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- Tags: Mary Brooks
Oral History of Debbie Simmons
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; activism; activists; Barbara Poma; Brian De Hubert-Arbagast; chamber of commerce; Charlene Bell; Christian Coalition; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; David Boies; Debbie Simmons; Dick Shaw; discrimination; Dorothy Coleman; Eileen Bell; Family Research Council; Gay and Lesbian Bisexual Student Union; gay marriage; GLBSU; GLBT; GLBT History Museum of Central Florida; GLBTQ+; Glenda Evans Hood; government; gun violence; Harvey Bernard Milk; homophobia; homosexuality; Human Relations Board of the City of Orlando; Human Rights Campaign; James T. “Jimmy” Brock; John Butler Booke; John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer; Joy Metropolitan Community Church; Karen Goode; Keith Morrison; Ken Kasmerski; Lake Eola Park; lesbians; LGBT; LGBT+ Center Orlando; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; LGBTQ+; Liberty Council; Linda Welch Chapin; Maitland Civic Center; Mallory Wells; Marcy Singhouse; marriage equality; Mary Brooks; mass shootings; Metropolitan Business Association; Mike Sipoligo; National Coming Out Day; National Gay and Lesbian History Month; Obergefell v. Hodges; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Orlando Anti-Discrimination Committee; Orlando Regional Pride; parades; Phyllis Murphy; Prop 8; Proposition 8; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Radisson Hotel Group; Sam Singhouse; Sandy Fink; Sara Raffel; Shelbie Press Print & Copy; Stonewall Riots; Ted Olsen; terrorist attacks; The Center on Mills; The Watermark; Tom Dyer; UCF; University of Central Florida; University of Central Florida Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Student Union; Vicki Vargo; Vicky Meechum
The Watermark, Vol. 2, No. 5, March 8, 1995
Tags: A. Bichler; Ahmanson; Alachua County; Alex Escarano; Alison Bechdel; Allene Baus; Allene Bous; Amanda Donohoe; Andre Provencher; Andrews; Anne Rice; Anne Waldron; Annie Lennox; Annie Russell; Annie Russell Theatre; Barbara Walters; Barnett Bank; Bartsch; BellSouth; Billy Graham; Billy Shakespeare; bisexuals; Bob Carr Performing Arts; Bob Graves; Bob Spears; Boswell; Bradley; Brenda Heim; Burke; Butler; Carlson; Carol Bartsch; Carol Wild; Carr; Carr Performing Arts Centre; Cathcart; Cecil Ray Deloach; Centers For Disease Control; Chester Darling; Chris Alexander; Christina Cash; Chuck Hummer; Cindy Crawford; Claudia Schiffer; Concerned Citizens Of Alachua County; Conrad Dindledey; Cook; Cybil Shepherd; Dale Almund; Dale Dimmer; Daniel A. Helminiak; Daniel A. Rodriguez; David Almeida; David Bain; David Copperfield; David Letterman; David Richards; Daytona; Daytona Beach; Daytona Beach Business Guild; De Matteis; Debbie Simmons; Debbie Tucci; Dennis Enos; Diane Wilde; Dimitri Toscas; Donald Spitz; Doug Prince; Douglas; Douglas Quackenbush; E. Cadwell; Elgan; Eric Marcus; Eric Orner; Erin Somers; Fowler; Gale Norton; Gary Lambert; Gary Nixon; gay; Gene Kapp; George III; George Seurat; Geri Michael; Graham; Greater Daytona Beach Business Guild; Greg Bowman; Greg Louganis; Hal Boedeker; Hancock; Hawthorne; Helen Mirren; Help Center Of Central Florida; Helping Hand; Herndon Laundry; Herzfeld; Hodges; Holly Cole; Holm; homosexuality; homosexuals; Hopkins; House Of Flowers; Hugh Grant; Ian Holm; Ivan Turgenev; Jacksonville; James A. Crescitelli; James Brock; James Dobson; Jay Boyar; Jeanne White; Jerry Falwell; Jill Porter; Jim Hall; Jimmy Brock; Joe Mantello; Joel Strack; John Benjamin; John Boswell; John G. Bak; John Michael Montgomery; Johnson; Justin Kirk; K. Butler; Katz; Kay Bottom; Kay Bottoms; Keith Hartman; Keith Morrison; Keith Peterson; Keith Tanner; Ken Kundis; Kevin Cathcart; King; King Lear; Lake Eola; Lambda Legal Defense; Larry Nicastro; Larry Tackett; Lawrence Concepts International Realtors; Lennox; lesbians; Leslie Bennet; letterman; Lewis; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Life Care Resources; Lisa Lacy; Louganis; Lyle C. Miller; Lyle Miller; Mark Hilf; Mark L. Wolf; Mark Two Dinner Theater; Martin Kunz; Mary Brooks; Mary Kay Lafeber; Mel White; Metropolitan Business Association; Michael Dunn; Michael L. Kilgore; Micky Dolenz; Moon Saloon; Nancy Wilson; National Legal Foundation; Newman; Nicholas Hytner; Nigel Hawthorne; Nike; Olsten; Oprah Winfrey; orlando; Osborne; Palm Beach; Pam Harrington; Parliament House; Pat Doesn; Pat Robertson; Patrick Bruin; Patrick Stearns; Patty Sheehan; Pedro Zamora; Penny Ensley; Perkins; Pete Wilson; Peter Rocchio; Phillips; Phyllis Murphy; queers; questioning; Ramada Resort; Randy Becker; Rex Smith; Ric Munoz; Richard Farrell; Richard Gere; Richard Katz; Richard Ryder; Rick Boucher; Ridgewood; Rita Graham; Ritchie; Robert Edewaard; Robert Skolrood; Robertson; Rocchio; Rocky Ward; Rollins; Rosanne Sloan; Routh; Rupert Everett; Rupert Graves; Russell Evans; Ryan Do; Ryan White; Sally Struthers; Sam Rivers; same-sex; Sarah Emmer; Sarano; Sarasota; Schultz; Scott Lafeber; Scott Laurent; Shannon Addison; Sharon Badal; Sharon Bottoms; Shepherd; Smith; Somers; Sondheim; Southern Ballet Theatre; Spencer Osborne; spitz; St. Augustine; Steny Hoyer; Stephen Ash; Stephen Miller; Stephen Sondheim; Stephen Wadsworth; Steve Roberts; Steve Rossignol; Supreme Court of the United States; Susan Hubbard; Tammy Lynn Esckilsen; Tammy Rossignol; Tampa; Ted Kennedy; Terence Blanchard; The Barracks; The Oasis Beach; The Watermark; The Wizard; Tim Van Zandt; Tom Dyer; Tom Schultz; Tracy Thome; trans; transgender; Troy Perry; Tyler Doustou; U.S. Supreme Court; UCF; Waddell; Walter Kerr; Walters; Walton Beach; Watermark Media, Inc.; White; Wiggins; Willis; Winfrey; Winnie Stachelberg; Yonne C. T. Vassel; Zweifel