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- Tags: John F. Kennedy
GD/Astro Greeters See Kennedy on Cape Trip
Tags: ; 6555th Aerospace Test Group; AMR; astronauts; B. G. MacNabb; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Cape Skid Skip; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Glenn, John Herschel, Jr.; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Malcolm Scott Carpenter; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Paul R. Wignall; presidents; Scott Carpenter; Skid Strip; space exploration; space programs; T. J. O'Malley; Thomas Joseph O'Malley; Tom O’Malley; Wally Schirra; Walter Marty Schirra, Jr.
John Glenn Returning to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 After Mercury 7 Flight
Tags: Anna Margaret Castor; Anna Margaret Glenn; Annie Castor; Annie Glenn; Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Cocoa Beach; Distinguished Service Medal; Hangar S; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; John Glenn; John Herschel Glenn, Jr.; Launch Complex 14; LBJ; LC-14; Lyndon B. Johnson; Lyndon Baines Johnson; MA-6; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Control Center; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Patrick AFB; Patrick Air Force Base; presidents; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; vice presidents
Oral History of Bette Skates
Tags: ACL; Alexander Ramsey; Alicia Clarke; altars; ambassadors; assassinations; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; atomic bombs; beauty shops; Belair Grove; Belgium; bells; Bette Skates; Bye Lo Hotel; Cape Canaveral; carpetbaggers; Cathedral Church of St. Luke; charities; charity; church; church bells; churches; citrus; citrus groves; Civil War; Clarke, Alicia; Cochran, Georgia; cockroach; cockroaches; community service; Craftsman Airplane Bungalow; Crooms High School; Cuban Missile Crisis; desegregation; Diana Dombrowski; Downtown Sanford; education; educators; elementary school; Episcopal Church; Episcopalianism; Episcopalians; exceptional education; FCAT; Ferrante Brothers; fires; Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test; Gateway to South Florida; Geneva; Geneva Elementary School; Gertrude Dupuy; Gertrude Dupuy Sanford; Guiding Light for Grace and Grits; Historical Society of Central Florida; Holeman; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; homeless; hurricanes; Idyllwilde; Idyllwilde Elementary School; Jack Kennedy; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Lake Mary; lemons; Lyman Phelps; Mellonville; memorials; Middle Georgia College; Montezuma Hotel; Museum of Seminole County History; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Math; Ninth Street; OJC; Orange Blossom Special; orange grove; orange groves; oranges; organs; Orlando Junior College; Patrick Henry; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; priests; railroads; roach; roaches; Sanford; Sanford Museum; school desegregation; school integration; schools; Seminole County; Space Shuttle Challenger; Spanish Mediterranean Architecture; special education; St. Gertrude's Grove; standardized testing; Stetson University; sulfur water; teachers; The Champion; Title I school; trains; U.S. Navy; Union; World War II; WWII
President John F. Kennedy Touring Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: ; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 5; Mercury-Atlas Five; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space program; space programs
President John F. Kennedy with B. G. MacNabb at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; B. G. MacNabb; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Faith 7; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; MA-9; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Time Capsule Placed at Mercury 7 Monument
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Marine Corps; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury 7 Monument; Mercury Monument; Mercury Seven; monument; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; president; Project Mercury; space; space exploration; space program; space programs; time capsule; U.S. Marine Corps