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- Tags: Arthur T. Williams, Jr.
World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Military Personnel from Duval and Escambia Counties
Tags: Albert R. Thomas; Alexander Warden; Alfred J. Caprara, Sr.; Allan C. Wright; Alvin J. Stiegel; Archie L. Massey; Arther Richardson; Arthur J. Wiggins; Arthur M. Wood; Arthur T. Williams, Jr.; Ashley T. Johnson; Autrey Graham; B. F. Laughton, Jr.; Benny Setzer; Bernard R. Douglas; Bernie E. Kimmons; Cameron Everhart; Carlo R. Petrella; Cecil L. Attison; Charles J. Short; Charles R. Wickham; Charles W. Mankin, Jr.; Clarence C. Daw; Clarence L. Smith; Claude R. Williams; Cleve Clausell; Colbert C. Poole; Daniel B. Lockstad; David E. Stewart, Sr.; David J. Segal; David M. Denham; Denzel M. Smith; Dewey R. Lee; Donald M. Ryan; Doyle F. Nee; Duval County; Earl A. Vaughn; Earl F. Ryker; Earnest L. Boyett; Eben B. Smith; Eddie L. Wilson; Edgar A. Warren; Edward L. Perry; Edward L. Pierce; Edwin G. Satz; Elmer D. Long; Ernest E. White; Ernest W. Holman, Jr.; Escambia County; Eugene R. Trobaugh, Jr.; Ezekiel V. Ellis; Felix Jones; Floyd J. Kitthell; Francis H. Davis; Frank Bolden; Frank J. M. Wolfe; Fred J. Summers; Fred R. Rainey, Jr.; Freddie Simmons; G. W. Wise; Garfield H. Scott; George A. Whalen; George D. Diffin; George H. Woods; George L. Waldron; George Toney, Jr.; George W. Vaughn; German R. Chancery; Gordon A. Taylor; Harold J. Morris; Henry E. Sims; Hilton A. Smith; Howard L. Showers; Howard R. sims; Hubert C. Schucht; Israel Rosenblatt; J. B. Crozton; J. R. Polinhorne, Jr.; J. T. Cunningham, Jr.; Jack D. Helton; Jack P. Vinson; Jack Ryles; Jacob L. Wanamaker; James C. Shields, Jr.; James F. Folmar; James F. Underwood; James G. Connor; James M. Thompson; Jerome C. Potts; Jerome McBurney; Jerry Davis; Joe Stewart; Joe W. Paffoon; John A. Holm; John F. Faulkner; John F. Ryan; John O. Dargacz; John R. Dunaway; John T. Dale; John W. Strickland; Jonathan Yerkes, Jr.; Joseph D. White; Joseph F. Shornak; Joseph S. Riera; Julian W. Thomas, Jr.; Julius C. Nord; Kenjiro Yoshida; Kenneth S. Spriggs, Jr.; Lawrence A. Wilkerson; Leland E. Evers; Leland H. Shepherd; Leon A. Barron; Lewis M. Shepard; Lloyd G. Ferguson; Louis D. Bedgood; Luther L. Sellers; Luther T. Smith; Luther Toole; Mack C. Outler; Marion L. Trescot; Marvin B. Stokes; Matt N. Touchton; Mayo P. Smith; Michael Weissberg; Mitchel A. Underwood; Nathan Woodson; Norwood E. Whittemore; Olen D. Manning; Ollie B. Jackson; Ollie Scmith, Sr.; Oscar White, Jr.; Paul Thompson; Pete H. Perry; Philip L. Dagen; Ralph E. Hall; Ralph E. Scholl, Jr.; Ralph L. Gilmore; Randall V. Tuttle; Raymond E. Jordan; Robert C. McClanahan; Robert D. Campbell; Robert D. Lofton; Robert E. Gilliam; Robert E. McNair; Robert J. Sineath; Robert J. Thomas; Robert L. Knight; Robert L. Slatten; Robert L. Wilson; Robert M. Robertson; Robert W. Maslin; Robert W. Smith; Ronald H. Eddins; Roosevelt Hestle; Rowland R. Sutton; Roy C. Aaron; Roy L. McInnis; Roy Stinson; Rudolph S. Withers; Sammie Ingraham; Samuel T. Woods; Sidney L. Anderson; Solomon C. Sturdivant; Stamati G. Kirthriotis; Stanley E. Racine; Stephen C. Roppolo; Teddy C. Shaw; Thomas Dubuisson; Thomas J. Coker; Thomas J. Williams; Thomas M. Loggins; Tilghman C. Williams; Vernice H. Young; Vernon E. Waters; veterans; Victor W. Wright; Virgil S. Covington; Virgil S. Stripling; W. H. Crawford, Jr.; W. H. Southcott, Jr.; Wallace W. Thornton; Walter A. McClellan; Walter H. Cook; Walter Nelson; Wilford P. Wilson, Jr.; William A. Gibson; William A. Rawls, Jr.; William C. Runbley; William C. Stephens; William C. Taylor; William D. De Vellis; William D. Strange; William H. Jolly; William H. McNeil; William H. Smith; William H. Sutton; William Harris; William J. Fulchum; William J. Hawthorne; William W. Webb; Willie H. Smith; Willie McWilliams; Willie T. Little; Wilson Moss; World War II; WWII