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A town fair held on First Street following the period in Sanford's history known as the "Decade of Disasters." The "Decade of Disasters" started with a bakery fire in 1887, which destroyed much of the city's east side, including many of the wooden…

The Dickson & Ives Building, located at 214 South Orange Avenue in Downtown Orlando, Florida, in 2001. In the 1880s, H. H. Dickson and Sidney Ives, Sr. arrived in Orlando and opened mercantile establishments independently of one another. The two…

Belair Grove after the Freeze of 1894-1895.In 1870, Henry Shelton Sanford purchased 12,547.15 square acres of land known as the Sanford Grant. The acreage included an experiment station called Belair Grove, located just three miles southwest of the…
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