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- Tags: Melrose
50th Anniversary for Starke; Hundredth for City
Tags: AMA; American Medical Association; Biracial Commission; doctor; Fernald-Laughton Hospital; Florida A&M University; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Florida Medical Association; Gainesville; gynecology; Harvard University; Jerry's Drug Store; Lakeland; Massachusetts General Hospital; Meharry University; Melrose; Montgomery; Nashville Birmingham; Night Fire; obstetrics; orlando; Patteson, Jean; physician; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Seminole Medical Association; Starke, George H.; Starke, Ruth; The Sanford Herald; UF; University of Florida
Dr. Starke Wins Chase Senior Citizen Award
Tags: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; award; Casselberry, Jane; Chase Senior Citizen Award; Chase, Julia; Chase, Randall; Chicago; Daehn, Robert; Dental and Pharmaceutical Society; doctor; Florida A&M Clinical Society; Florida A&M University; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Florida Medical Association; Florida State Tuberculosis Association; FMA; Good Samaritan Home; Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Holt, Ken; Hutchinson, J. C.; Meharry College; Melrose; Nashville; New Mount Calvary Baptist Church; obstetrics; physician; Provident Hospital; Randall Chase Senior Citizen Award; Rotary Club; Sanford; Sanford Kiwanis Club; Seminole Medical Society; senior citizen; SMS; Starke, George H.; The Sanford Herald; Topper Award; Touhy, George
Personnel at the Downtown Orlando Post Office, 1938
Tags: Ammerman; Anderson; Answorth; Atkinson; Barlow; Baungardner; Brame; Brandon; Brown; Bucan; Buker; Burns; Chewning; Clark; Covey; Crittenden; Cumbill; Daniel; Delaney; Depue; Dobson; Downtown Orlando; Downtown Orlando Post Office; Dungan; Gore; Gregory; H. Brooks; Harbin; Harold; Hawley; Heininger; Henry; Hodge; Howell; James Beggs, Jr.; Jenkins; Johnson; Josey; Kingsburg; Knudson; Landis; Langley; Laverty; Lilley; Limpus; Lock; Logue; Long; Loper; Magarian; Makery; Martin; Matthews; McGarrity; McGuire; McIntyre; McKinnon; Melrose; Micker; Miller; Mole; Moore; Morgan; Morris; Moseley; Nichols; Nottingham; orlando; Pell; Penn; personnel; post offices; Powell; Ray; Rimel; Ross; Rouse; Rowe; Rubout; Samons; Smith; Sparks; Springer; Standeven; Stanford; Stohlem; Studstill; Suddath; Swibard; T. H. Brooks; Talley; Tharp' Caverly; U.S. Post Office Department; Vining; Wade; Webb; Webster; White; Whitehead; Wiggins; Willford; Wimbish; Wingert; Winslow; wood
Sanford to Honor Dr. Starke for Half Century of Medical Service
Tags: Blacksheare, Jackie; Davidson, Keay; DeLand; doctor; Edwards, Leo; Frey, Bob; JFK; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald; Kennedy, Robert Francis; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; Meharry Medical School; Melrose; MLK; Nashville; physician; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Civic Center; Seattle; Seminole Boulevard; Starke, George H.; Starke, Helen; Starke, Herbert; Starke, Lancaster C.; Tallahassee; The Sentinel Star; UF; UF Medical School; University of Florida; University of Florida Medical School; Washington, D.C.