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- Tags: natural gas
President Jimmy Carter's Address to the Nation on Energy
Tags: Alaska; coal; cogeneration; Congress; DOE; electricity; embargo; embargoes; employment; energy; energy conservation; environment; environmentalism; federal government; fireside chats; fuel; gasoline; Industrial Revolution; James Earl Carter, Jr.; Jimmy Carter; jobs; natural gas; North Slope; nuclear; offshore drilling; oil; petroleum; presidents; renewable energy; resources; solar power; U.S. Department of Energy; utilities; utility
Dual-Fuel Nozzle for Synthetic Gas and Natural Gas
Westinghouse: A Proud History of Combustion Turbine Experience
Tags: blast-furnace gas; Bunker C; Canadian Utilities; coal gas; coal gasification; combustion turbines; cooled blades; cooled vanes; Creole Petroleum Corporation; DAEE Brazil; Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica; Detroit Edison Company; Dow Chemical Company; electric power generation; Fiat Automobiles; Florida Power and Light Company; IGCC; integrated gasification combined cycle; locomotives; Mississippi River Fuel Corporation; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; natural gas; oil field compressors; PACE; peaking units; Power at Combined Efficiency; power plants; railroads; residual fuel; residual oil; Salt Grass Combined-Cycle Plant; Saudi Arabian Oil Company; Saudi Aramco; trains; U.S. Steel; U.S. Steel Company; United States Steel Corporation; vanadium; W251; W251B12; W501; W501D5; W501F; West Texas Utilities; Westinghouse 251; Westinghouse 251B12; Westinghouse 501; Westinghouse 501D5; Westinghouse 501F; Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Year End Report from Congressman Lou Frey, Jr. Newsletter, December 1976
Tags: 94th Congress; 9th Congressional District; Community Mental Health Centers; defense budget; Department of Veterans Affairs; drug addiction; drug addicts; drug enforcement; Energy Research and Development Administration; ERDA; food stamps; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; health insurance; jetports; McCoy Jetport; Metric Board; metric system; National Veterans Cemetery; natural gas; oil depletion allowance; Orlando Jetport; public broadcasting; Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control; Service Contract Act; Social Security; SS; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; U.S. House of Representatives; U.S. Metric Board; U.S. Secretary of Treasury; U.S. Service Academy; unemployment; unemployment compensation; VA; Veterans Administration; veterans clinics; welfare reform; Year End Report from Congressman Lou Frey, Jr.