Browse Items (17 total)
- Collection: Orlando Public Library Collection
Public Libraries in the United States of America: Their History, Condition, and Management from the Albertson Public Library
Tags: Albertson Public Library; books; Central Boulevard; Downtown Orlando; Government Printing Office; libraries; library; orlando; Orlando Public Library; Public Libraries in the United States of America: Their History, Condition, and Management; U.S. Bureau of Education; U.S. Department of the Interior
Orlando Salvation Army Building Doorknob
Orlando Salvation Army Band
Tags: bands; charities; charity; orlando; Orlando Salvation Army; Salvation Army
Orlando Remembered Exhibit at the Orlando Public Library
Tags: Albertson Public Library; chambers of commerce; church; churches; City of Orlando Fire Station No. 1; Downtown Orlando; exhibits; fire chiefs; fire departments; fire stations; libraries; library; Maxie G. Bennett; orlando; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Jaycees; Orlando Junior Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Public Library; Orlando Remembered; Orlando Salvation Army; Salvation Army