Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: 7-Eleven
Sky View Center
Oral Memoirs of Fairolyn Livingston
Tags: 7-Eleven; African American churches; African American community; African American schools; African Americans; Agnes Maude Houston Kraft; Alabama Hotel; Alberta Kelly; Alonzo Gerard “Trick” Roberts; Arnold Palmer Invitational; Baptist Church; Barbara King Lloyd; Bay Hill Club and Lounge; Capen House; Casa Feliz Historic Home Museum; Central Florida State College; Christine Hardaway; Church of God and Christ; churches; Climmie Boyer; Colony Theater; community activism; Connie Lester; Crealdé School of Art; Crummer Graduate School of Business; DePugh Nursing Home; desegregation; discrimination; Doris Taylor; Eatonville; education; Eileen Abraham Bryant; Ethel Cross; Fairolyn Livingston; First Congregational Church of Winter Park; Florida Citrus Open Invitational; Frank R. Israel; Fred McFeely Rogers; Frederick P. Simpson; gentrification; Geoffrey Cravero; golf; Hamilton Holt; Hampton Junior College; Hannibal Square; Hannibal Square Heritage Center; Heritage Collection Team; historical preservation; Hogue's Five & Dime; Hungerford High School; Ideal Woman’s Club of Winter Park, Inc.; integration; J. Lynn Pflug; Jones High School; Kelly Pflug; Lee Elder; Little Danny; Loring Augustus Chase; Louis Ferdinand Dommerich; Mary Lee DePugh; Morrison's Cafeteria; Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church; Mr. Rogers; Nancy Bradford; Nellie Mae Lewis; New Hope Missionary Baptist Church; Ocala; Oral histories; oral history; partitian laws; Peter Schreyer; PGA Tour; poverty; racism; recreational activities; Richard Harold Charlton Jr.; Rio Pinar Country Club; Robert Hungerford Preparatory High School; Rollins College; Rose Charlton Bynum; Sage Project; segregated schools; segregation; Seventh Day Adventist Church; The Golden Point; Victoria Redfin; Ward Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church; Welbourne Nursery & Kindergarten Inc; Wilhelmina Hernandez Allen; Winter Park; Winter Park Foundation; Winter Park High School; Winter Park Public Library; Winter Park’s Worthy Persons
Oral History of Bob Hattaway
Tags: 7-Eleven; Adult Toy Storage; agriculture; airports; Altamonte Mall; Altamonte Springs; Apopka; asparagus plumosus; Barnett; Bill Miller; Bob Hattaway; Bradshaw; British Airways; Casselberry; Central Florida Expressway Authority; Chapman Avenue; Chapman Road; Charlotte Hattaway; Chicago, Illinois; Christmas; citrus; Concord Avenue; Continental Can Company; Costa Rica; Crescent City; Daniel Motta; Daytona Beach; DeLand; Democratic Party; Democrats; Dog Track Road; Downtown Orlando; Earl Vaughn; East-West Expressway; economic growth; farming; farms; FDOT; Fern Park; ferneries; fernery; ferns; Florida Department of Transportation; Florida House of Representatives; Florida Senate; flower shops; flowers; Foley; Greater Orlando Aviation Authority; greenhouses; Hattaway; Hattaway Drive; Hibbard Casselberry; Holiday Travel; Home Depot; horticulture; Howard McNelty; infrastructure; Jane Casselberry; John Marcell; John Rich; Kay; Kmart; Lake Concord; Lake Lotus; Lake Orienta; Larry Dale; Lawton Chiles; Lawton Mainor Chiles, Jr.; leatherleaf fern; Leonard Casselberry; LHS; Linda Chapin; Linda Hook; Lockhart; Longwood; Lyman High School; Mahaffey; Maitland; Maitland Avenue; Martha Casselberry; moss; mosses; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; navel oranges; New York; nurseries; nursery; oak tree hammocks; oak trees; Opp, Alabama; orange tees; oranges; Orienta Ferneries; orlando; Orlando International Airport; Orlando-Sanford International Airport; Pierson; podocarpus; price fixing; Puerto Rico; real estate; Republican Parties; Republicans; Rick Hattaway; Royal Ferneries; Sanford; saran shade cloth; Seminole County; Semoran Boulevard; Shoemaker; slat sheds; Southwest Airlines; sphagnum; SR 408; SR 417; SR 436; SR 46; Tallahassee; Tampa; Toronto, Canada; tropical plants; UF; University of Florida; US 19-92; Ustler; Valencia oranges; Vaughn Greenhouses; Virgin Atlantic; Volusia County; Walmart; Walt Disney World; weeding; weeds; Wekiva River; Winter Garden; Winter Park High School; Wofford, Joe; WPHS; Zellwood; zoning
Court House and Lake Eola Postcard
Tags: 7-Eleven; Atristry; Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Central Station Bar; Cook, Thomas; Dent, Edward John; Florida Gas Company; Florida Gas Go,; Florida Public Service Corp.; Florida Public Service Corporation; Lake Eola; Magnolia Ave.; Magnolia Avenue; Main St.; Main Street; McEwan Clinic; McEwan Sanitrarium; McEwan, John Singer; Newell, Harry; orange county; Orange County Courthouse; Orlando Lawn Bowling Club; Sherman W. c.; W. C. Green Co.; W. C. Green Company; Wagner, A. S.
Construction at 55 West, 2007
Bird's Eye View Showing Elks Club, Court House and Eola Lake Postcard
Tags: 7-Eleven; Atistry; Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Central Station Bar; Cook, Thomas; Dent, Edward John; Downtown; Downtown Orlando; Florida Gas Co.; Florida Gas Company; Florida Public Service Corp.; Florida Public Service Corporation; Green, W. C.; Lake Eola; Magnolia Ave.; Magnolia Avenue; Main St.; Main Street; McEwan Clinic; McEwan Sanitarium; McEwan, John Singer; Newell, Harry; Orange County Courthouse; Orlando Lawn Bowling Club; Sherman, W. C.; W. C. Green Co.; W. C. Green Company; Wagner, A. S.