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Episode 18 of A History of Central Florida podcasts: Time Pieces. A History of Central Florida Podcast series explores Central Florida's history through the artifacts found in local area museums and historical societies. These podcasts can involve…

Excerpt from tour brochure of historical buildings in Sanford, Florida. This excerpt features the New Tribes Mission Headquarters, located at 1000 East First Street. Originally named after the Sanford Mayor and president of Seminole County Bank,…

The front display window at the Princess Theater, located at 115 West First Street, for the Creative Sanford, Inc. and Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play production of Remade - Not Bought. The window display is filled with baking related props…

A poster for a breast cancer awareness fundraiser called "Music for Melons." The event was held at the Princess Theater, located at 115 West First Street in Sanford, Florida, on September 28, 2013. "Music for Melons" featured performances by Angelyn…
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