Browse Items (11 total)
- Tags: potato
Acreage and Production of Grain Crops, Seminole County, 1929
Tags: acreage; clover; corn; forage; grain; grass; Irish potato; legume; potato; sweet potato; tame grass; U.S. Census of Agriculture; wild grass; yam
Acreage and Production of Grain Crops, Seminole County, 1934
Tags: acreage; agriculture; corn; cotton; farming; forage; grain; hay; Irish potato; lint; potato; Seminole County; sorghum; sugarcane; sweet potato; tobacco; U.S. Census of Agriculture; yam
Acreage and Production of Hay Crops and Miscellaneous Crops Harvested, Seminole County, 1939
Tags: acreage; cotton; farm; grain; hay; Irish potato; potato; root crop; sorghum; sugarcane; sweet potato; syrup; tobacco; U.S. Census of Agriculture; yam
Acreage and Production of Grain Crops, Seminole County, 1929
Acreage of Principle Crops, Seminole County, 1924
Farm Statistics, Orange County, 1904
Tags: agriculture; bean; cabbage; cantaloupe; cassava; celery; corn; cucumber; English pea; farm; farming; field pea; fruit; fruit industry; hay; Irish potato; lettuce; native grass; oat; orange county; pea; pepper; potato; rice; Seminole County; strawberries; strawberry; sugar; sugarcane; sweet potato; sweet potatoes; syrup; tomato; U.S. Census of Agriculture; vegetable; vegetable industry; velvet bean; watermelon
Specified Crops Harvested, Seminole County, 1944
Tags: agriculture; chufa; corn; cowpea; farm; farming; grain; grain industry; green manure; hay; Irish potato; manure; nut; oat; pea; peanut; peanut vine; potato; Seminole County; sorghum; sugarcane; sweet potato; syrup; tame hay; U.S. Census of Agriculture; vegetable; vegetable industry; yam
Letter from George B. Agnew to Isaac Vanderpool (May 21, 1895)
Homestead Documentation for Benjamin James
Tags: African American; agriculture; B. M. Robinson; bean; Benjamin James; chicken; citrus; corn; DOI; E. R. Bailey; farm; farming; Gainesville; grape; Homestead; homesteader; homesteading; James W. Neal; Jamestown; M. J. Williams; Maitland; Marian H. Smith; melon; orange; orlando; Oviedo; pea; potato; property; Richard Adams; Richard H. Adams; Robert Finnell; Robert W. Davis; The Orlando Morning Sentinel; The Woods; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Land Office; vegetable; W. C. Essington; William Long
Homestead Documentation for Colnel B. Holmes
Tags: Andrew Aulin; Benjamin G. Smith; C. Herfluer; C. W. Atkinson; Charles L. West; chicken; Colnel B. Holmes; corn; DOI; E. A. Douglas; fruit; Gainesville; H. M. Haynes; Harper Smith; Henry S. Chubb; Homestead; homesteader; homesteading; J. D. Warren; Oviedo; potato; Prince Butler Boston; property; Robert W. Davis; Sanford; The Sanford Herald; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Land Office
Homestead Documentation for Henry Jackson
Tags: African American; B. M. Robinson; C. W. Atkinson; Charlie Adams; Clarence Burk; DOI; E. A. Douglas; E. R. Bailey; Edward Garvin; Fred McQuay; Gainesville; H. M. Haynes; Henry Jackson; Henry S. Chubb; Homestead; homesteader; homesteading; Jackson Heights; L. T. Hurst; Lila Mae Johnson; Oviedo; pea; potato; property; Robert M. Davis; Sanford; Shield Warren; The Sanford Herald; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Land Office