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- Tags: Henry L. Shwartz
Orlando Ministerial Association Thanksgiving Service Booklet
Tags: E.T. Brown; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; Henry L. Shwartz; Herman F. Siewert; interfaith; James N. Gibbs; John C. Fuller; Mt. Zion Baptist Church; N.G. Staggers; orlando; Orlando Ministerial Association; religion; religious groups; Tabernacle CME Church; Temple of Liberal Judaism; Thanksgiving
Minutes of Special Meeting, March 17, 1960
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, May 8, 1958
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, March 6, 1958
Tags: C.A. Johnson; Congregation of Reform Judaism; E.A. Jupiter; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; Henry L. Shwartz; John C. Fuller; N.G. Staggers; Orange County Ministerial Association; Orlando Ministerial Association; religion; religious groups; Samuel Johnson; Temple of Liberal Judaism; Walter S. White
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, January 7, 1960
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, February 5, 1959
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, December 5, 1958 and January 19, 1958
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, December 3, 1959
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, April 2, 1959
Minutes of Charter Meeting, February 20, 1958
Tags: E. Page; E.T. Brown; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; Fred A. Corliss; Henry L. Shwartz; J.F. Williams; J.M. Phipps; J.W. Spaulding; James N. Gibbs; John C. Fuller; Michael Kurz; N.G. Staggers; Orlando Ministerial Association; R.B. Hemingway; R.H. Johnson; religion; religious groups; Temple Israel; Winter Springs
Tags: boycott; F.W. Woolworth Company; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; grants; Henry L. Shwartz; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Orlando Ministerial Association; religion; religious groups; Robert W. Hunt; S. H. Kress & Co.; S. S. Kresge Corporation; Temple of Liberal Judaism; W.T. Grant
Letter from Robert W. Hunt to Members of Temple of Liberal Judaism (March 31, 1960)
Tags: boycott; F.W. Woolworth Company; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; grants; Henry L. Shwartz; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Orlando Ministerial Association; religion; religious groups; Robert W. Hunt; S. H. Kress & Co.; S. S. Kresge Corporation; Temple of Liberal Judaism; W.T. Grant