingston; Lurtz; manager; Mancini; Martin; McGloin; McMullen; McShane; Mobley; Newcomb; Newell; Niedson; Noblett; Occhaillni; Ogle; Onis; orlando; Palatka; Petropoulos; Popovich; Quimby; Rabe; Radney; Reitz; Reynolds; right fielder; Rinaldt; Risk; Rodgers; second baseman; sheffield; Shelton; Sheppherd; short stop; Shroba; Smathers; Smith; Sparkman; St. Augustine; Steen; Stefani; Stephens; third baseman; Toenes; Trammell; Trania; Valci; Voshell; Walker; Wayton; Weigle; West; Willis; Womack; Wozniak; Zawlocki