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- Tags: potato
Homestead Documentation for Henry Jackson
Tags: African American; B. M. Robinson; C. W. Atkinson; Charlie Adams; Clarence Burk; DOI; E. A. Douglas; E. R. Bailey; Edward Garvin; Fred McQuay; Gainesville; H. M. Haynes; Henry Jackson; Henry S. Chubb; Homestead; homesteader; homesteading; Jackson Heights; L. T. Hurst; Lila Mae Johnson; Oviedo; pea; potato; property; Robert M. Davis; Sanford; Shield Warren; The Sanford Herald; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Land Office
Homestead Documentation for Colnel B. Holmes
Tags: Andrew Aulin; Benjamin G. Smith; C. Herfluer; C. W. Atkinson; Charles L. West; chicken; Colnel B. Holmes; corn; DOI; E. A. Douglas; fruit; Gainesville; H. M. Haynes; Harper Smith; Henry S. Chubb; Homestead; homesteader; homesteading; J. D. Warren; Oviedo; potato; Prince Butler Boston; property; Robert W. Davis; Sanford; The Sanford Herald; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Land Office
Homestead Documentation for Benjamin James
Tags: African American; agriculture; B. M. Robinson; bean; Benjamin James; chicken; citrus; corn; DOI; E. R. Bailey; farm; farming; Gainesville; grape; Homestead; homesteader; homesteading; James W. Neal; Jamestown; M. J. Williams; Maitland; Marian H. Smith; melon; orange; orlando; Oviedo; pea; potato; property; Richard Adams; Richard H. Adams; Robert Finnell; Robert W. Davis; The Orlando Morning Sentinel; The Woods; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Land Office; vegetable; W. C. Essington; William Long
Specified Crops Harvested, Seminole County, 1944
Tags: agriculture; chufa; corn; cowpea; farm; farming; grain; grain industry; green manure; hay; Irish potato; manure; nut; oat; pea; peanut; peanut vine; potato; Seminole County; sorghum; sugarcane; sweet potato; syrup; tame hay; U.S. Census of Agriculture; vegetable; vegetable industry; yam
Farm Statistics, Orange County, 1904
Tags: agriculture; bean; cabbage; cantaloupe; cassava; celery; corn; cucumber; English pea; farm; farming; field pea; fruit; fruit industry; hay; Irish potato; lettuce; native grass; oat; orange county; pea; pepper; potato; rice; Seminole County; strawberries; strawberry; sugar; sugarcane; sweet potato; sweet potatoes; syrup; tomato; U.S. Census of Agriculture; vegetable; vegetable industry; velvet bean; watermelon
Acreage of Principle Crops, Seminole County, 1924
Acreage and Production of Grain Crops, Seminole County, 1929
Acreage and Production of Hay Crops and Miscellaneous Crops Harvested, Seminole County, 1939
Tags: acreage; cotton; farm; grain; hay; Irish potato; potato; root crop; sorghum; sugarcane; sweet potato; syrup; tobacco; U.S. Census of Agriculture; yam
Acreage and Production of Grain Crops, Seminole County, 1934
Tags: acreage; agriculture; corn; cotton; farming; forage; grain; hay; Irish potato; lint; potato; Seminole County; sorghum; sugarcane; sweet potato; tobacco; U.S. Census of Agriculture; yam
Acreage and Production of Grain Crops, Seminole County, 1929
Tags: acreage; clover; corn; forage; grain; grass; Irish potato; legume; potato; sweet potato; tame grass; U.S. Census of Agriculture; wild grass; yam