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- Tags: Davis, West Virginia
The Apopka Chief, Vol. I, No. 47
Tags: 77th Division; Altamonte Springs; American Type Founders Company; Apopka; Apopka City Hall; Apopka Fire Department; Apopka Hardware and Supply Company; Apopka Heights Subdivision; Ayers Electric Company; Babson, Roger W.; Big Audubon Park Project; Bok, Edward; Bowman, T. B.; Brisbane, Arthur; Bryan, Conn; Bryan, William Jennings; Buckannon, West Virginia; Cabinet sewing machine; Camp Jackson; Campbell cylinder press; Capper, Arthur; Catts; Central Avenue; Central Florida; Charleston, West Virginia; city commissioner; City Commissioner of Apopka; city hall; Collier, B. B.; Collier, Barron; congressman; Conners, William J.; Console sewing machine; Crowley; Curry Electric Company; Dade City; Davis, West Virginia; Desk Model sewing machine; Desk sewing machine; Dream Lake; Edison, Thomas; Edmonds, Richard H.; Edwards, William; Falmouth Punching machine; Fisher, Carl; Florida Land and Fruit Company; Forbes, B. C.; Ford, Henry; France; Free Sewing Machine Company; Free Six Drawer sewing machine; Free-Westinghouse; Free-Westinghouse Electric sewing machine; French Army; Gillion, J. M.; governor; Hager; Haines, Charles D.; Hall, A. M.; Hall, Albert M.; Hall, D. F.; Hall, M. Jessie; Hermans, S. M.; Horney Brothers; Jackson, Carl; Jefcoat, Glover; Jennings; Johnson Electric Company; Johnson, A. B.; Jones, Charlie; Lake Apopka; Lee cylinder press; Lehmann, Karl; Linotype; Lovell & Harris; Lovell, A. J.; Lovell, Lee F.; Lovell, M. Jessie Hall; MacWhorter, Olive J.; MacWhorter, W. E.; Madison Square Garden; Mahaffey; Martin, A. O.; Martin, John; McDowell, Frank; McNaughton, D. P.; Mergenthaler Linotype Company; Miller Saw Trimmer; Miss Apopka; Mitchell; Moffett; Montverde School; Morrey, E. B.; Moses, G. M.; New Orleans; New York; newspaper; Orange Avenue; orange county; Orange County Chamber of Commerce; orlando; Orlando and Orange County Advertising Club; Pine Street; popka Printing Company, Inc.; Roberts, E. Mason; Sanford; sewing machine; Showalter; Single Keyboard Model; Squires, Q. R.; State Bank of Apopka; Taltnn, William G.; Tampa; The Apopka Chief; The Dade City Banner; The National Pilgrim; The Plant city courier; Waite, Leslie; Waite, Leslie P.; Walker's Market; Walkers Electric Company; Wells, Lee; Wells' Gap; West Virginia; West Virginia Association; Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company; Winter Garden; Winter Park; Winter Park Electric & Construction Company; Wire Stitcher; Witherington Block; Witherington, Harry P.; Youth's Companion; Yowell-Drew Company; Zepp, F. E.