The Apopka Chief, Vol. I, No. 47


Dublin Core


The Apopka Chief, Vol. I, No. 47

Alternative Title

Apopka Chief


Apopka (Fla.)


The Apopka Chief, volume I, number 47 for March 7, 1924. This edition of the newspaper announces a new publishing plant, built by Lee F. Lovell, measuring 80 feet by 35 feet and featuring a Single Keyboard 14 Linotype. Published by the Apopka Printing Company, Inc. this edition of The Apopka Chief is the first to be issued from the new plant. Other article topics in the newspaper include the election of Leslie Waite for City Commissioner of Apopka, plans to begin the Big Audubon Park Project, and the opening of a new Methodist church and the history of Methodism in Apopka.

The Apopka Chief was established in Apopka, Florida in 1923. The newspaper covers local current events, opinions, letters to the editor, and advertising. At the time that this issue was printed, Albert M. Hall served as the editor of the Apopka Printing Company, with Olive J. MacWhorter as the secretary-treasurer and W. E. MacWhorter as the general manager.


The Apopka Chief


The Apopka Chief,  Vol. I, No. 47, March 7, 1924: Apopka, Fla: Apopka Printing Company, Inc.: reel 1, Microfilm Collection, Apopka Historical Society and Museum of the Apopkans, Apopka, Florida.


Apopka Publishing Company, Inc.

Date Created

ca. 1924-03-07

Date Copyrighted


Date Issued


Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of microfilm copy of The Apopka Chief,  Vol. I, No. 47, March 7, 1924: Apopka, Fla: Apopka Printing Company, Inc.

Is Part Of

Reel 1, Microfilm Collection, Apopka Historical Society and Museum of the Apopkanss, Apopka, Florida.
Apopka Historical Society and Museum of the Apopkans Collection, Apopka Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




26.1 MB


24-page newspaper






Apopka, Florida

Spatial Coverage

28.679267, -81.520914

Temporal Coverage


Accrual Method



History Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Economics Teacher


Originally created by The Apopka Chief and published by the Apopka Publishing Company, Inc.

Rights Holder

Copyright to this resource is held by The Apopka Chief and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.


Cepero, Laura

Digital Collection


External Reference

"About Us." Apopka Chief.
"Apopka Historical Society and Museum of the Apopkans." Apopka Historical Society and Museum of the Apopkans.
Apopka Historical Society. Apopka. Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 2004.


Hail to The Chief

The beautiful Miss Apopka. whose permanent dwell-
ing place is in the heart of Summerland. whet, the
flowers never die. presents for public inspection and
favor today, the new wigwam of The Apopka Chief and
home of the Apopka Printing Company, Incorporated.
You can tell from the expression on the young
woman's face that she is pleased end proud of this fine
new acquisition to her resources. The picture she holds .
in her hand does not do the building justice.. as It was
made from a pencil drawing before the building was
finished. The plant was built in record tima, under
the superivision of Lee F. Lovell. of Apopka. and in
80 feet long annd 35 feet wide. It has a handsome
front of pressed brick and heavy plate glass. It Is of
tile, brick 'and concrete construction.

As it stands today, finished. with all equipment in-
stalled, it is the most complete printing establishment
in Orange County and one of the very best in the State.
It is a credit to Apopka end this is why the lady smiles.
The equipment includes a Single Keyboard Model,
14 Linotype, with sufficient magazines to carry seven "
faces of type. This is the finest machine ever turned
out by the Mergenthaler Linotype Conionny and cost
upwards of 85,000. It was delivered through the New
Orleans agency.

The balance of the equipment came from the Atlanta
agency of American Type Founders Covnpany sod is of
the very highest clam. It includes an improved Camp-
bell cylinder press for newspaper work r a Lee cylinder
press for book and pamphlet work, a Chandler and
Price jobber; an Eclipse folding machine, which cuts.
folds and pastes 8, 10 and 12 page newspapcm. and a
Wire Stitcher, Falmouth Punching machine, Miller Saw
Trimmer, etc. .

Each machine is operated by direct drive from its
own individual electric motor.

The job printing department carries more than 100
popular faces of new ty pe, with the latest improved cub.
nets; cases and all necesmry accessories.

This edition of The Chief was issued from the new

Do you wonder Miss Apopka smiles? Let's all smile
with her, and go forward to make Apopka a
a better town.

Document Item Type Metadata

Original Format

24-page newspaper


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, “The Apopka Chief, Vol. I, No. 47,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025,

