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- Tags: Thomas Burnett
The Watermark, Vol. 8, No. 20, September 27-October 10, 2001
Tags: 9/11; Adam Pascal; Al Cardenas; Alicia "Keys" Augello Cook; American Airlines Flight 11; American Airlines Flight 77; Andy Humm; Anita Ward; Ben Kingsley; Berry Berenson; bisexual; Bobby Smith; Brendon James Fraser; Bruce Ground; California Alliance for Pride and Equality; Cecilia M. Burke; Charles Nelson Reilly; Christopher "Chris" Tucker; Christopher Labonte; Cindi Black; Cindy Adams; Claudia Shippe; Colin Luther Powell; Coy Luther "Luke" Perry III; Craig Kenneth Bruderlin; Dan Brandhorst; Dana Thomas Carvey; Daphne Rubin-Vega; Darcel Stevens; David Angell; David Bianco; David Charlebois; David Connelly; David Drake; David Scoven; David William Duchovny; DaVonda Simmons; Denise Rich; Dorothy Thompson; Dr. Earl Fox; Edgar Garzon; Edward Harrison Norton; Edward Regan "Eddie" Murphy; Elizabeth Téa "Leoni" Pantaleoni; Ellen Lee DeGeneres; Elvira Kurt; Equality Florida; Ewan Gordon McGregor; Felicia Donatelli; Frances Ann O'Connor; Frank DeCaro; Franklin Edward "Frank" Kameny; Fred Klingenhager; GALIXY; Gary Sanford; gay; Gay and Lesbian Idea Exchange for Youth; Gay Games; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Community Center; Georgia Rasdale; Gerald Maxwell Rivera; GLBCC; Glen White; Haley Joel Osment; Headdress Ball; Heather Headley; Heather Joan Graham; homosexuality; homosexuals; Hope & Help Center; Hugh Michael Jackman; Human Rights Campaign; Idina Menzel; James Brolin; James Lawrence King; James Melville "Mel" White; Jarrod Emick; Jason Stuart; Jeremy Click; Jerry G. Melvin; Jerry Lamon Falwell; Jim Bina; Joey Gomez; John Cameron Mitchell; John Ellis "Jeb" Bush Sr.; John McKay; Jonathan David Larson; Joseph "Joey" Mulrey McIntyre; Julie L. Jones; Kay Thompson; Keith Boykin; Keith Folse; Kelly Ann McGillis; Kevin Kladakis; Krishna Bhanji; Kyle Bradford; Larry Kramer; Laugh Out Loud - Tampa; Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon; Lee Carlton; lesbians; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Linda Lerner; Lisa Tillman-Healy; Lorri L. Jean; Lou Chibbaro Jr.; Louis Kirby; Manuel Crespo; Maribell Camarillo; Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson; Mark Bingham; Marlon Brando Jr.; Matthew Christopher Bourne; Matthew Jay Roach; Michael "Mike" John Myers; Michael E. Guest; Michael J. Andrew Fox; Michael Judge; Michael Slaymaker; Milos Zeman; Molly Kathleen Ringwald; Nadine Smith; National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; NGLTF; Nicole Mary Kidman; O-QUAC; orlando; Orlando Queer Academics; Out & About Books; Palm Properties; Parliament House; Patricia Nell Warren; Patrick Wilson; Pinellas Juvenile Welfare Board; queers; questioning; Ralph Buchdlter; Red Cross; Richard Alva "Dick" Cavett; Robert Anthony DeNiro Jr.; Robert Hepler Lowe; Robert John Wagner Jr.; Ronald Gamboa; Rose Ferlita; Rush Hudson Limbaugh III; Russ Crumley; same-sex; Scott Pruit; September 11 Attacks; September 11th Fund; Silver Lake Communications; Southeast Regional Gay Men's Health Summit; Stephanie Shippae; Susie Porter; Suzanne Jacobs; Tampa; Tampa Bay Gay Men's Chorus; Tampa Bay Women's Chorus; Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; Taylor Dayne; terrorism; terrorist attacks; The Watermark; Thomas Burnett; Thomas Charles Feeney III; Tim Hanes; Tim Povtak; Timothy J. Maude; Tison Pugh; Todd Evans; trans; transgender; Troy Deroy Perry Jr.; United Airlines Flight 175; United Airlines Flight 93; Vince Rockland; Wendy Chioji; William Hall Macy Jr.; Willie Logan; World Trade Center