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- Tags: police officers
Mayor Carl T. Langford with Orlando Chief of Police Bob Chewning
Oral History of Julia Nadine Davis Aulin
Tags: American Civil War; Andrew Aulin III; Andy Aulin; armadillos; automobiles; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Black Hammock; Career Field; cars; Charles Warren Aulin; Chuluota; church; churches; Citizens Bank of Florida; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; citrus; cops; Donna Neely; Downtown Oviedo; dressmakers; dressmaking; elevators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; Fifi; football teams; George Kelsey; immigrants; immigration; Jacobs; John Courier; Kilby; law enforcement; Lee Gary; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; motor vehicles; Nadine Davis Aulin; Narcissa Melissa Lawton; Nelson and Company; Nettie Dorcas Jacobs Aulin; OHS; orange groves; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo: Biography of a Town; police officers; post offices; postmasters; rice; roadsters; rumble seats; Sarah Schneider; seamstress; seamstresses; sewing; spiders; sports; spyders; Steen Nelson; Swedes; Swedish Americans; switchboard operators; The Judge; Thee Lee; Theodore Aulin; Theodore Lee; Thomasville, Georgia; Townhouse Restaurant; White's Wharf; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
Orlando Remembered Exhibits at the Orlando City Hall
Tags: A/C; air conditioning; airplanes; badges; batons; billy clubs; billy sticks; blackjacks; city commissioners; city councils; city governments; city halls; City of Orlando; cops; cosh; coshes; Downtown Orlando; fire alarms; gavels; George A. Baker, Jr.; groceries; grocery stores; handcuffs; heating; horns; Howard Grocery Company; instruments; keys; law enforcement; municipal governments; nightsticks; Orlando City Commission; Orlando City Council; Orlando City Hall; Orlando Remembered; planes; police officers; saps; truncheons; Wilbur H. Strickland