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- Tags: Parrish, J. J.
Notables to Be Here for Dedication: Public Urged to Join High State Officers in Ceremonies Set for 2:30 Tomorrow
Tags: 13th Street; ACL; administrator; Apgar, T. K.; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Brant, Martin J.; Central Florida; chamber of commerce; City of Sanford; commissioner; Commissioner of Agriculture; congressman; dedication; Dorner, Fred F.; farmers’ mark; farming; Federal Emergency Relief Administration; FERA; Florida Governor; Florida State Comptroller; Florida State Marketing Commissioner; Florida state senator; Florida State Treasurer; French Avenue; governor; Hiatt, S. W.; Knott; Lee, J. M.; Leffler, William A.; Lehmann, Karl; marketing; Mayo, Nathan; Meisch, John; Michael, J. G.; O'Kelley, E. B.; O'Kelley, E.B.; Papworth, Harry M.; Parrish, J. J.; Rhodes, L. M.; Sanford; Sanford Rotary Club; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Scholtz, David; Sears, Joe; Seminole County; senator; Shinholser, S. O.; Shinholser, S.O.; Smith, W. R.; superintendent; Swope, O. P.; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Thurston, Peter; Valdez Hotel; Walker, J. P.; warehouse; WDBO; wholesale; Williams, Susan; Williams, William N.
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (October 19, 1934)
Tags: AFG; Asheville, North Carolina; Askew, Harry L.; Atlantic Commission Company; Auburndale; Aurin; Aycrigg, George B.; Blend, W. T.; Borland, Harry L.; California; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus growers' Florida Citrus Exchange; citrus industry; Clark, Frank G.; Clearing House; Commander, C. C.; Cornell, H. E.; Daniells, W. C.; Daniells, W.C.; DeLand; Democrats; Edwards, L. C.; FCE; Federal Marketing Agreement; freight rates; Frostproof; grapefruit; Grower Control Committee; Hitler, Adolf; Holland; Howey; Jews; Kirkland, L. P.; Lake Gem; Lake Wales; Lakeland; Largo; Lowry, L. L.; LWCGA; McReynolds, Judson J.; Mouser, W. H.; Ocala; oranges; orlando; Parrish, J. J.; Patterson, E. E.; Pickard, A. F.; Portland, Oregon; Republican; River City; Roe, W. G.; Sanford; Seattle, Washington; Sebastian; shipping; Sligh, Jeff; Southern Railway; Spokane, Washington; Stewart, C. A.; Tampa; Taylor, John S.; The Orlando Sentinel; The Tampa Tribune; Tillman, James; Titusville; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; Valencias; Vero Beach; Vickers, E. W.; Walker, Marvin H.; Washington, D.C.; Whitehair, Francis P.; Winter Haven; Winter Park; Yarnell, I. A.; Young, A. W.